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Messages - Xx Itz Ian

GFX / Re: New Signature.
February 01, 2014, 05:24:31 PM
the background looks okay, the signature itself could use some contrast or blur/sharpen.
the biggest issue here is that the render is LQ and makes the entire sig LQ, if you resized your render (Crtl +T) always hold shift while resizing to keep the quality. If you didn't resize it then your render was LQ and you should look for better renders.
GFX / Re: Another smudge.
January 31, 2014, 05:37:03 AM
Looks nice with the darker edge.
Maybe add an adjustment layer curves to create even more dark/light difference
Spam / Re: Lines, some words from songs
January 30, 2014, 06:14:28 PM
A ***** be tryna chase her, take her, date rape her.
Stand out the daycare sit there and wait there - ****, I can't even trust the neighbors, damn (what you lookin at?)
You *****s stick to your young hoes
I got a freak that wash, dry, and fold clothes
January 28, 2014, 06:51:39 PM
lets write pseudocode!
Don't kick me out of Utopia pls  :(
ScreenShots / Re: messed up colors screenshot
January 24, 2014, 05:43:39 AM
Why make invert eparts when you have Hue/saturnation adjustment layer.

5 free recolors atleast for each set and takes about 1 minute to do.
GFX / Re: Need help adding effects.
January 22, 2014, 12:13:28 PM
1: go to www.deviantart.com
2: search "C4D pack"
3: download a few packs

You now have c4d effects

How to use them?
1: open your sig in photoshop
2: go to open - get the c4d click ok
3: copy paste the c4d into an empty layer on your sig
4: press crtl-t and resize it (T means transform)
5: press the checkmark right top of your screen
6: put the layer with the c4d on blendmode: "Linear Dodge(Add)
7: play around with the opacity

You just added a c4d effect into your sig
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 22, 2014, 12:03:22 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 22, 2014, 10:46:04 AM
Quote from: Epic xD on January 21, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
I'm just going to intervene here...

In reality, this is a bad update because playing a base game with more lives gives incompetent players too many chances after they have clearly messed up 5 times. This gives players way too many chances to fend off an oncoming rush. It also gives people way too many chances to kill mercenaries. As a result, this kind of update will make the game more PvP based (ie stall). If you want to play PvP, then go ahead and play PvP. In my opinion, it's not wise to make BvB like PvP and vice versa. There's a reason that they're 2 completely different modes.

Charmz, you're not good at base. You're actually pretty bad, and ironically, you blame all of your losses on "lag" even though you live in Israel and have a high ping when compared to other players. With a remote location such as yours (and thus, a poor connection and high ping), most of your matches are going to be very laggy. I've never once seen Sirhamtaro (a player from New Zealand) complain about lag when losing. That lag actually works largely in your favor since most of your matchups are going to be the same connection-wise (lag-wise). Think about it this way. A player who does not live in a remote location faces players who live nearby and far away. This means that they have to be prepared for more different types of matchups, unlike a player that lives in a remote location.

This update is bad, and you need to get rid of your ego because you're bad.
BS! you're not better than me, so you can't even say that. go ahead an try to beat me, I know I'm pretty good..
about your other sentence, although I live in far country and I get teleport pushes doesn't make it "not lag", Yes, Maybe is it my fault 'cause I'm living in far country, but it's still a lag.
About it, this is talking PvP, and I Didn't BvB you ever (as far as I can remember) and I never say someone lags when it comes to BvB, so I suggest remembering properly B4 you say something stupid as this..
and what do you mean by ego? I almost never talk to you, and if I'm bad, you're worse..

I am sure Lyfe kicks your ass at bvb.
OT: i suggested this before and got feedback on it and it wouldn't improve bvb and it will not increase exp (which you use as argument) because with the 5 lives you already hit max exp cap.
Spam / Re: grats ross
January 20, 2014, 06:08:41 PM
Is this like Gavin's title or is this actually a staff rank?
Spam / Re: amsterdam souvenir mainly for allie
January 20, 2014, 06:04:35 PM
kfc ftw
Quote from: DevilzDemise on January 20, 2014, 05:35:06 PM

Quote from: Xx Itz Ian on January 20, 2014, 02:21:45 PM
Don't like the idea, members will pvp/bvb with each other with items they have on high server already or just to get some extra rares to pvp with that they don;t have on high server, f2p users won't be able to play pvp / bvb because the bvb / pvp community that is left on high server won't be enough because it already is a small amount of people left.

Ian's input and what he stated is what got me thinking about actually it might not be such a good idea to have it. Imo, i don't think it will affect the player base too much of people who already play PvP/BvB. It'll probably be the same given number of people playing then it would if it was implemented. Perhaps with the up-coming update where you can access shop/info in room make it so that in PvP you can allow to make a sort of "ghost-bot" which will be level 270 once you enter PvP, but once you leave you will return to the level you once was, adding to this when go into shop in pvp you will be able to access shop and modify your bot to any choice. But once again when you leave it will be removed. (This will and most probably is harder too input then it would just to add another channel, but just a thought.) All in all having conflicting thoughts about it.
Thats a really cool idea and wouldn't split the players into 2 different servers.
Quote from: Thornz on January 20, 2014, 03:55:10 PM
I really like the idea. Maybe non-members could join, but only be boosted to lvl 200? Idk. I like the idea of it being member only cause member needs more incentives, but it prolly would kill PvP and BvB on normal server. Not like BvB isn't almost dead anyway XD

Edit: maybe let non-members play once a week. Like Sunday or something...

like the idea of non-members being able to play once a week. Especially on a 3x day so they can decide to give up exp for pvp/bvb.
the other idea of being only able to be boosted to 200 just makes it like the high server, unfair/op for f2ps so that would make the pvp server useless.

Don't like the idea, members will pvp/bvb with eachother with items they have on high server already or just to get some extra rares to pvp with that they don;t have on high server, f2p users won't be able to play pvp / bvb because the bvb / pvp community that is left on high server won't be enough because it already is a small amount of people left.

Imo this will just kill the last few people that come online to bvb or pvp.
Suggestions / Re: character slots
January 20, 2014, 11:31:06 AM
Or increase member price then apply it to all bots
Announcements / Re: Seeking a new In-Game Moderator
January 19, 2014, 07:57:24 PM
Quote from: -Speedy- on January 19, 2014, 07:52:12 PM
Quote from: Xx Itz Ian on January 19, 2014, 07:49:37 PM
Quote from: -Speedy- on January 18, 2014, 02:03:26 AM
Quote from: medchiller on January 18, 2014, 01:59:24 AM
Quote from: MuzzaFuzza on January 18, 2014, 12:06:58 AM
there is not a Latin mod  :P
There are many many many languages that we don't currently have Moderators for. If we had one for each language the staff team would be everyone online. (Not literally)
The thing is the Latin people barely speak English. So it's hard for the English people to understand them.

So incorrect.

How is it incorrect... you can't honestly say that most of the Latinos speak great English.

You can't assume that all Latin people are bad at English which is what you did.
I said that was incorrect, I've met tons of Latins and 70% of them spoke with average to good English.
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