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Messages - Optimism

General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 02:23:21 PM
Quote from: Gramps on July 24, 2011, 02:20:50 PM
Not in the mood for a debating wall of text. On topic of update, what happens when members stop paying because the staff never listen or give them a choice? Just force updates on them without any knowledge.  It is a case of "like it or lump it"

That is exactly what I thought. If you wish to call my character into question again, publicly, I will remove your posts. This is for future reference incase you find yourself in a "wtf moment". As Allie stated previously, this was discussed rather rigorously between staff members. I suggest you find yourself in a position to more actively contribute to discussion in the future, if you find yourself not in touch with decisions around here.

The VAST majority of this community wanted and currently, are enjoying this update. Refer to my previous post making connections with Acclaim's updates. There are always going to be a select group of individuals who disagree with regard to decisions made; however, the majority wanted this.
General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 02:18:12 PM
Quote from: Gramps on July 24, 2011, 02:17:24 PM
I'm reffering to you in general.

I've not raged once here within this thread. I've tried to explain, logically, why a vast majority of players are [content] with regard to this update. In-game last night, much excitement was abrew.

By all means, if you wish to make accusations against my character, then I suggest you be more specific. Moreover, I suggest you take it to PMs.
General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 02:16:05 PM
They are still a very fine group of people. I'd snatch up Kevin in an instant for staff.

Gramps, I have a very, VERY close relationship with mo9. If you are referring to, "lrn2read", this is sarcasm at its finest. I'd never rage at mo9.
General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 02:04:41 PM
Quote from: mo9 on July 24, 2011, 02:01:35 PM
if so then do not bring that subject up do not
ask kev why he does not step up and make a model himself

side note u could use many programs to model , matt's convector is what is needed and that doesn't need to be released

Notice, that a general statement wasn't made. I used the word, you, directed at Kevin, as he is one of those individuals RedEyes would probably trust with the model maker.

General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 02:01:28 PM
Quote from: Jeffalo13 on July 24, 2011, 02:00:50 PM
I liked Jeff's idea to just cut all gigas in 1/2 :D.

General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 01:58:39 PM
Quote from: mo9 on July 24, 2011, 01:50:31 PM
did i miss the part when staff announced they need 3D modelers ?
if this company was recruiting 3D gfxers why did it not go viral with this ?
if you are looking for the best of your community , not what is logically best ,shouldn't you as a company supply your consumers with what they want ...

ps i don't really care about the update  , but i do care about this place and i don't want it to bring itself down

u offered us with a fix for the gigas problem the community did not like it , take a hint change ur method try something that you do not support 100 % but that the community wants
i suggest getting to know what they want first

This modeler is a gold gem right now...

