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BoutCheetahHigh channel is online | 8 online | - 1. TESLA
- 2. Angel Linus
- 3. aswrfqwecs
- 4. -KING-
- 6. ID
- 7. bhj0385
- 8. Capo liya
| BoutCheetahLow channel is online | 0 online |
Low server - EXP Adjustments |
July 28, 2015, 05:05:03 PM by AllieViews: 32221 | Comments: 10
As our levels were increased multiple times, we've started to realize the low experience rates aren't cutting it. As it was, it would take over 55,000 games of 266 to level from 269-270. To counter this, I have increased the experience gains of all maps above 126 to reflect a more balanced experience curve. The jump starts at sector level 142, where it now offers 70 experience instead of the old 40. It ends with 266, which now gives 5,649 instead of 95. With the new experience set, it should take you about 800 games of 266 before exp buffs to reach 270 from 269. Leveling from 1-126 is unaffected.
We hope the players of the low server enjoy this update, and can finally reach the high level you've been aiming for.
RT3 Released |
June 23, 2015, 06:31:50 AM by SantaViews: 61810 | Comments: 49
Hello BoutCheetah, RT3 has been added to the game. Many many people have requested this. I will be idling in the lobby if you would like to check it out. Credits to GM Baggie and GM Meteor. Thanks, Kenneth.
Bug Fix - 6/10/2015 |
June 10, 2015, 04:22:01 AM by SantaViews: 32823 | Comments: 5
Hello, I noticed some players were having issues completing raid 3 map. I have just released a quick patch which should now allow you to complete the map. Please post here if you run into any issues.
Thanks, Kenneth.
Congratulations to Baggie for being promoted |
June 10, 2015, 04:15:12 AM by SantaViews: 173265 | Comments: 15
Thanks for the dedication you have shown, hope you find it enjoyable being a GM. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask GM Baggie in-game. He's here to help you guys out.  Thanks, Kenneth.
Updates 3/8/2015 |
March 08, 2015, 03:11:30 AM by SantaViews: 64388 | Comments: 26
1.) Removed the barrel from map level 247 and level 266 in sector which caused a crash when trying to break them. 2.) Updated the Level Check tag image to show the proper min/max level of 1-270 instead of 1-221 3.) The lobby list has been resized to allow for more names to be shown at once. 4.) The red/blue version for several sets have been recreated by Meteor. 5.) A few items textures have been updated by Meteor from his topic here. 6.) The Event Head called Tinker has been released. 7.) The trans Bee-Byte has been renamed to Barbarian. 8.) The trans Muzs has been renamed to Morlock. 9.) Fixed client crash when trying to enter a room that had the OP tag enabled, and you had too many OP items equipped. 10.) Coin item sets have been changed to Gigas prices. 11.) The Vandor and Gora trans packs now have their own icons. As always, please let me know in this thread if you have found anything wrong with the changes. Thanks, Kenneth.
Welcoming the new staff members to BoutCheetah |
March 05, 2015, 07:00:01 PM by SantaViews: 203806 | Comments: 39
Dear BoutCheetah users,
As many of you know, we were accepting applications for moderator positions. I would first like to thank everyone for applying and putting time into their application, and wanting to help out BoutCheetah.
With that being said, we would like to welcome the following new In-Game Moderators to the game:
Thornz Baggie
We have also decided to accept one more application from somebody we deeply care about, and who was a previous GM on BoutCheetah to become a Forum Moderator:
We would also like to mention that GM Meteor has been promoted to Head GM, so congratulations on your accomplishment, and we appreciate your dedication to the game, with all of your beautiful GFX work. And finally, we would also like to mention that FM Materger has been promoted back to his original position as GM. We will be holding applications in a few months most likely for a new staff member position, so if you wasn't picked this time, you will still have a shot! Again, thank you all so much for applying.
Have a wonderful night, Kenneth.
Update 2/25/2015 |
February 25, 2015, 11:27:52 PM by SantaViews: 57008 | Comments: 16
For those who were having issues with starting BoutCheetah due to their antivirus program not letting BoutCheetah update, this issue has been resolved, and should not re-occur when new updates are released. If you continue to have problems, please post here with the antivirus you are using, and I will check into it asap.
Thanks, Kenneth.
PvP Collection Event |
February 24, 2015, 11:03:42 AM by SantaViews: 85536 | Comments: 72
PvP Collection Event Event Dates: 3/1/2015 - 3/7/2015ObjectiveDefeat your friends in Individual PvP and collect 5 Green Chests per day of the event.PrizeA brand new item, that will be disclosed after the event is over!Notes1.) You cannot collect a Green Chest from another player that is 50 levels lower than your own level. 2.) If you complete 1 day of the event, you will receive a 7 day version of the new item! 3.) If you complete 2-3 days of the event, you will receive a 30 day version of the new item! 4.) If you complete 4-5 days of the event, you will receive a 1 year version of the new item! 5.) If you complete 6-7 days of the event, you will receive a permanent version of the new item! 6.) The Green Chests will drop at a 25% chance from each player. 7.) The new item will be tradable!! 8.) The game must last at least 1 minute before any Green Chests will drop. 9.) You cannot have the following tags enabled: Speed, Infinite Ammo, Auto Trans, No Trans, God, One Shot Kill, or Object Speed.
I hope you all enjoy the new item and event. Please post here if you have any questions about this event.
To check your progress in the event, click Here
Thanks, Kenneth.
New Client Installer Released |
February 08, 2015, 04:23:08 AM by SantaViews: 102944 | Comments: 3
A new client installer has been released, which is fully up to date. If you guys are having any issues with your client, please try the new setup on the Downloads Page. The mirror links have also been updated with the latest version. Thanks, Kenneth.
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