Quote from: CyberSox on October 08, 2013, 02:32:58 PM
Quote from: Purple on October 08, 2013, 02:22:57 PM
Quote from: CyberSox on October 08, 2013, 02:16:01 PM
Quote from: Purple on October 08, 2013, 02:11:30 PM
Giving convenience to people that pay is fine, purposely making something inconvenient for non-paying people is retarded.
Adverts aren't convenient for the consumer, yet they are a part of most things. They are inconvenient for the non payer and better for those who pay. It's the same general concept.
It's not the same thing. Most adverts aren't inheritantly inconvenient. Some exceptions are ads that you have to wait to skip, ie. ad.fly, and pop-up ads. Even then, the ads on YouTube that you need to wait 3 seconds to skip aren't that inconvenient.
In an online game if you have to pay to get rid of inconvenient things, then it's a bad business model. If you can pay to make things MORE convenient, that's fine.
I'll use LoL as an example.
They sell experience boosts to help people level up faster. They don't make leveling inconvenient, but if you want to level up faster then you can spend a certain amount of money to shorten the amount of time that it takes to reach the level cap. It doesn't hurt the f2p user experience but can still give people a reason to be a premium member.
I don't know much about LoL, but I know it has a pretty big player base and makes a looooooooot of money. You can't compare a company that size to the Zylongaming, Zylon have to make money somehow. Also, you imply that they would be adding a feature that causes inconvenience, while in reality they are just changing a feature that already exists to make member benefits more appealing. Stashes are just additional storage, easier to use than the marketplace, and don't have a real impact on the game. I see nothing wrong with slightly altering one minor option of the game to increase income and satisfaction for new members.
I'm not comparing companies, i'm comparing business models. Which I can do, regardless of how big Zylon Gaming is.
I'm not saying they're adding a feature that causes inconvenience, i'm saying they're making a change that causes inconvenience, which is a fact. It's inconvenient to go into your web browser just to store some items. Also, you're right, it doesn't have an impact on the game, but it has an impact on a f2p player's experience. Which should be one of the most important things that Zylon Gaming, or any company for that matter, thinks about.
"...to increase income and satisfaction for new members."
Sure, it increases satisfaction for new members, but it hurts the player experience by forcing them to use an external application to store items that they recieve in-game. It's a bad system that purposely makes it inconveient for f2p players, which I think most people can agree is bad. Zylon Gaming should reward people that are willing to be premium members, not damage the experience of f2p players.
Imo, if they wanna make membership more appealing, the change should also benefit current members, rather than just new members. Add to the experience of premium players, don't subtract from the experience of f2p players.