If you're a mod you are obv. gonna disagree with this, IF you don't read it, so read b4 u post.
Power 1-Kick command.
Basically this is -kick people so i dont have to do crap command- for example: A mod sees someone glitch in a pvp match, the mod and the guy who glitched is left for example, "neo data cross" the mod would just kick the player instead of reporting the player like they should; another example is when a mod gets mad and kicks the person who killed them.What is the kick command useful for? If you are a admin and thinking "Well we gave them this command so that they could kick glitchers." Well, they can just as easy take a screen shot and d/c then post screen shot and report user.
Power 2-Enter room without password
Ok, this can be abused quite a bit, as entering a room that others don't want you in, although you keep entering thus extending there time between each game, ya ya I know it can be used to catch hackers in locked rooms, but they will just kick you, DUH thats the reason they made the locked room, you may be saying "oh but they can get a screenie of the name" Ya, well they can check who is in what room via "examine player" function in lobby, no reason for this power, the power abuse effects out way wut good this can do, imo.
Post what you think -preferably from people who actually thought about this and not people that would say"oh whats the point of being a mod if you have no powers"-