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Messages - FalseProphet

BC Events / Re: Collection Event
January 25, 2015, 07:07:33 PM
Quote from: Cooky on January 25, 2015, 07:04:10 PM
the prizes need to be untradeable or economy will turn to even more **** as people will just make new accounts and beat lvl 1 to get a prize on every account

I did actually mention this in a pm to him yesterday but i mentioned it like how it was abused in christmas events example: Snowballs. Defiantly untradeable, i agree.
BC Events / Re: Collection Event
January 25, 2015, 07:04:00 PM
Quote from: medchiller on January 25, 2015, 06:57:44 PM
Would be cool if there was a PvP and BvB portion to this where you could get the chests from other players/bases dying. This would obviously get abused but it would bring a game mode other than sector back for a short time.

I agree in bringing PvP and BvB into it, but we'd need to think of a method which can't be abused as much. The defeating staff was a good idea, since we do have good players among the staff community so it's not like it'd be easy, plus we can maybe nominate a few extra good players to be co-leads, so if you was to beat them as-well? Obviously you'd need a ss of the win or something as proof as can't monitor every match.
Quote from: Thornz on January 25, 2015, 01:14:22 PM
Finally! The guide has moved on to it's 4th owner :D

It got too hard to update for me after I left, so I'm glad it's still going to be kept up. I like the changes you've made :3

Thanks, il try keep it updated :D.

Quote from: demyx on January 25, 2015, 03:12:05 PM
I don't see anyone complaining about it so i think its ok , btw bubba, i think you can took off the questions mark, the items i didnt write  have a correct price in my oppinion.

Sure, sorry was busy all day and had no sleep earlier so didn't get round to doing it. I'll remove the questions marks either tonight or tomorrow morning for you bud, thanks for the input also!

P.S If anyone has any verified/legit sellers to add to the list let me know :).
BC Events / Re: Collection event
January 25, 2015, 06:50:59 PM
Quote from: Santa on January 25, 2015, 06:38:52 PM
Quote from: hur90 on January 25, 2015, 04:50:41 PM
Nice event, hope there isn't 100+ rare items like meto jack or v3s at the end of the event.
Edit: Will they be Chest items, or the amount you have collected will just save in the server?

The amount you collect will just be stored in the server.  Messages will be sent showing your progress throughout the event.

Is that 5 max per account per day? So say if someone has multiple accounts they can log into another to try and get some more chests?
Quote from: qolderman on January 25, 2015, 09:09:52 AM
you corrected deadkitten, but forgot about liger '='

paha, i thought i did it. Guess not, i'll do that now.
Suggestions / Re: santa , welcome back! and suggestion
January 25, 2015, 08:16:55 AM
Quote from: Robocop7ant on January 25, 2015, 08:13:33 AM
Don't do the level increas, cause the only items member haves over non-non-members are 1 rt2 set, member flags, E sets..
So doing that increase would be no benefits for paying for member.. Close too.

Should make non non-member 221 and members 250 250. Better numbers.

But idk..

Or just a complete level re-vamp so maps are for different levels and levels for bots are higher making more experience needed per level :P
Quote from: Lucaas on January 25, 2015, 08:05:50 AM
I just tried whispering you in game with the correct caps and letters.

Ah i tried :P. 7/10 for effort.
Quote from: Lucaas on January 25, 2015, 08:01:59 AM
Quote from: FalseProphet on January 25, 2015, 07:58:44 AM
Quote from: Lucaas on January 25, 2015, 07:56:53 AM
I don't like the fact that i can't whisper someone manually in game or just simple through chat. i would need them to pm me first or i would need to go to the lobby before i can whisper them. This problem is only just for me however i cant seem to fix it.

If you click on the box, you can type there name but do it in this order. Enter > Click name box > type the name of person you want to whisper > click text box > click enter. I

Still can't. It says this player isnt logged in.

Did you type all the characters right including upper/lower ? Or perhaps they aren't logged in :P.
Quote from: Lucaas on January 25, 2015, 07:56:53 AM
I don't like the fact that i can't whisper someone manually in game or just simple through chat. i would need them to pm me first or i would need to go to the lobby before i can whisper them. This problem is only just for me however i cant seem to fix it.

If you click on the box, you can type there name but do it in this order. Enter > Click name box > type the name of person you want to whisper > click text box > click enter. I
Quote from: Lucaas on January 25, 2015, 07:20:04 AM
bro i think the stars for the rarity are too small to be seen.

When i made them bigger it messed up the whole view of the guide. I'll try work on it later.

Quote from: demyx on January 25, 2015, 07:25:37 AM
(click to show/hide)

And i think any Rare Drop heads from old events should be 100m + more ,example: Arma Soldier (drop) give me a feedback about my post,thanks for reading and have a nice day.

I'll edit now, if anyone else agrees please say as this is a community guide :) Well there would be no telling if it was from event or not as it's the same look and description isn't it? If not then i'll shove in rare drop event heads.

