1.) You can now use certain tags in the room name.
a.) tag (Mini-game for "Tag your it". PvP Indiv Only.)
b.) bsX (Increases speed of all BOTS to a specific number; replace X with 500-5000 for desired amount. PvP Only.)
c.) ia (Infinite ammo for your gun. PvP Only.)
d.) at (Always transed; starts all BOTS in transed mode, and does not allow them to be untransed . PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH NT [NEVER TRANSED]. )
e.) nt (Never transed; does not allow any BOT to be transed. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH AT [ALWAYS TRANSED]. )
f.) god (Infinite health; gives all BOTS infinite health. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH OSK [ONE SHOT KILL]. )
g.) osX (Objects' speed; increases the speed of moving objects on the map, replace X with 1-5, 5 giving the highest speed increase. PvP Only.)
h.) sm (Shatter Mode for HoloDeck; glass on Holodeck will shatter constantly every few seconds. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH NG [NO GLASS]. REQUIRES MAP TO BE HOLODECK. )
i.) ng (No Glass for HoloDeck; removes all glass from Holodeck. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH SM [SHATTER MODE]. REQUIRES MAP TO BE HOLODECK.)
j.) osk (One shot kill; all players die automatically if they are hit by a bullet from another player's gun. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH GOD[INFINITE HEALTH]. )
To use these, enter them in the following format:
Basically, as long as you use {tag} or {tag|tag} in the room name, in whatever order you want, it will work.
2.) Room commands have been added. They will only work when 2+ people are in the room, as that's the only way I am able to do it.
The commands you can use are:
a.) @exit (This lets you exit the room. Works whether you are in the lobby of the room, or are playing a game.)
b.) @lobby <message> (This lets you talk to the lobby. Only works for room-master. Does not require '<' before your message, nor '>' after your message.)
c.) @suicide (This lets you commit suicide.)
d.) @tags (Gives you a list of the tags that you can use.)
The repeated use of these commands very quickly, will cause your commands to be disabled for 5 minutes, and your lobby chat.
Please note, I did not hack the 'other server' in any way to add these, nor do I have their client installed. We simply added these to give the users of BoutCheetah more things to do. I said I was going to be releasing this in a few announcements back anyway.
Thanks, and please report any and all bugs that occur when using any of the new updates!