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Messages - Cooky

Quote from: Dewo on October 10, 2012, 10:07:05 PM
If it wasn't, why would you bring it up even after when Selene told you it was a joke? ::)
not sure what your talking about
Quote from: zomniethe4 on October 10, 2012, 10:07:34 PM
It's getting ****ing annoying trying to wait for you.
I already posted it  ::)
Quote from: Dewo on October 10, 2012, 09:59:16 PM
She told me she was talking with you, ****y. Why would I tell you to stop listening to Selene, if I knew you would tell her. It was all a joke, that's why. You can clearly see how dumb that would be of me, if I really meant what I said.
are you trying to say the incident when you told me not to listen to selene is in any way connected to the incident where selene lied to me? because they arent. you had told me not to listen to selene weeks before the incident where selene lied to me.

and whats with you staff (dewo, selene) calling this a 'joke' or 'i was joking' , is this all a ****ing joke to you? sounds like it to me. you guys need to wake up and be accountable for once. and dewo im not even reporting you so you dont need to defend yourself. just admit you lied to me and the lobby and tricked me, and then lied about it, and falsely muted me, selene.
Quote from: Selene on October 10, 2012, 09:57:29 PM
Like I said I was joking. No point in fighting with you.

are you trying to say its ok that you lied to me.. because you told 3 of your friends about it? are you freaking serious right now?
Quote from: Selene on October 10, 2012, 09:54:53 PM
Was joking, I told Kenny, Pig and Dewo.
so if i tell 3 of my friends that im gonna lie to someone, its ok to lie?

are you trying to say its ok that you lied to me.. because you told 3 of your friends about it? are you freaking serious right now?

! Private video

! Private video

claims of mine that are proved by the video as evidence:
Selene lies to players
Selene lied to me
Selene tricked me

Quote from: leapman on October 10, 2012, 09:34:01 PM
cookys uploading his video. I think cookys been holding this evidence for some time now.
yes I have been holding onto it for a few months

I wanted to post it before but back then I was trying hard to get mod and thought it would hurt my chances

but now i seemingly have nothing to lose
Quote from: Selene on October 10, 2012, 09:32:02 PM
I haven't done anything but been truthful and loyal to this community.

LMFAOOOO i cant stop laughing

video will be done uploading in like 5 minutes or so
Quote from: Dewo on October 10, 2012, 09:02:51 PM
That was a joke to make you feel better, and I told her right after.
then how come when I mentioned it to selene she didnt know about it and was confused?
Quote from: Selene on October 10, 2012, 08:52:39 PM
Dewo has been answering question when a player ask.
Same with Meteor and myself.
Same with Mater.
Dont know about Zomba as he has a differnet time then me.

I been watching all the in-game staff for awhile now and haven't see one of them be rude to any of the players.

I also watch the forum mods too and I haven't see any rude marks coming out.

Untill you found proof I will disagree with you.
Dewo, a fellow staff member, told me a few months ago 'not to believe anything you say'
now why on earth would he say that?
Quote from: nanak tatum on October 10, 2012, 08:47:27 PM
Selene is also not mean.

u just havent gotten to know her..   ::)
Quote from: Materger on October 10, 2012, 08:41:07 PM
If you seriously see any staff member online being unfair or disrespectful, please post it.
I haven't seen it happen yet.   :/
I am currently uploading a youtube video that shows staff being unfair, so you will see it soon
Quote from: Yz on October 10, 2012, 08:18:56 PM
This rant is false imo and Cooky is just bagging on Selene with no evidence. to you back then was because you made a false claim.

k i post proof soon
Quote from: Selene on October 10, 2012, 07:50:54 PM
Could you please be more specific about why the staff make you and other people feel bad.

If you don't want to share on your topic then please Pm me. If you don't explain why the staff make some of you feel bad then it will never get fixed as we don't know the problem.
i have some reasons you have made me feel bad
-tricked me
-lied to me
-lied to players
-promised me a favor in return for a favor, then after I did my favor you didnt do yours
-said 'never talk to me again' for no reason

how about you start "being fair to all players"?
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