Jura is the best god.
Out of the gods it is the most suited for any situation.
Although, it is about on the level of a 200 ram.
It is slower. Hits around 100-200 less in untransed mode.
It has around 100-200 more damage in transed mode, basically canceling that out.
My biggest gripe is that the trans itself is total shit. Besides that it is the most qualified to call a "god" out of the four. (Obviously not counting zeon).
Kyura is decent.
Its speed alone makes it a tough battle. Really it just depends on the owner.
If you aren't amazing at pvp, you will suck with it. Nuff said.
Ryura is by far the weakest of the gods.
It may hit hard, but its slowness and non TD make it a stationary bully.
Run, and trans to beat it. No need to fight it Head to head.
No matter how skilled you are with a patch, transing will overcome it.
Gora is the most balanced god.
Anyone can use it, and its speed and damage make it a great bot.
Nothing really "godly" about it. It is basically a slightly tougher 200 with no TD, No TG, No TS. and a slight speed difference.