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Messages - lara538

Quote from: mic99 on January 14, 2013, 09:42:11 AM
Hey guys.

I'm just telling you guys I might not be on for the next few days, I have midterms to study for.

I'll try to do as much as I can guild wise. And I'll be active on the forums.

Sorry,  :-[


Cuz this i love my vacations 8)
Still three weeks left! :)

EDIT: I made 2 mistakes:
Best sectorer is CodePurple
Best Rare is Laxus perm block head.
Sorry :(
Normal Server / Re: Selling halo trans
January 14, 2013, 10:51:01 AM
100m + elektra +7 set
Thanks anyway :P
Normal Server / Re: Buying CPU/Bladdess/Rapid +5/+6 arm
January 14, 2013, 12:47:57 AM
Updated,sorry alex.
Tze also have a meteorium(he was wearing) so update:
Best rare - Meteorium set Laxus and Tzeshuan
Off Topic / Re: Pokemon 6th generation announced!
January 13, 2013, 11:16:59 PM
Quote from: Yz on January 13, 2013, 05:15:56 PM
i really liked the storyline of B/W how can u pay dat out

I liked it too.
And also BW2 released in Japan in march(april,may maybe) +/- so there is like a year and a half to they.
There are a lot of games that release one per year like CoD, but in CoD the only things that changes basically are campaign and multiplayer stages and tbh a lot of things change in pkm games.
Last pkm games:
BW2(2012october/USA date)
BW(2011march/USA date)
HG/SS(2010march/USA date)
Platinum(2009march/USA date)
D/P(2007april/USA date)
Here u can see that in  platinum-hgss-bw was 1 year difference,that increased to 1yr and a half to bw2, and its just not 1yr and a half to Y/Z cuz the release will be worldwide, but from bw2 japan release date when they finished the game there is 1 yr and half to y/z +/-.
And also this game will be 3d with 3ds pkms and scenarios so A LOT will change.

Pokemon games are always fun and different to a lot of ppl so it wont die that easily and soon, like i think CoD will(i give 3-5yrs max to this die/almost die). Pokemon have like 10 yrs of guaranteed success atm selling millions. This is my opinion and as a pkm fan that played all games that i wrote here^^ except platinum i dont think they change that less. And who say they are always equal and they r being mercenaries, its cuz didnt played the games. Its even more stupid now cuz will be the game with most differences from the past game in the last years.  And its also even more stupid say that the sprites are always worse cuz pokemon y/z will have cell shaded graphics(almost sure according to trailer) and not sprites like b4.
If u dont know enough of pkm u can be making bad criticism.
Normal Server / Re: Selling a lot, GIGAS only
January 13, 2013, 11:02:14 PM
50m walker
INITIAL offer to darkbot:
Walker bro + R ef + 10m
If u are taking this type of offer if not i cant afford in pure gigas :( just if its gigas + an item rather than walker.
Off Topic / Re: Pokemon 6th generation announced!
January 13, 2013, 02:41:03 PM
Quote from: spiderstar on January 13, 2013, 12:56:48 PM
Yveltal = ee-VELL-tall

Xurneas =  ZURR-nee-us

Yveltal(pokemon Y legendary)
Xurneas(Pokemon X legendary)
Just completing,saying the almost obvious :P
I did know this b4 the names were released cuz the eagle have a Y format +/- and the deer a X format +/-. Depending on the angle u r seeing it ofc.
And how ppl can say pokemon is dead? It still sell MILLIONS. CoD releasing 1 game per year will die sooner than pkm for example, my friends that played CoD like nolifers are stopping to play that much(this cuz its vacations here in brazil). Pokemon games change between them cod not ::)
Pokemon actually just miss a trainer customization 8)
Quote from: Yz on January 12, 2013, 11:33:36 PM
dh and xab are crazy op and are definitely banned l0l

dark meto doesnt seem that op to me, and ive never been kicked from a bvb room for using meto

