Boutcheetah, the epic game that took over BOTS and has developed from BOUT! Enjoy the game with new armor like the godly BLADELESS CORE, the heart stopping RAPID IMPALER, and last but not least.....*whisper* you sure the script is right sir? O..k then *whisper* the C.P.U....
I reckon you guys know the situation here. As a fellow patch, I think the s2 patch set needs a Name change. Like, what does C.P.U. even stand for? Can't pooping understand. IT NEEDS A CHANGE. And patches are meant to be th strongest bot type to those who didn't know, we can't just leave it with a 3 lettered name.
Post what you think the new name should be and see if we can CHANGE HISTORY (in the making).
My ideas....which aren't too good.
Geno Breaker
Mold Dozer
100% pwnauce
But srsly we need a name similar to bladeless core and rapid impaler, some with two words, one longer than the other.