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Messages - JustRK

Spam / Re: Digi Mod
November 15, 2013, 11:57:53 PM
hmm the red makes it look aggressive  :D

or you glitched out of a base game (jk).  looks neat
Announcements / Re: Our New Staff Member
November 15, 2013, 10:41:45 PM
lol thank you for coming to my defense. I'm in fact one of the older people in the community (I just turned 21 a few weeks back).

not really going to cite anything previous, but sure I wish I was 8 again. That would be pretty cool and worry free  ::)
Announcements / Re: Our New Staff Member
November 15, 2013, 09:47:46 PM
welcome back to our returning staff  :)

thank you guys for the positive turn out, this doesn't change much, but what it has will definitely be used for something good.
Videos / Video Section guide!
November 15, 2013, 07:59:19 PM
The video section will be used only for content relative to BoutCheetah or Zylon Gaming.
Please post any non-relative content in their respective thread sections (ie. spam / off-topic)

Anyone is welcome to post appropriate videos for the game within this section for the community to view.
To get yourself started there will be a guide accompanying this thread to help you in depth should you need help.

Video Programs
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If you have any questions about audio or video editing feel free to send me a PM  :)

Future Updates / Re: Scroll update
November 15, 2013, 02:01:49 PM
Quote from: Cooky on November 15, 2013, 12:34:02 PM
Quote from: JustRK on November 15, 2013, 12:33:18 PM
it would be very cool if the character limit was consistent because the amount you can type in a room's lobby is way different from in game and the actual lobby itself.


on top of this, it would be nice instead of seeing -you have 1 message and 5 gifts- in the chat (which can go unseen due to lobby spam)
if we instead had a number built in to the button itself or it somehow notified you of unread messages instantaneously.

Ex.  Message 4.   (or perhaps a red superseding number like how apps in an iphone work).

kind of like that. anyway just a thought for convenience. This would also be nice for guild applications btw.
Future Updates / Re: Scroll update
November 15, 2013, 12:33:18 PM
it would be very cool if the character limit was consistent because the amount you can type in a room's lobby is way different from in game and the actual lobby itself.
ScreenShots / Re: owning code red with guard crush ?
November 15, 2013, 06:44:41 AM
there are those rare instances where the lag makes it so that code red's attack doesn't hurt you after your 6th hit.

though when that doesn't happen, I used to just gc 5 times and then c+v (in place aerial shot) which would knock code down (better than taking a mandatory hit that can't be blocked) and it would reset the count which means you take no damage ^^

but now I just abuse the double uppercut method  ;D
Here's a guide for 172 that I made. I rushed it so the commentary sucks because I have some work being done by the dentist and I won't be able to do commentary until the thanksgiving event. please cnc it anyway. thank you.

172 Map Guide (BoutCheetah)

thank you mod oreos for your help  ;D

Thanksgiving details:

thanksgiving day is thursday, november 28.  My event will be a scavenger hunt the very next day (friday nov 29).
grand prize = 100m  and subsequent prizes will be determined by who participates.
there will be no sign ups for participation because your attendance will be marked by event completion.

thank you.
Quote from: -Speedy- on November 14, 2013, 11:52:01 AM
Quote from: droid zylon1 on November 14, 2013, 11:50:22 AM
Quote from: Reviax on November 13, 2013, 12:07:36 AM
Yes, Guard Crushing for a whole minute and a half without stopping is loads of fun.

Really though, why was this map even made?

  Really though, why was this map even made?  
Yea I kinda wanna know that to.

Quote from: Allie on November 13, 2013, 07:42:22 AM
It was a test of my new ai system.
I got what I needed from it. I needed to know if it was too hard, too easy, what its weaknesses were, etc.
Toxic Kowbat was the result of the Zeon test. Its difficulty was scaled to a tougher level that (sorta) required multiple players.
(it was also the first mob that I designed the ai from scratch, so give me a break if it derped sometimes).

answer was on the previous page  ::)

Quote from: Allie on November 14, 2013, 01:05:23 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on November 13, 2013, 11:46:11 PM
If hp was lowered so that 2 people can do it, they can simply kill turrets and shiz before the Melisa even reaches them.  ::)

I never said relative difficulty would be lowered. It'd still take around the same time to kill them as 2p as it would 8.

