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Messages - JustRK

Player Sponsored Events / One in a million! (Lottery)
November 05, 2013, 03:06:08 PM
One entry per person
*If you're caught using alts to be greedy (ever), you will be banned from all my events until I say so.
Each participant will choose a number from 1 to 1 million.
The closest guess wins the prize.

Prize 25 million gigas

If the winner guesses the actual number they will win 100 million gigas.

Participants (by order of number)

5) speedy
7) cop6000
10) ross
21) zain
54) GM Selene
100) kulvinder
105) helix-live
999) rebuck
1337) Bombz
41194) mob
134871) MasterMerc
254562) fishy
272727) iridion
274019) consume
377249) Dannii
444987) GM Code
456789) Thornz
458682) Lostforce
483910) wolla
500000) Eat4Two
500001) zap1173
504597) nanak
567870) Hypershadic6
592431) matattmon
623325) Ian
666999) ultranoob123
721721) -exe-
748228) qolderman
749000) medchill
750316) d4rk_ch40s
777,777) Mod Cooky
856345) jinhongzhu
905905) reviax
919043) Sox
1000000) hur90 / assassin

Marketplace / Re: RK's Membership Shop (+Items)
November 05, 2013, 11:39:04 AM
Quote from: Thornz on November 05, 2013, 05:42:15 AM
Still selling memberships? If so, I'd like 1 month plz ^.^

I still actively sell memberships yes. Just find me in game while I'm not occupied  ;D
Off Topic / Re: The new 52?
November 04, 2013, 08:33:45 PM
My nearby comic shop keeps selling out of issues on dc comics. It makes me pretty mad as I check in twice a week  :'(

It's because it's located right next to school, but my favorite is batman  :P not coincidental at all.
Spam / Re: Need some help with a study.
November 04, 2013, 08:30:03 PM
I'm down  8)
Quote from: Reviax on November 04, 2013, 08:22:33 PM
TA Patch.

172 is just as easy without a Patch. =O

True for speed runs I prefer Patch as the amount of TG is perfect to get you to the end without waiting very long to untrans and in case a noob lures you can go in for the kill with no sweat.

Also TD doesn't work when transed that's why you hardly see a TD patch trans
Spam / Re: Help me get rt1 set and I pay
November 04, 2013, 08:23:56 PM
Wouldn't you need to pay all 7 people helping you and not just one   :P

Im always down to help for raid if I'm online ^^ just as long as people aren't make split rooms like last time.
General Discussion / Re: Is there still a cap on gigas?
November 04, 2013, 07:08:54 PM
Quote from: Thornz on November 04, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
Still a max on how many gigas you can have?

Isn't it still 2.147b?
Very nice set up  ;D If it's cool I'd like to observe one of the races within this week, possibly record for coverage and if the turnout has a positive outlook for everyone I will match the giga's you have and donate 50m towards prizes 8)
Spam / Re: How old are you?
November 04, 2013, 11:28:24 AM
Just turned 21   :o
TD patch makes 221 Raid, 172 and 228 pretty easy  8)

I'd prefer Ram for 238 and other levels where a lot of TG is useful
Suggestions / Re: Smartest simple Idea
November 03, 2013, 07:21:12 PM
this kind of reminds me of the way the maplestory report system works. When reporting conversations it usually just captures the last minute of active chat and sends it in.  It's a very effective system and would be easier for those not familiar with screen shots.

sure +1  :P  a tradeable snowball for those durations seems like a good idea.

Though in the end taking the measures to make sure one doesn't get scammed is ultimately up to the player, but this would definitely help.
General Discussion / Re: Miasma, or Jack?
November 02, 2013, 07:46:33 PM
regular jack  8)  max td patches ftw
General Discussion / Re: I Need Communities Help
November 02, 2013, 06:32:41 PM
I'll donate elektra full (patch)  +7

after I sell zc to wolla I'll probably donate gigas too.

also you forgot about d4rk_ch4os / -anoobisgone-  since he donated his winnings to you  :P
10m/300k coins
Marketplace / Re: RK's Zylon Coin Auction
November 02, 2013, 06:22:09 PM
wolla is about to win  ;D  after I sell him, I will only be selling memberships and items for the rest of the month.
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