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Messages - Allie

Announcements / Re: Halloween Event - Post poned
October 31, 2014, 04:07:59 AM
Quote from: anaroy50 on October 31, 2014, 02:44:23 AM
LoL its my first real event. the only event i was is in 4th july and its only fireworks well i hope its be bigger.
waitinggg  ;D

Our halloween and christmas events are traditionally our biggest ones.
Announcements / Halloween Event - Post poned
October 31, 2014, 02:13:15 AM
As it's finally hit midnight on Halloween, I must make the decision to post pone this event.
On the 23rd, Santa moved to Wyoming. We agreed he'd be back and ready by the 27th, but unfortunate I haven't heard from him since.

Halloween is always our biggest event, and I don't want you to think we're not having one.
The event is coded and ready - we're just waiting on him to show up. I'm assuming his internet is just not on yet.

Deeply apologize to those who were waiting on it tonight.
General Discussion / Re: Halloween event?
October 28, 2014, 08:13:32 AM
It'll most likely be on the 30th.
Kenny has been moving to Wyoming for the past week and a half. Plan was to release on the 27th, but real life happens.
They made a bunch of my favourite games from the SNES.
Which made them going bankrupt that much better.
Quote from: Nero Blizzah on October 21, 2014, 02:50:06 PM
May  I suggest a middle ground? Rather than changing the map completely, how about making a new level, say 260 where is it the same exact thing as 258. But, you can not push Gora and keep 258 the same?

That's like telling people to do 266 instead of 258. People could do a harder map, but then they'd be at a disadvantage towards those who choose to do the easier map. Thus they leave.
Quote from: Nero Blizzah on October 20, 2014, 07:06:51 PM
I am very strongly against the auto-lose if you push Gora. As a grinder myself, pushing Gora is a very important aspect of grinding. A lot of fun would be thrown from the game if this is put in place. Even having to kill all key mobs sometimes gets tedious but having to kill Gora every time? Unimaginable. Plus, looking through the replies, the only people who said this was a good idea are not even active or go on at all in game, let alone grind. Exactly how much do they care if something that seems so little to them, such as not being able to push Gora, gets put into place? I feel as a large amount of players, and I mean a large amount, grind more often that not and not being able to push Gora anymore would make most of them upset and/or outraged. When i heard this was getting put into place the first statement I thought of was "I'm quitting"  Please do not bring this into the game. Thank you. (If you were offended by anything in this, let me know)

This thread is here for feedback.
Your input is appreciated, would like to hear what you would suggest in return though.
It is, sadly, an undisputed fact that a majority of players don't want a rofl map where you grind 1 minute a game all day.
I cannot make everyone happy. What are your thoughts on a middle ground?
Quote from: Ramk1ng on October 18, 2014, 08:55:05 AM
Any idea when the suggestion u said here will be modified in-game? ( can't wait untill i can farm the high lvl red boxes)

Everything in this thread is planned for November.
Quote from: 1337HaxSkill on October 17, 2014, 03:37:54 AM
Take RuneScape, they often have events, but they never release items that are powerful, only unique.
And that is what makes them valuable. It also doesn't screw up the economy.

They also have the benefit of being able to wear unique items without it affecting your gameplay. We're lobby based, so you only join games to fight, and fighting without good gear puts you at a disadvantage.
If you have any ideas for unique rewards, I would be more than happy to hear them. We have thought of a transmog system, it's just a very difficult thing to do.
It's easy to say it's an easy solution to limit the abusers, but such a statement is not possible.
Such failsafes as an ip check hurts real players just as much, if not more than abusers.
If you have an alt and you log into it before your main, gg your mains coins.

I see your concern, but our goal is to reward people over time, not give a large amount of free stuff. If 100 people earned 100 coins a week, that's 10,000 free coins a week that we're giving out.
In response to the concerns about not enough zylon coins, we've changed it to a ratio of 5:1. This'll result in 50 zylon coins per week for members, and 20 for non-members. It's important to remember that it has to stay relatively low or else it could be heavily abused. And abusing this directly results in a loss of profit.

The ban removal has also been pushed back to about June of last year, or just a bit before last years incident.

