I'm Not sure if any of you are knowing of this program, but I used it, and got banned two times. That' is why I can't play now. So I gave, up and decided to let everyone know. Probably most of you already know, but for you who don't. The Program was made to hack the Original BOTS!!, but I have found a way to use it on BoutCheetah, so I used it for awhile, some of you might know me from in-game.
My username was Furious, and Neonllama.
Both of my accounts were banned.
It was made by Fira, RedEyes, and KingRedShadow.
That is what it had said on top of this program.
The name of this product is " Twilite v8.0 - Hiddenware, and Twilite v8.0 - Normal ".
-- I wish I could possibly have my account back, only if would be true.
-- I have committed a crime no other should of have done.
-- Please unban the users that have been leeching from me.
-- Those rules were my fault for breaking.
I do enjoy this game, and I always will. I'll proble restart and end up creating another account just to be fresh, and not hack anymore. My words I speak, are indeed honest.
If you can get this program removed, and have scripts with the Anti-Hacker on to keep it away then indeed, please do. For all though, it should of already had a Anti-Hacker on it, I don't see why it doesn't but, hope soon enough that you finally put one on.
Please remove this program, highly appericated.