Quote from: JustRK on November 13, 2013, 11:09:43 PM
If you need one person actively holding down Melissa, then that means it would be 2P minimum? One for reinforcement and one as the main spearhead. Inb4 your example actually justified my suggestion lol.

That's one mechanic. Of the first block. A later mechanic requires four(?) alive and well, along with someone still holding down melissa(s).
It gets messy.

I guess ross and myself just wanted to point out that 2p could in fact require dynamic / interchangeable roles creating a challenge. Ross and med got us to wave 3 and wow that was a chaotic plethora of tasks  :P

however 4p sounds fine too, it's definitely easier to round up 4 people (and even more so for 2). Just to make a nice contrast to 8p and hearing people always beg and spam the lobby for fillers when in reality it was going to be 2-4p completing that raid anyway. I always find myself having to carry 221 by myself so yup. That's probably why I keep mentioning something smaller.
November 14, 2013, 03:15:36 AM
happy birthday my old friend  8)
Quote from: Allie on November 13, 2013, 09:45:54 PM
I would never make 2p, as it would require literally no diversity or role specific duties.
For example, 235 can be scaled so the hp is lower, but it'd still require at least one person actively holding down the Melissas.

If you need one person actively holding down Melissa, then that means it would be 2P minimum? One for reinforcement and one as the main spearhead. Inb4 your example actually justified my suggestion lol.

But I could see what you mean. It all really depends on what your capable of putting into the game and I have no real idea of what those limits are so cant really defend my point.
If I could offer any aspect of what I've observed with what's going on with you it's this:

In regards to your recent exchange with mat:
rules in the textbook are not a solid hammer by which you forge each and every person's circumstances with to fit, but just the opposite. The rules that are written are merely a moral guideline for which to uphold and it's okay to show compassion toward this already small community by utilizing alternate options (thinking outside the box) not stated in a book that is already otherwise limited in definition.

In regards to your views as "being hated because you're doing your job properly"
just because you're a staff member doesn't mean you need to be hated. Examples would be your fellow staff really. Selene, mat, code, allie etc are respected and they do their jobs quite excellently. Just as purple stated, you should take things with a grain of salt and I think a big part of "law enforcement" (although in game and not real life, w/e) is allowing yourself to recollect and responding to things without a negative mindset (such as being hated or being angry) to effect what you do in times of stress and pressure.

anyway. I admire that you have not cracked and on a 1 to 1 basis you're an alright guy.
Quote from: Allie on November 13, 2013, 07:51:17 PM
Maybe we can make four-man raids.
But idk about 1p.

As long as there's an option other than requiring all 8 slots to be full would be fine imo. 2 or 4p would be great too. An underlying issue for the most part is that there is only a specific time window throughout the day that one can find a full team of 8 (especially during evenings on week days).

what 1p brought to the table was the ease of access, 4p could in theory eliminate the chances that a hacker could successfully find a team at that level (because most people at that level would be scared to be banned and most likely report that person on the spot) while still making it much easier to raid in smaller numbers.

Neat idea  nonetheless.
Quote from: nanak tatum on November 13, 2013, 03:36:51 PM
Quote from: Allie on November 13, 2013, 08:29:55 AM
Quote from: Thornz on November 13, 2013, 08:15:37 AM
Plan on releasing a different 1p raid?

Probably not.
I'd love to, but 1p raids are a big appeal to hackers. If I did, I would have to not make them very reward-heavy, and if I did that, what's the point.

Make the 1p raids for level 221/225's or w/e. Most hackers are nubs that are level 126 or so. Also, didn't the old 1p and 8p raids work fine? Like whenever someone completes a raid, their name pops up.

I agree with this. Most hackers get caught up before they reach level 225 which would alleviate a great percentage of your problems without having to sacrifice rewards. What (rather dumb) hacker would accumulate that much exp over the course of hours of gameplay just to get banned (few I'm aware).

In response to that global chat completion thing, if there was a possibility of limiting it or being able to turn it off just for that specific notification (staff would probably not want to, but regulars would), that would be cool.
Off Topic / Re: Cookys Quotes Topic
November 13, 2013, 12:03:57 PM
There are three types of people: Those who make things happen, those that watch it happen and those who have no idea what's going on.  - some rapper who's name I forgot (but the same concept has been said for centuries I'm aware).
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