Also, the change to raid becoming 4man has already taken place. It's removed from the list.
This is a topic of ideas we got from you, and are willing to bring to the game depending on your feedback.
Please tell us your thoughts on each idea.

The max level will be reduced to 135 (exactly half of what it is now, the experienced required to hit 135 will be the same as 270, etc).
Stats will be unaffected by this change.
With this change, we will increase max level to either 140, 145, or 150 (280, 290, or 300 in current game).

Experience gained will now have an additional factor: you will get half experience if the level is above the formula [lvl*1.2+12], and you will get 1 experience if the level is above the formula [lvl*1.2+24].
For example, a level 50 will get half experience at maps 72 or higher, and 1 experience from maps 84 or higher [50*1.2+12/24].
Meanwhile, a level 200 will get half experience at maps 252 or higher, and 1 experience from maps 264 or higher [200*1.2+12/24].
This will become 6/12 if the level reduction update takes place.

Stay with me here, this is going to get complicated (PvP related),
At the start of every month (the first), our database will have a set total of X (we're thinking 40) "marks". These marks can be randomly given to you at a low rate if you manage to win an individual PvP game, and will stop dropping after all of the marks are given out
If you get a mark, you're now flagged with a mark in the room. Anyone who manages to win a game with a marked player (or players) will get a point per mark. These points will be viewable via a new interface either in the lobby or a pvp room.
The player with the most points at the end of the month will get a new item, called the MVP flag. It will have the stats of the reaper, and will ONLY be given out once a month to the person with the most points.

Bot stract will be wiped entirely and made untradeable.
Players will now receive bot stract coins on their second, fourth, sixth and seventh day of the week.
Specifically, 10 on the second, 20 on the fourth, 30 on the sixth and 40 on the seventh. This adds up to a total of 100 if you login 7/7 days a week.
Members will receive 2.5x as many bot stract as normal players (25 on the second, 50 on the fourth, 75 on the sixth and 100 on the second, adding up to 250).
Bot stract will then be redeemable on the Zylon Shop interface for zylon coins at a rate of 5 stract to 1 coin. This means 20 free coins a week for non-members, 50 for members.

The higher level armors will have a value that you can sell to the shop for gigas.

Potential welcome back and/or daily/bi-daily login rewards on a future date.

Gora from map 258 can no longer be pushed. Pushing will result in an auto-lose.

Massive ban removal of everyone who was banned before a certain date (we're thinking around summer of last year).

What is released depends on your feedback. Let us know what you think of these ideas, as they are all what's currently planned for next month.
Quote from: qolderman on October 11, 2014, 07:18:45 AM
thats a really nice idea, allie
this could maybe bring back some people

Made the thread to discuss these things with you guys.
Any thoughts other than +1'ing (which is fine)?
Perhaps suggestions on what the rewards can be on the idea you've quoted.
Quote from: Yz on October 11, 2014, 01:13:03 AM
yeah and neither of you probly would be, there's be too many scenarios where it could be farmed by the guy consenting or something for a friend

I do like the idea though,
One (or even more than one) person getting a mark, and killing them gives them the mark.
No reward. No reason to farm. Just for pure fun.

Failsafes such as, if the player with the mark fails to login for 24 hours the mark will be removed and auto-given to the next person who wins a pvp match. Would take a bit of work and planning, but it sounds like an interesting idea.
Off Topic / Re: Please help!
October 10, 2014, 08:22:36 PM
I don't understand.
(not clicking links)
Quote from: qolderman on October 10, 2014, 07:23:11 PMrandomized list you mean like take bunch of items and put them in a list then choose random number from (ex 1-10) and pick the item that won and make it event's prize? and on the other "event" take the same items and put them in another order?

I'm thinking more so,
On day 1 of logging in you get nothing.
Day 2 of logging in you get a random item gifted to you from a list of items. The list is designed to give nothing really good for obvious reasons.
Day 4 of logging in you get a random item gifted to you from a list of items designed to give *better* items than the one on day 2.
Day 6, better than day 4, but from hereon every two days you login you are always gifted a random item from this list. The list includes a couple items that could be useful (ie halloween items, maybe?) but mainly things that aren't useful, for the sake of not giving everyone everywhere rares.
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