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Messages - Purple

1 more left unless ross decides to pm
Quote from: Rossbach on March 26, 2013, 08:29:08 PM
Ross.  ::)


unless u just doing ur normal spam
Quote from: FallenShadow on March 26, 2013, 08:15:28 PM
(:, even know i think you probably dislike meh >.<

Don't know you enough, sorry.

@mario You have to log on steam for me to give it to you >.>
Post here if you want it. If I know you and don't dislike you, i will ask you to PM me your steam / email.
Spam / Re: Cooky.
March 26, 2013, 07:24:32 PM
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Sorry but I can only post off of what I've seen. I had no reason to believe cooky would lie.

Quote from: Cooky on March 26, 2013, 07:20:27 PM
I love how I give constructive critisism to try and improve someones event and they respond by calling me an idiot

yet Im the one who gets the thread with the wall of text about how I need to work on not hurting others feelings
If you're offended I will gladly lock this thread and you won't have to think about it. This thread's first post was from a general view, my opinions weren't in it at all. I wouldn't have dislike your form of criticism.
Spam / Re: Cooky.
March 26, 2013, 07:18:02 PM
Quote from: Cooky on March 26, 2013, 07:15:07 PM
If someone said that to me I would have been like 'thanks, ill consider those things'.

I tried to help him improve his event by asking some questions he may have to answer in the future so that he has an answer and solution already prepared, or so that he could make changes to the rules to make it more clear. I never questioned his decision making ability, maturity, intelligence, or any sort of personal traits. I just gave ways to make his event better. I dont expect anyone to be offended by that, and if they are offended  by it, they should post 'do not post ways to make the event better - it hurts my feelings' in the future.

You didn't expect him to be offended by your criticism like he didn't expect you to report him for saying Idiot. Also, like I said, people can be more sensitive than you think. If you need to, pretend that everyone is a baby and will cry at the slightest hint of an insult. Just like the guy that reported a person for saying "faf". Just because it wouldn't insult you, doesn't mean it won't insult them.
Spam / Re: No Comment.
March 26, 2013, 07:08:41 PM
*puts "Don't like it, don't read it :)" at the end of the post*

But yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I read 100% of the posts I see and I don't add anything to most of em because there's nothing to really add.
Spam / Cooky.
March 26, 2013, 07:05:23 PM
You need to realize people on da internetz are a bit more sensitive then you may expect. I know you didn't mean to sound like an ass, but you did.

You pointed out several things in a way that upset Max already.

When you said:
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it made it seem like you purposely shit on his event.

When you put a lot of effort in pointing out a little problem it seems like you're trying to piss him off. I know you don't mean it that way, but as long as he feels offended, it'll cause drama. You could've said:

"Time may be an issue. If you don't tweak the rules of the event you'll end up with low levels taking a long time to finish the event."

"I think you'll have a hard time doing this with people that you don't know until you change the rules"

All I did was take out pointless questions. You don't need to ask a bunch of questions in your post, I think max is smart enough to understand why doing such a thing would improve his event.

Also, you have to understand, this is HIS event. He may just be doing it for fun, maybe he doesn't want to have "good" events like yours. A event being unbalanced is perfectly fine if it's just for fun. Also, let's be honest here, you aren't upset about him calling you an idiot. You don't need to admit it because you still want him to get a punishment, but I know you aren't that sensitive.

Note: This isn't meant to cause drama of any sort and if cooky wants me to remove this post / lock it, I will.
Spam / Re: Giving away Terraria.
March 26, 2013, 05:24:50 PM
I'll give more away later. Locking for now.
Spam / Re: Giving away Terraria.
March 26, 2013, 05:11:48 PM
Quote from: cybercjt on March 26, 2013, 05:11:11 PM

if you PM me first you can get it .-.

EDIT: Cyber PMed first.
Spam / Giving away Terraria.
March 26, 2013, 05:07:15 PM
Giving away the game "Terraria". Post here and if I don't dislike you i'll ask you to PM me your steam name(if you have one) or your email.
This seems like whoever lags least while you're slot 1 is gonna win. I can do most levels that you can push on without getting hit, but if i'm not slot 1 I can easily get lag hit.
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