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Topics - spiderstar

GFX / All of Tricky
January 16, 2013, 03:59:29 AM

Thought I had more but I guess not lol. 
Probably cause of the Redemption sigs. 
Spam / Ross Strikes Again
January 15, 2013, 11:16:31 PM

Was looking at Mixify's forums and found this lol.
Tips and Guides / How to Respond to Hackers
January 13, 2013, 04:09:14 AM
Hello everyone,

I am going to teach you how to respond to the infamous "BoutCheetah Hacker" since many of the players have been responding to them in the worst ways possible.

Before we start, it is important that you learn how to take a screenshot which you can learn from this nifty guide right here made by our very own KillerPig: http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=27904.0

Taking screenshots is a very important step to reporting hackers as it is the most trustworthy proof you can provide.  On most occasions you must provide proof before a player is banned or else the player that was reported could have been falsely accused.  If you do not have proof provided you must have a good enough reason for not taking screenshots or else your report could be ignored.

Now that you learned the importance of taking a screenshot we will continue with the guide.

#1: Entering the room
Remember this, the Hacker's room is his territory.  Treat this territory as if you are going into a Lion's Den as it is extremely dangerous and you are vulnerable to getting banned.  Proceed with caution when entering one. When you enter a Hacker's room there are many signs of it being a Hack room such as....

-A low level doing level 239.
-The name "Hack" is in the room.
-S/He is advertising hacks in the room itself.

Here is an example of a hack room.

-A very obvious player placing "hack" in the room.
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-A not so obvious player just strategically placing the {h} tag instead of saying "hacks" to hide his hacker ways.
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However, just taking a picture of the hacker's room is not enough sometimes as it could be a troll just trying to confuse you.

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In that case, we go to our next step... Playing with the Hacker.

#2: Playing with the Hacker.

This is a dangerous process as you can get banned for hack leeching even though you are trying to be a good player by trying to report the hacker.
However, this can be easily avoided if you follow certain precautions.
One of these precautions is to exit the room before you finish the game.  This is possible because of a simple command that will take you out of the room before you receive the EXP.  
This command is called the "exit" command.  You use the command by typing @exit, (@ being a combination of shift + 2 and exit being the letters e-x-i-t in that order) in the chatbox.  Once you press enter you will immediately be ejected from the room without worries of getting banned.

(click to show/hide)

Another precaution to avoid getting banned is noticing if a staff member is in the room.
If a staff member is in the room then you know it's okay to just leave and that the staff member will resolve this.  
However, if you believe that the hacker won't play in a game with a staff member then you can use the exit precaution to avoid getting banned when playing.  

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#3: Taking pictures of the right things.

This step is of the utmost importance because if you take a picture of a hacker that's just standing.. He most likely will not get banned.  You want to watch out for the common signs of a hacker...
-Infinite HP
-Extremely Fast Speed
-1 Hit Kills
-One Shot Kills

If you see these actions occurring, make sure to take pictures because it shows proof that he is hacking and that it's not just a player messing around in level 239.

-Gun Hacking
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-HP Hacking
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Now that you have your pictures we can continue on to Step #4 which is "Reporting the Hacker"

#4: Reporting the Hacker
First off, congratulations on getting this far in the guide, we will now talk about getting the Hacker banned.

Remember that guide at the beginning of this guide that talked about screenshots? If so, then that means you probably have taken many pictures that show clear signs of the Hacker hacking.  

On the forums there is a section called "Report a Rule Breaker".  In this section you can report any rule breakers you wish as long as you have proof.  If the staff feel like it is sufficient proof to take action we will talk to the player or ban him depending on how serious the rule broken is.

Remember to post the user's ingame name, the rule that he broke, and your proof in the thread that you make in the section.

Finally I just have to say that if you hack or hack leech in a game you will get banned almost immediately and your membership/items bought in game will not be refunded so be careful when you think about hacking/hack leeching.  One single game isn't worth getting banned, so don't do it.

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Special thanks to Mod Angrod and Tzeshuan for allowing me to take ridiculous screenshots of them.

Also if you have suggestions to the guide just post them below and I'll try to edit them in.
GFX / For Tricky, (Up for a CnC too)
January 10, 2013, 06:11:16 AM

ScreenShots / The Happy Family
January 06, 2013, 11:51:08 PM
<3  :) All in one pic.

Mod Shass
Mod Angrod
Mod Nik
Mod Max
Mod Cooky
Mod Zom
Mod Spiderstar
Mod Materger

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Photobombed by Mod Angrod

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GFX / Collab: Angrod and Spiderstar
January 04, 2013, 02:11:04 AM
Just so happened Angrod and I did a collab as well.

Spam / Easy 5m for an Apple Device
December 31, 2012, 07:00:49 PM
Started playing this game called Guardian Cross and there's this "Invite a Friend" option to get stuff.  
Basically I'll give ya 5m if you download the game on your iDevice and put in my invitation code. :P

Step 1.
Download Guardian Cross

Step 2.
Make a Team Name

Step 3.
Put in the invitation code "ST91119"

Step 4.
Complete the tutorial.

Step 5.
PM me saying you did it and if I get the point I'll send the 5m gigas to your ign :P

Bonus: The first 5 players that do this will get a extra gift from me ingame.

Edit: I think you guys have to complete the tutorial as well.  Sorry guys lol should only take like 3 minutes.


Everyone can wear this sig you'll love it.
Just copy and paste this link into your sig profile.

Normal Server / Selling Perm Jack
December 28, 2012, 04:29:02 AM
^ Offer
What I want most (in order)
1. Gigas
2. Rare Items
3. Coins
Suggestions / Disable Flashing Option
December 28, 2012, 12:00:50 AM
I've seen a bunch of people say they hate the new red flashing, green flashing, or just flashing in general for the +5-+7 items. 
Why don't we make an option on the settings to disable the flash (if possible) from the items since I find it distracting at times when I pvp/bvb. 
Comment below if you have any suggestions to make this one even better.  Or if you like it just say why you like it instead of saying +1 since that really doesn't help lol.
Normal Server / 30 day's Jura Trans Auction
December 25, 2012, 10:50:27 PM
Post your offers below, primarily looking for gigas.
Bid starts at 50m!
GFX / For Hawk CnC
December 25, 2012, 12:15:47 AM
I tried a different style and I wanted to see if people liked it. 
Merry Christmas Hawk!  :D

Spam / Los Angeles Lakers or Miami Heat
December 23, 2012, 08:30:54 PM
Mater and I have been debating for the past while and it's time to settle this lol..
GFX / GFX Battle
December 17, 2012, 12:01:38 AM
Since there hasn't been a SOTW Angrod and I got bored so we decided to have a GFX battle against each other.
We had a set render and decided what we could do with it.


Suggestions / Add a Notification for Mail
December 08, 2012, 12:12:03 AM
Basically my suggestion is to add a notification whenever someone sends you mail.  Very similar to Facebook's version of notifications.

For the people who say "Why don't they just PM them on the forums?" well we have to consider the players that don't forum as often as other people. 

If we somehow did this it could improve the ingame message system greatly as well as it's usage.
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