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Game Updates -September 10th 2011-

Started by Santa, September 10, 2011, 01:55:45 PM

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September 10, 2011, 01:55:45 PM Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 03:31:27 PM by Jeffalo13
1.) You can now use certain tags in the room name.
   a.) tag    (Mini-game for "Tag your it". PvP Indiv Only.)
   b.) bsX   (Increases speed of all BOTS to a specific number; replace X with 500-5000 for desired amount. PvP Only.)
   c.) ia       (Infinite ammo for your gun. PvP Only.)
   d.) at       (Always transed; starts all BOTS in transed mode, and does not allow them to be untransed . PvP Only.  DOES NOT WORK WITH NT [NEVER TRANSED]. )
   e.) nt       (Never transed; does not allow any BOT to be transed. PvP Only. DOES NOT WORK WITH AT [ALWAYS TRANSED]. )
    f.) god    (Infinite health; gives all BOTS infinite health. PvP Only.  DOES NOT WORK WITH OSK [ONE SHOT KILL]. )
   g.) osX   (Objects' speed; increases the speed of moving objects on the map, replace X with 1-5, 5 giving the highest speed increase. PvP Only.)
   h.) sm    (Shatter Mode for HoloDeck; glass on Holodeck will shatter constantly every few seconds. PvP Only.  DOES NOT WORK WITH NG [NO GLASS]. REQUIRES MAP TO BE HOLODECK. )
    i.) ng      (No Glass for HoloDeck; removes all glass from Holodeck. PvP Only.  DOES NOT WORK WITH SM [SHATTER MODE].  REQUIRES MAP TO BE HOLODECK.)
    j.) osk    (One shot kill; all players die automatically if they are hit by a bullet from another player's gun. PvP Only.  DOES NOT WORK WITH GOD[INFINITE HEALTH]. )

To use these, enter them in the following format:


Basically, as long as you use {tag} or {tag|tag} in the room name, in whatever order you want, it will work.

2.) Room commands have been added. They will only work when 2+ people are in the room, as that's the only way I am able to do it.
The commands you can use are:
   a.) @exit (This lets you exit the room.  Works whether you are in the lobby of the room, or are playing a game.)
   b.) @lobby <message> (This lets you talk to the lobby.  Only works for room-master. Does not require '<' before your message, nor '>' after your message.)
   c.) @suicide (This lets you commit suicide.)
   d.) @tags (Gives you a list of the tags that you can use.)

The repeated use of these commands very quickly, will cause your commands to be disabled for 5 minutes, and your lobby chat.

Please note, I did not hack the 'other server' in any way to add these, nor do I have their client installed.  We simply added these to give the users of BoutCheetah more things to do.  I said I was going to be releasing this in a few announcements back anyway.

Thanks, and please report any and all bugs that occur when using any of the new updates!




i skimmed the topic so im not totally sure, but i'll ask anyway

does this count towards pvp rankings?
DISCORD killyzkill


yeah this is cool and stuff but I have the same question as tricky.



100 posts [X] 500 posts [X] 1000 posts [X] 1500 posts [ ] 2000 posts [] Member [] << D:
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Doesn't work yet.. Okai.. nvm

I got d/ced maybe it's being put up now :D


|More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines.|

Black Sheep

good job Santa now realese item of the week please

Black Sheep|


Quote from: Tricky on September 10, 2011, 01:58:22 PM
i skimmed the topic so im not totally sure, but i'll ask anyway

does this count towards pvp rankings?

Yeah, if you don't mind, can you make a small list of what command disables what features, such as

{god} disables exp, rankings, blabla
{ia} disables exp

stuff like that, and I will implement them :P


By the way, if you don't have glass on holodeck, players in slot 3 - 8 will automaticlly fall.


Quote from: Toast on September 10, 2011, 02:24:14 PM
By the way, if you don't have glass on holodeck, players in slot 3 - 8 will automaticlly fall.

o-O.  I'll check into this.  It makes sense though, as I only tested with 1 and 2


Quote from: Toast on September 10, 2011, 02:24:14 PM
By the way, if you don't have glass on holodeck, players in slot 3 - 8 will automaticlly fall.

I was seriously just about to say that...

But yeah, as soon as the numbers fade away, you die.

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: Santa on September 10, 2011, 02:22:34 PM
Quote from: Tricky on September 10, 2011, 01:58:22 PM
i skimmed the topic so im not totally sure, but i'll ask anyway

does this count towards pvp rankings?

Yeah, if you don't mind, can you make a small list of what command disables what features, such as

{god} disables exp, rankings, blabla
{ia} disables exp

stuff like that, and I will implement them :P

im really tired so im not sure i understood the post but um

    a.) tag    (Mini-game for "Tag your it". PvP Indiv Only.)
    b.) bsX   (Bot Speed, replace X with 500-5000. PvP Only.)
    c.) ia       (Infinate Ammo. PvP Only.)
    d.) at       (Always Transed, and stay transed. PvP Only.  Only works when nt is not in the room tags.)
    f.) god    (Infinate Health. PvP Only.  Only works when osk is not in the room tags.)
    g.) osX   (Speed for Objects, replace X with 1-5. PvP Only)
  j.) osk    (One shot kill. PvP Only.  Only works when god is not in the room tags.)

none of these should give anything at all imo
DISCORD killyzkill


The no glass was simply an overlook by kenny/matt: slots 3-8 all fall on spaces where glass once was.
It'll be patched within the next hour or two.


5k bot speed is ridiculous...You're teleporting around and dying in two seconds by falling off the edges.

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