Quote from: Madprox on January 25, 2015, 07:31:02 AM
Rewrite the last part and use commas etc, it's really confusing to read.

also "their*" names, not there.

Also you could add a trusted middleman section maybe, feel free to add me to that list if you do, not the membership list.

Quote from: qolderman on January 25, 2015, 07:34:37 AM
add m to liger and deadkitten price
change there to their (it's so simple and you made a mistake there

but overall the guide is ok

I licterually did this within the hour, so still going over it and over correcting stuff. Thanks for the corrections guys.
Quote from: Madprox on January 25, 2015, 07:17:19 AM
I'm curious to see if the community agrees on the current prices.

If this becomes popular, we could put it as an official thread under the Important Information section on the forums.

What do you think of the bottom bit as an addition just thought of it now?
I took this guide from previous makers and updated it 2015. I'd like input from the community, i do browse forums daily so i'd like to attempt to take up the responsibility next, tried updating a tad.

The categories are:

1)Event Items
2)ZC items
4)Normal in-game items

"Price Guide"

Item Name                                          Rarity                                                  Common Price
Reaper Flag 1st or 2nd****30-35m
Meto Jack******300-400m
Jack Head (1 year)***~Not known to be in-game atm~
Halloween Aura (I)**15-25m
Halloween Aura (II)******220-260m
Dark Bot****100-120m
Attack Bot v3********300-400m
Dark Surge (E) Set******175-200m
Bcv2 I*5-10m
Bcv2 II***10-20m
Metoblade Merc (1 year)***20-40m
MetoBlade Merc (Perm)****80-100m
MetoDrake Minibot (Perm)******65-90m
Miasma (Perm)****45-50m
Xia 7-Day***1-5m
Xia 14-Day****2-8m
Halloween Parts (Arm/Head/Body)**10-15m??
Halloween Parts (Arm Part/shield)**5-10m??
Halloween Set (3)***30-40m??
Halloween Set (5)****45-50m??
Halloween Set (6)*****70-80m??
Halloween Trans****20-35m
Jack Head (perm)*****40-50m
Trans Coupon-12-15m
Field Pack HP (100%)***10-15m??
Field pack RB (100 uses) ***20-30m??
S ef***25-35m
P ef***25-30m
R ef***20-25m
Bout ef ***5-15m
BoutCheetah ef ****10-20m
Bots ef ***5-15m
Attack Bot v2***20-25m
Attack Bot v1**10-20m
Walker Bro***45-55m
Jura Trans (1 year)******100-250m??
Jura Trans (Perm)*******350-400m
Metorium Set*******90-120m??
Dark Meto Gun*****80-100m
Meto Wings (Perm) ***** 120-140m
Membership (1 month)***50-60m
Membership (3 month)****150-180m
Membership (Perm)*****1-1.2b
1000 Zylon Coins****100m
Bladess +7 set*****15-20m
Bladium +7 set***15-20m
Omnikeeper (+4)****3-5m
Discus (+4)****3-5m
Ice Minibot (+4)****3-5m
Candy ef (+4)***2-4m
Elektra Set (+7)****25-45m
100K Coins (Normal Coins)**3-3.5m
Normal (E) Sets***10-30m
Normal (E) Parts**1-5m
Remodeled (E) Parts***5-15m
Remodeled (E) Sets*******30-50m
Remodeled lv 1 (E) Sets*******6-15m
Liger Head (perm)*********300-400m
Dead Kitten Head (perm)*********300m-350m
Arma Head (30 days)***50-100m??
Arma Head (Perm)*******400-450m
Block Head (30 days)***30-50m??
Block Head (Perm) **********300-400m
Skills (x10,000 games)********200-400m
Skills (x100,000 games)********300-500m
Skills (x1,000,000 games)********700m-1.2b
Field pack RB (x10,000 Uses) ********300-500m
Field pack RB (x100,000 Uses) ********700-900m
Field pack RB (x1,000,000 Uses) ********800m-1.2b

Rep List/Verified Sellers:

This will basically run like a rating system. If you have a successful trade, and/or someone is a verified seller for membership their name will be here. (Won't do negative feedback yet). To post a Rep onto a person as a good seller/trader and who doesn't scam post there name in a comment with a "+1" or pm me. This will be here as a help to players who aren't sure whether to trade with someone they can come look here match up the player with the reputation to see if they can trust them.  Note: Verified Sellers names will be GREEN. (Suggestion of an addition to this: Whilst in the trade the person with the most reputation goes last this. Tell me what you think)


Shall we get together to make an updated list and prices?
Or do you think it's not worth the time? Personally i think takes seconds and a bit of input.
Spam / Re: Mr Baggie
January 25, 2015, 04:18:04 AM

CALL ME MAYBE. (Not my real number just key'd in random digits before it get's removed)
Marketplace / S> Rares
January 25, 2015, 04:14:35 AM
Selling the following items:

Liger, x2 perm jacks, x2 perm metoblade's. For now.
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