July 07, 2024, 09:17:48 PMLatest Member: yui12o

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Messages - FalseProphet

General Discussion / Re: Purchasing coins?
July 23, 2014, 08:26:28 PM
Quote from: Robocop7ant on July 23, 2014, 02:07:57 PM
you can buy coins and gigas, but that haven't been used i think.. ever, zylon coins is for rare items.. but not so rare any more.

welcome then xD have a good time ;)

To put it shorter, you can buy any item with cash but survival/raid sets i think.
General Discussion / Re: My sub accounts
July 23, 2014, 08:25:23 PM
Did you buy/sell/share any of the accounts?
Did you have a security question set on any of the accounts?
Have you got proof they are your accounts?

Can't think of any more questions right now.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Shortage of staffs
July 21, 2014, 08:58:54 PM
Aha after what last happened i'm pretty sure they're still not really trusting anyone as of yet or in better words no point in hosting it since nobody is trustworthy if they are sure she/he would drop them a pm. 

But hey, good luck in your nomination;).  I nominated myself for urm...  aha well.
Off Topic / Re: Ya'know..
July 21, 2014, 08:54:50 PM
Quote from: fireblade39 on July 21, 2014, 10:24:27 AM
i also hate that guy and he got boring after some time.

do you watch this on tv or on youtube? (i mean this type of vidoes)

Wasn't a choice... just came on and i was like wth is this, as i use my t.v and through youtube just click random music playlists and it came up.
Off Topic / Ya'know..
July 21, 2014, 10:16:24 AM
I hate times like this when something comes on the t.v and for some reason you sit there like an idiot watching this crap but still laughed no idea why..

Grammar Queens you're not needed anymore.

Quote from: xFrith on July 21, 2014, 07:57:56 AM
Plasmo +7 set and perm miasma for patch elek +7?

Sure :). I'll log back on now.
Quote from: JustRK on July 20, 2014, 06:21:37 PM
Ill trade you a reaper set for blade 7 haha

Also selling walker, otherwise offer on both (x

Deal on the blad, and as for walker just come in-game and we'll negotiate something :P.
When will you be on?
Reaper set
Omni +4
Discuss +4
Perm Metoblade
Perm drake

x3 fireworks
rapid +7 set
elektra surge+7 set
elektra patch +7 set
bladium +7 set
Dark surge +7 set
General Discussion / Re: Merging servers.
July 20, 2014, 05:24:30 PM
Plus reckon it might be more simplistic sticking everything on this forum so any problems etc can all be dealt with in one place as-well as the fact singing up to the game as both use the same log in's anyhow and just reckon it might be more beneficial.

But at the same point i see what Meteor was saying, as i don't have the slightest idea about these things and how long, or how much would need to be done for it to work.
General Discussion / Re: Merging servers.
July 20, 2014, 05:06:52 PM
Can always trust RK to keep positive;).
Just going to create a new post instead of editing as want to personally welcome our 2 new guild members;

Troll123, and Youtube.com


I kept it seperate as i like making people feel special and welcome, not doing it for post counts or crap nor is it spam. Not my fault someone else hasn't posted before me or anything :) if it helps i'll get speedy just to write a quick pointless post to seperate them.

I see two posts inbetween my last post now so i'll re-post this as shouldn't class as double posting now :").
Quote from: -Speedy- on July 20, 2014, 03:39:17 PM
Gl mate ill try to kick some people later today.

Yeah give it time, half the community hates my guts. Sure i can kiss up to some people to get them to join;)

Also guild needs updating bud, rank 10 xd.

Normal Server / Re: ⒶⒶⒶ ANARCHY ⒶⒶⒶ
July 20, 2014, 03:37:53 PM
Quote from: DreadfulWolf on April 08, 2013, 05:12:32 AM
Thanks for accepting me into the guild, i look forward to accumulating big amounts of guildpoints >:)

Quote from: DevilzDemise on January 24, 2014, 11:42:36 PM

lol ;) you know you want it.

Got Co-lead back baby! Let's revive this guild just like before;) <3.
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