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Best record on 204??!??!?!?!?!?

Started by Insaniity, February 07, 2011, 12:39:20 AM

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kk i wasnt paying attention at all.....

Now that they have auto ban they can see if i have a flag and see if i hacked! So... :)! I didnt hack i promise but isnt that crazy!!!


If there was pushing, then Ross can beat it with his level 1 acc.

|**** a bitch - Respect a women - Love a lady|


Well... there isnt dude. i could to...


Pushing is the art of not being able to beat something, so you make it fall to it's death. If this game was more realistic about combos the mobs would block us way to much for pushing to be a viable option.


Quote from: Bounty on February 07, 2011, 12:47:27 AM
If there was pushing, then Ross can beat it with his level 1 acc.

well good on Ross.. but why did you have to mention that? Any half decent player can push mobs to their death, provided they are pushable


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He might be one of the people with a superdoubler or it was like x5 or something iunno


February 07, 2011, 09:15:37 AM #7 Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 09:16:05 AM by Vlad7
it was x4, and he used a super doubler as well.
@ insan nice record, i will beat it. ;D



February 07, 2011, 05:02:41 PM #9 Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 05:03:20 PM by leiholm93
nah, not freaky.. in old bc we was getting up to 32k with doubler! lol!
but gp wasn't half of the exp there. :P
<br />


Quote from: leiholm93 on February 07, 2011, 05:02:41 PM
nah, not freaky.. in old bc we was getting up to 32k with doubler! lol!
but gp wasn't half of the exp there. :P
You could get to the max level in 1 hour. 0.o


Quote from: Vlad7 on February 07, 2011, 09:15:37 AM
it was x4, and he used a super doubler as well.
@ insan nice record, i will beat it. ;D

GL bruh :P


February 07, 2011, 09:42:24 PM #12 Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 09:50:50 PM by Rossbach
Off topic:

Damn I love all those "Ross can do better" posts in every topic for records in sector. I don't even have to say it. Then there are the people who disagree who thinks pushing sucks and is cheap, reminds me of TD. Guess what pushing is legit (this is going a bit ego so no offense to any of you)  don't hate me if you can't push, lure the mobs properly (as in jumping over the edge to lure them at more of a angle towards the edge), finding out the best areas / spots to push them, figuring out how to push the ones you can't push, ect as good as me. Also you should take in the factor of a level doing a high level and 1-3 hits kills you, and the skill it takes to not get hit.

Surprisingly some people find it difficult to combo. (Kinda odd) However for those who do combo let me ask you what is the skill it takes to kill a monster by using combos? Lets see, for this level your trying to combo as many as you can at one time to make it faster, for most of you you need to try to stay transed all game, and you need to mash cccxcccxcccxcccxcccxccc over and over and over until you kill them.

Ok now lets compare the first, and second paragraph to what you expect to be skilled. So what do you pick to be skilled? Lets see, How about a naked level one Ram without skills doing level 200 killing all the mobs without pushing them, vs  naked level one Ram without skills doing level 200 pushing them all. Of course the logical answer for most of you think is more skilled is the killing all of them one because it is harder then pushing. Now lets take in the factors of both sides. For the pushing one re-read paragraph one for the killing one re-read paragraph two and paragraph four.

For the killing one it takes what? 1000+ hits to kill a single virus (depending on what one it is) so lets combo it... cccxcccxcccxcccx... thirty minutes later you kill it. That is one down (unless you combo many of them at same time) time for the rest. As you can see this is very time consuming, slow, and it also depends on how long the timer for the level is (unless it is broken.)

Lets now compare both ways into a video perspective. Would you rather watch a 1+ hour video of a naked level one Ram without skills killing all of them, or a 8 min video of a naked level one Ram without skills pushing them all. I believe that a 8 min video of a naked level one Ram without skills pushing them all would be better to watch.

Ps. If you think I only do pushing in sector your wrong I simply go for the best time, and what people would rather see (videos), what I believe is more skilled, and what is possible for me but extremely hard/ impossible for others. Also I am getting a bit annoyed on how good some people think I am and all the spamming they do about it.

Also watch this video that I did a while back that has only killing.

Part one

Part two

Part three

On topic:

Nice job Inaniity if only I was level 200.

Quote from: Insaniity on February 07, 2011, 12:50:18 AM
Well... there isnt dude. i could to...
Any one can push but can you push good and fast (as me /ego). Read paragraph one.

Quote from: thugzy on February 07, 2011, 01:53:11 AM
well good on Ross.. but why did you have to mention that? Any half decent player can push mobs to their death, provided they are pushable

Any one can push but are they able push good and fast (as me /ego). Read paragraph one.

Omnomnom eating toast.


Which video is more attractive isn't the question, being able to do a combo which will push a dumb mob off the edge isn't what I call skill if a person can do level 207 naked without pushing, that's what I'll give them props for. O.o


February 07, 2011, 10:08:20 PM #14 Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 10:10:34 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: zepher2211 on February 07, 2011, 09:55:37 PM
Which video is more attractive isn't the question, being able to do a combo which will push a dumb mob off the edge isn't what I call skill if a person can do level 207 naked without pushing, that's what I'll give them props for. O.o

Underlined: There was no main question in the first place for what video. The video was only one example and it does apply to to some people.

Bold: Read paragraph one I'm not generally talking about about mainly pushing them off I'm talking about skill and I also take in the factor of how fast you can do it.

Italic: Easy depending on what level you are. If it was a level one I don't know what manic would kill them all when they can use their brains and push it. I do get what your saying there because it is harder and basically/ is impossible for any legit player it would look  better. Of course pushing them is more easy and faster (unless your a level 200 with extremely high damage then you would kill them)

Any one can just go up to a mob and spam cccxcccxcccx...

Omnomnom eating toast.

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