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Messages - FalseProphet

Normal Server / Re: sell meto set 200m
August 13, 2014, 03:48:12 AM
what bot type? i may be interested.
Suggestions / Re: Min Level.
August 12, 2014, 03:55:09 AM
Example: Rank 10 within 1 month of playing 258. Oh yay the fun.... as speedy says just shows activity. Meh 172 should of just been the max xd.
ScreenShots / Re: Lol
August 12, 2014, 03:52:25 AM
Never happened to me, but then again i have a life... haha. But all honesty their should at least be a spec showing xd.
Off Topic / Re: RIP Robin Williams
August 12, 2014, 03:51:39 AM
Flubber and Bicentennial man, mrs. doubtfire, A.I, are a couple of my favourites :), it is actually quite sad tbh. But my all time favourite as a kid was Bicentennial man.
Suggestions / Re: Min Level.
August 11, 2014, 05:19:08 AM
I would generally make a new account just to level, if this happens.
Suggestions / Re: Min Level.
August 11, 2014, 03:02:40 AM
Quote from: -Speedy- on August 11, 2014, 02:46:38 AM
Quote from: hur90 on August 11, 2014, 02:14:19 AM
It would be better if you could just lvl once a game(this one was implemented before, but idk why it was removed).
To be fair your thinking doesn't change much. If people played in basically a story mode they would level once a game, until a certain  level when there you would have to work for levels.

And they could play in story together yeah but still +1 ;). Not saying no buddy xd.
Suggestions / Re: Min Level.
August 11, 2014, 02:42:25 AM
+1, only bad side i see to this is the loss of playing with your friends but then again it could bring up pvp/bvb because that'll be a game mode you can both play together...

lol ok, 10m is to high. You should lower the price to around 2-3m. Because 1 months membership is roughly 50m. 30 days in a month 50/30 = 1.6m per day.

Side-Note: Can't wait to see the comments when someone says selling rares, or other items we'll see if people post on that too about the op prices. As they seem to be everywhere.
Ey, i know let's get on the guy and repeat several times that his pricing for snowball is too much. Guys didn't people say just the other day "the community set's the prices"? so if he wants to try sell for that let him, if it doesn't sell sure he'll have the common sense to lower the price if he wants the money that bad, doesn't need multiple people telling him that.
Normal Server / Re: PayPal Issue
August 10, 2014, 06:06:19 AM
have you used this card at all before to make previous payments? prevous payments to zylongaming? are you the cardholder? is it in your address, have you got the money and/or it might just be an issue with paypal for first time users that you must wait a set period of time.
General Discussion / Re: Mod Position
August 10, 2014, 05:28:28 AM
Quote from: Thornz on August 10, 2014, 05:27:38 AM
I lol'd xD

You pretty much hacked at least 15-20 accs. Granted, all you did was guess security questions, but still... Lmao

<3. There was no harm in trying :P
General Discussion / Re: Mod Position
August 10, 2014, 05:11:57 AM
Quote from: Cooky on August 10, 2014, 05:11:03 AM
you hacked multiple peoples accounts including a staff members

it will never happen, sorry

you are lucky you are not perm banned
I wouldn't really say that was as you put "hacking" but ey ho lol xd.
General Discussion / Mod Position
August 10, 2014, 04:48:11 AM
So yeah since Cooky has now been "promoted" as i'd like to put it as think it is more of a better and reliable role being a forum moderator with more to do then a mod anyhow. But i'd like to put out an application to become Mod.

Reasons for wanting to become mod?
Vast different knowledge of the game, loyal stuck with the game through several different years, would be nice as people would look at each other in a better manner and might become more friendly and talkative in the lobby. Helpful, and just chilled and relaxed. I've also known many of the players of the community and had different experiences communicating with and talking to others.

So yeah, just thought i'd put it out there ;). (P.s probably will be edited)
Off Topic / Re: pokemon
August 10, 2014, 12:06:26 AM
Quote from: Pokeh on August 10, 2014, 12:05:09 AM

scroll down to egg moves. Only those moves can be chained down.

Thanks this will actually help a lot, as working on my breeding for when the new games come out as was never much of a breeder til now.
Off Topic / Re: pokemon
August 10, 2014, 12:03:43 AM
Couldn't it be egg-chained? new to this all but just curious question.

Also, need to think of another 4 poke's for my team. Got haunter, dragonite atm.
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