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Messages - xbaras

General Discussion / Re: This really P!sses me off
December 28, 2011, 05:57:44 AM
I think i do  :o
General Discussion / This really P!sses me off
December 28, 2011, 05:46:55 AM
I'm geting sick and tired of people either exiting and suiciding when they are about to die, and more people are doing it. It's not funny, it's cowardly and wastes other peoples time. It is very annoying especially when you are PvPing for hard-earned Bot-Stract, let alone most people fall off the side and don't drop any, making your time PvPing worth nothing. Is to not exit or suicide like a noob too much to ask?
Off Topic / Re: Lets have a vote shall we?
December 27, 2011, 09:41:27 PM
Are you sure that they will approve of this thread?
ScreenShots / Re: NOOBS!
December 27, 2011, 06:07:38 AM
Allie or Kenny should put a rule or tag into PvP that doesn't let people exit when their HP is at red.
ScreenShots / NOOBS!
December 27, 2011, 05:49:56 AM
Don't you just hate it when you're about to kill someone in PvP, and they exit just before you kill them?
Normal Server / Re: SELLING DARK METOS!!!!!!!
December 01, 2011, 11:01:42 PM
With maybe the not-so-new Bot Stract patch, it's impossible to get that much for a gun.
Bot stract does not seem to drop when an opponent dies in PvP for me. Is this a bug in the new Bs Patch or is my com specul??
Quote from: Allie on September 08, 2011, 12:22:43 PM
Quote from: zepher1 on September 01, 2011, 11:19:43 PM
Gun Damage is client sided, you can edit your own damage, considering the amount of reports on people for gun damage, Allie is bullshitting

Are you serious?
Have you ever even hacked?
You're going to confront Allie about BOTS hacks?

k, well.
I'm sure you've hacked BOTS.
Probably even hacked BC.
Tell me, when you used that gun hack in BOTS to hack level in PvP, let's say you were slot 1, and your friend was slot 2.
Which slot's gun damage did you enable?
If you enabled first, your gun damage is set to whatever you hacked it to, but go ahead and use it, slot 2 won't take any damage.
If you enabled the second slot, you can shoot slot 2 all you want, but you'll be doing normal damage. However, slot 2 will be doing massive damage on you.

Of ****ing course gun damage is client sided. However, in the case of PvP, it checks the client of the person who got shot, not the person shooting.
This said, in sector, if you hack your gun damage you're not dealing with any other slots, you're dealing with mobs -- therefore your client's gun damage is taken into consideration. This is not true in regards to PvP.

This check was made by N-Log for several reasons:
1. You cannot hack your gun damage in PvP -- that said if someone gets hit an abnormal or substantial amount of damage from a gun the person taking the damage is the hacker.
2. Once you shoot, it creates a new object (respectively the bullet) and from there it just heads off in that direction with the only information carried the person who shot it. Upon hitting an opponent, it collects the rest of the information (in the case of Sector, the gun damage of the shooter, in the case of PvP, the gun damage of the person getting shot).

All reports of hackers via gun damage are reported Sector hackers -- I would instantly ban anyone who reported someone for gun hacking in PvP with proof because I automatically know that they were the hackers.
If you would like to get yourself banned (by hacking) to prove my wrong than feel free -- but myself, Kenny and Matt are among the best BOTS hackers in history -- this is basic knowledge to a hacker in this game, and it certainly was important to know when making the Xion hack.
Allie has spoken  :o
Off Topic / Re: Your Real Name And Age !
September 09, 2011, 06:19:22 AM
Quote from: zepher1 on September 08, 2011, 06:55:04 PM
Quote from: GavinGill on September 08, 2011, 05:31:12 PM
Gavin Gill, 19

Gill's your last name? Sounds fishy. [Pun intended]
Lol...just got that xD
k, il do that tommorow coz if i start now its gonna be late at night by the time it finishes...
perhaps Zylongaming needs to update their installer available from mirror 1 on the bc home... >:'[
When I play on map 204 or 215 the moment I start a dialog box comes up and says 'map scripting error' and my game shuts down in 10 seconds (approx). I cant play on these and 215 is really the best map i can play in patch. This bug started happening when I re-installed the game after i d/ced every time i went to the lobby.

In 204, I start playing outside of the map after the dialog box appears. Here is a screenshot (no, I did not glitch deliberately to get there).
GFX / Re: kowhax mods
August 13, 2011, 04:06:48 AM
The green / purple one reminds me of the hulk o_O
I don't know how to stop it, and I'm not lying.
My membership was supposed to run out last Friday, but the next day instead of my membership disappearing it said -1 days left. I though that maybe I should wait until the next day to make sure, and then it started to say -2 days left. I'm still a member at the moment.

I think i have an idea of what caused it. One time, my membership automatically renewed and I posted it on the forums if this was a bug. Then Allie cancelled it from renewing and I think somewhere in there something went wrong.

Do you have any ideas that can fix this bug?

There is a screenshot below:
Non-Solved Bug Reports / Re: elite sets
July 13, 2011, 07:08:04 AM
WOW you mean we can already get elite stuff from map 126?
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