I'm not going to give some elaborate explanation as to why. Put two and two together and ask yourself why this would be an idiotic blunder to release this program to the community.
General Discussion / Re: Feed back
July 24, 2011, 01:00:51 PM
You know what this is? These complaints are absolutely shameful/disheartening; moreover, I'm seeing these complaints come from people who I would have never thought would apply such terrible logic to a situation such as this. What this comes down to is pure laziness/complacency with regard to what was an "easy" game, which has now become "challenging". One only has to look to the former Acclaim server and draw a parallel in our actions here. I myself reflect on the past experience of being the wealthiest player in the game at the time of +4's original release. I had acquired all +3 sets for each of my accounts, Optimism, Realism and Pessimism -- this wasn't easy and had dumped a large portion of my wealth into these sets. However, when +4 came out, I didn't bitch about what would be my losses and the unfairness that would take place subsequently -- I wanted to challenge myself in an attempt to gain these new items. I was the very first individual in-game to obtain each +4 set on all three bot types (screenies were posted on the forum). Now, only a few months later, +5 was released. I could have been pissed and angry that I HAD JUST spent nearly 2/5's of my wealth on +4, but I wasn't. A full +5 set cost 20 million gigas per part, starting out. I had around 150 million gigas at the time, so in order to obtain these parts, I had spent my full amount of gigas while simultaneously merchanting for additional gigas to obtain the remainder of the +5 set pieces. To say the least, I wasn't near the first to obtain each +5 set this time. At the end of this journey, I was flat broke. I went from being the wealthiest in-game to one of the poorest. Why? Because I had made the cognitive decision to obtain these parts. In the end, I didn't have to do this, and could have retained my "wealthiest" title; however, I wanted to challenge myself and obtain these part because I felt, to this point, there was little left for me to achieve in the game. In this sense, Acclaim made the game fun to myself -- it was challenging. Similarly, we are trying to do the same for the wealthiest players here. I don't want to play a game that has little updates with regard to achievement potential. Do you? You complain/moan about us not utilizing the new program Matt created for novel item creation; however, you must understand, we are a small team -- having all the time in the world isn't a luxury to us. Moreover, I don't see you extending your immediate hand to give us assistance. Instead of bitching/complaining, maybe you should take a more active roll in helping this community grow, and in turn, moving it in the direction you see fit. But no. This isn't happening; this won't happen, from any of you. There are do'ers and then there are complainers. What we have here is a sad case of the latter.
Announcements / Re: Media Team Application Form
July 24, 2011, 02:55:23 AM
Quote from: BonzoDog on July 24, 2011, 02:21:29 AM
Forum name: BonzoDog

Media platform desired: Youtube / Facebook

Why you deserve this platform: I deserve this platform because I am qualified not only with several years of experience with social networking sites and creating high standard YouTube videos since I could type but also because I "literally" have the qualifications:
- I am currently studying iMedia in College. So far I have finished and passed:
 *Unit 1 - Digital Graphics (Taking, Editing & producing Media of a professional standard [Videos, Photos etc.]
 *Unit 2 - Web Authoring (Reviewing, Planning, Designing and creating high standard professional WebSites)
 *Unit 3 - Game Engines (Currently studying - Involves studying how games work & even producing our own games!)

I am frequently on Facebook & YouTube, not a day goes by in which I do not spend the occasional hour updating the latest news on YouTube / Facebook. Facebook, YouTube & BoutCheetah pretty much some up my daily routine, although of course I do see the outside world every now again; you know? the occasional party every week or two.

Only because I party does not mean I am some teenage mess, sure i drink & have fun but who doesn't? I am mature, organised and currently receiving excellent grades so far, and it seems like the good grades just keep on coming.

Other attributes that may be useful for the position applied for: If someone (GM / Mod) may be in need to contact me, then that should be no trouble whatsoever; I will freely share my Skype, MSN, E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & even my mobile number.

I have been producing videos since I could walk so I know that i will make a huge difference to your media currently on the WebSite. In no less than a few hours I could easily surpass your expectations and create a new, exciting trailer for your Home Page.
I'm more than sure that i'm the only person who is "actually" qualified to produce professional media.
and of course because I have always been a fan of producing media I have the correct tools, I have:
- Windows Movie Maker
- Sony Vegas Pro 10
- Muvee Reveal
- High Quality Capturing Software (for screen recording & game recording)
- Capture Card (For TV, Xbox, PS3 etc.)
- And of course, Paint. Whats an artist without Paint?

Computers - If my computer were to fail, no worry. I have 4 Custom Built Gaming PC's and 3 Laptops

A general history of your time here at Zylon Gaming: Before Zylon Gaming I used to play one game lots, that game was BOTS!! it was everything i love shoved into one action-packed role play game. I played bots from the day it came out, I had three level 100 accounts (which was max level back then), I played on a daily basis and enjoyed it too, it never got boring and it was just unbelievably fun to play with my friends. but then, when I was at my peak... BLAM! Bots was shut down, and soon after Acclaim followed.

after a year of grieving, what do I find? BoutCheetah! - Bots reborn!
So, I currently own three accounts: BonzoDog (Surge Level 130), Bonzo (Patch level 38) & BonzoDawg (Ram level 27).
Today I purchased members as before hand i had not known the benefits.
I play "Very" frequently on my own and with friends, one friend in particular I invited to play BoutCheetah and today bought membership such as me!

