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Started by trong10, August 31, 2012, 10:26:26 PM

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August 31, 2012, 10:26:26 PM Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 10:27:34 PM by trong10
Shouldn't DM (Dark Meto) have RED bullets instead of white xD?

IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


Quote from: trong10 on August 31, 2012, 10:26:26 PM
Shouldn't DM (Dark Meto) have RED bullets instead of white xD?

If you want red bullets then modify them to be red.lol Good suggestion tho.
PT Dillh (Steveroseik-) | Guild : Prestige | Lvl : 270 |


Idk how and idw start doing that

I mean patching that wouldn't be too hard and it would only be right the bullets being red =/

IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


No. Just because it's coloured red it doesn't mean it should have red bullets.
The truth gun is green and shoots white bullets too.


yea well that's different  :-\

DM Should have red bullets :D

IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


Quote from: Dillh on August 31, 2012, 10:28:18 PM
Quote from: trong10 on August 31, 2012, 10:26:26 PM
Shouldn't DM (Dark Meto) have RED bullets instead of white xD?
If you want red bullets then modify them to be red.

Not everyone would want red bullets though.  If you yourself would want them then you should just modify it.  Also you should have a good reason for suggesting something or else it's not a useful suggestion. 

Quote from: trong10 on August 31, 2012, 10:36:37 PM
yea well that's different  :-\

DM Should have red bullets :D
^ Why? 


why not? u don't like red bullets coming out of the DM O:?

IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


No good reason to do this, so -1
DISCORD killyzkill


September 01, 2012, 10:55:23 AM #8 Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 10:57:46 AM by trong10
come onnnn

"Dark" (Black) "Meto" (Red), the bullets should be at least one of those colors right? Why white...

"Truth" Gun should be white because, white represents the good? so ... Truth (Meaning not lying i guess? To be Truthful) is a good thing so the bullets is only right to be white. (Green representing life i guess lol)

DarkMeto... Dark meaning u know... darkness.
Meto is likeee, im guessing a meteor while it flies around in the universe covered in flames? (Red,yellowish)
So an Evil dark meteor covered in fierce flames getting ready to destroy some poor planet or BC or whatever.

Lol this is prolly pretty gay and cheesy so, i hope this is a good enough reason ololloolol :D


IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


You "+1"-ed your own suggestion?..

I've told you before, it's your opinion, you can't enforce it into others (although many try).
If you want red bullets shooting out of DM request someone to make it.


well, gave it a shot.

IGN «»»««» xGoD_ImSo_BOSS «»»««» IGN
Guild ~ ComeATMeBRO ~
Market shop name: xgods


Instead of posting it here you should have posted in GFX asking for someone to make you a mod for the bullets .-. pointless to do this. -1

IGN: RetKiss | Ret | | -Ret- | Gora

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