Ik they are crazy op, but anyway i dont really would like they banned cuz generally both teams have some dh and xab, that arent that easy to kill so if they would banned in some rooms:
Other team attack trans sometimes.
The team defending lost all mercs.
FULL atk. Win
If u are a team defending with some xabs and dhs will last those op mercs to def, if they would banned base matches would be more quick i think.No1 will want to defend in no xab dh matches prob, cuz the team attacker, if the teams are equal in lvl/skill, will won from a team defender.
I also never was kiked from using meto but ppl already exited cuz i was using meto, and with this post im speculating if more ppl will exit or kik meto users. As i say membership unbalance games more than meto,example:
8 players of same skill.
1.4(without meto lvl172 but with honor)vs4(172 2 of them with meto other 2 with honor)
2.4(using honor and 172)vs4(using honor 2 221(full t3) and 2 172.
In the second case i really think the match would be more unbalanced. Showing that membership unbalance things more than meto.
I dont really see a reason to meto be banned, dh and xab i see but i would prefer not like i explained ^^ b4 why.
@Yz: Prob the few juras i vs on flop were nubs :P, like hawk said most ppl dont know how to use so this is waht prob happened.
Also member and meto are things that unbalance the game so this is what they have in common. And one of them isnt banned, unnoficially ik, but if i use a meto some ppl will kik me if rm or exit room like some ppl b4 this already did, or exited after the bvb match  cuz the enemies spammed meto.
Even this being unofficial this can change how ppl react to meto users.
Also i thought other staff armors would op cuz gun is :P
Hope ppl dont say things like take off meto now to me :(
Other rules ofc are ok, i just dont want dh,xab being banned(anyway there is more reason to ban this than to ban meto in my opinion)
Quote from: lara538 on January 08, 2013, 11:42:02 PM
Best pvper- Sasuke(i think all of u agree)
Most gigas- Tze 253m(we are poor atm :( )
Most coins- Tze 4.1m
Most bs- Sasuke 77k
Best bvber- Sasuke is the best in ranking dunno if in skill.But put him :)
Best sectorer- Im the best in ranking im medium difficult,exp in hard,tze in easy. I think u should put exp.

Here for u Code just update,i checked rankings,really doubt i wrote something wrong here.
Saved ur job :P

Here Yz,when i checked on january 8th this was the correct list^^
Tze said now like 190m,maybe he spended some gigas so we may have to check again?
I think one check per month( or 15 days) to correct the bragging rights is enough.
Ppl cant complain about pushing or arsenals but meto is banned? Meto is different from staff armor and flags that only staff can have
meto any1 can have its just pay in $ or in gigas to some1 trustable. Sounds unfair,surge with honor can do good dmg at the start of the match to 1-4 players,ik meto is more op but anyway sometimes is a question of priority, when i was using plasmo set +7 and meto i vs ppl with 168+7 set, the gigas they spended on this could be almost enough to a meto. Ban meto is like ban membership,ppl paid to be more op and honestly a lvl221 surge full t3 with honor is more op than a lvl172 with a meto, a lot more op. So why meto that is an op item aquired paying is banned and member not? Membership make players way more op than a Darkmeto. Both aquired paying. And sorry but i think that a gun like meto is totally different from using a jura, and btw jura isnt that op on flop. Meto is like a boost of dmg to ur gun, Jura is a trans that will change things not like meto that will only change dmg.
Im not saying i want member banned im saying that i think its unfair ban meto(even when i didnt have a meto i didnt complain or ban it in my rooms)
Sasuke dont have 4b in gigas only if it is in items,and i think the bragging rights should be what the person have more in pure gigas.

And also im happy to play the bvb match :)
Hi code, can u try to find a gw for us just for fun?(maybe lw,red,schism?)
I would like it,dont know if the others will.

If any1 is up to can post here i think :)
Spam / Re: YES!
January 11, 2013, 05:23:33 PM
Here in brazil u need to be 18 so 23 isnt THAT old. 5 years. If was 16 like in USA(i think) would be 7(2 years more) so isnt that late as u may think.
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