Thank You so much for your time, I hope that i have met up to your expectations and hopefully become one of your beloved Media staff due to the large amount of time & effort I put into this application form.

Well now...

Updates / Re: Regarding the release of +6/+7 parts
July 24, 2011, 01:56:58 AM
Updates / Re: Regarding the release of +6/+7 parts
July 24, 2011, 01:33:17 AM
Quote from: Kevin on July 24, 2011, 12:42:22 AM
This is probably the worst update, why?

The economy is messed up as is, doing this will as Jagex stated in their 75k Climbing boot update effect the economy about .5%, barely any impact what so ever. Do what you have to do, but in another 5 month there will be +8, +9 and +10 parts, then in a few years 11, 12, 13.

It's not only unfair to those of which spent ALL of their gigas + coins to get +5, but it's also useless and another excuse for people to pay membership.

What ever, do what you have to. Become a corrupt company for all I care.


It isn't hard to obtain gigas in this game, if you're active. It gives people, like this, something to do/work for. Even if you're not "wealthy" this update still gives the player a goal. They spent all their gigas on +5 -- so what? The stats haven't reduced on these items; moreover, a very select few will own these parts, starting out, so you won't be that disadvantaged in pvp/bvb. Additionally, pvp/bvb is skill based, not stat based. If I can go on a naked level 150 and beat an elektra +5 surge, gear complaints shouldn't be an issue. How is this action in anyway corrupt? You're talking about +13 coming out, without giving thought to this being the first ever +part to ever exceed acclaims original settings (+5). In the end, providing services cost money. Servers aren't free. I'm unsure why everyone here feels so deeply offended regarding content updates. If anything, it should be commended, not frowned upon...

Off Topic / Re: Any good pvpers?
July 23, 2011, 11:49:52 PM
I aint too bad at PvP.
Off Topic / Re: Curious
July 23, 2011, 10:46:54 PM
Keep it peaceful.
Suggestions / Re: A Brand New Skill.
July 23, 2011, 10:36:40 PM
This is totally possible  ::).
Announcements / Re: Media Team Application Form
July 23, 2011, 09:16:09 PM
Great job Yoshi -- new staff will be selected in one week's time.
Updates / Regarding the release of +6/+7 parts
July 23, 2011, 09:06:21 PM
Hello BoutCheetah community,

The administrators have decided to release both +6 and +7 body, arm and head parts for surge, ram and patch. The release will commence at some point later tonight. The reason for this release, as mentioned in alternate threads, is to repair a somewhat overflowing market with regard to giga amounts. These parts cannot be acquired via drops. Only through the combination of +5 parts can one obtain a +6 part and subsequently, to obtain +7 parts, the combination of three +6 parts must occur. In relation to repairing the market, each combination coupon will now cost 6.5 million gigas to purchase -- this will force an influx of gigas from player to system, reducing outstanding giga amounts throughout the community. In addition to the primary purpose of the release of these parts (market repair), the newly added items also give current high level players additional incentive to play the game -- the acquisition of these new items will be anything but easy.

+1/+2/+3/+4/+5 parts will now have standard effects (no dark shadow or blue flashing effects). Moreover, +6 will now represent the dark shadow effect and +7 will display the blue flashing (blinking) effect  formerly represented by +4 and +5 parts respectively. Because +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 parts are obtained via sector drops, it is only natural that no special effect additions are placed on these parts (none-rares). Given that +6/+7 are substantially harder to obtain, the effects aforesaid are allotted to these items, in large part, due to their rarity. We would have released new effects for each item, preserving the former effects of +4/+5 parts; however, keeping a long story short, the coding elements within the database didn't allow for this. We hope the BoutCheetah community enjoys this substantive update!

Kind Regards,

GM Optimism
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