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Bot Stract Patch

Started by Allie, September 29, 2011, 02:31:24 AM

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Quote from: mhj on September 29, 2011, 11:56:11 AM
Don't care about pvp Hawk. You should start using your time grinding like me!
I did use it, last Sunday when I got Toast banned, but now I can't anymore.
Anyway, let's go back on topic.


Another reason for this update, was that people were getting banned falsely for beating the timer, because of the bot stract boost.


September 29, 2011, 02:48:23 PM #32 Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 02:48:44 PM by Taintedblood
Red, don't u think its a bit nerfed too much?
IGN: Tainted | TaintedScars
Lvl :  232      | 160



Quote from: Taintedblood on September 29, 2011, 02:48:23 PM
Red, don't u think its a bit nerfed too much?

I don't know to be honest.  We might reverse this soon if I can figure a way to remove it from pvp/base only.


I like the suicide and the @kick update but I really don't see why there wasn't warning for the BS update. I mean people payed so much for just 1K. 1K=2million gigas last time I checked and now the 20 million some wasted just to buy..... Maybe 40 stat bonus now only get 10? Seriously glad I didn't waste any on buying before this happened.

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September 29, 2011, 03:09:56 PM #35 Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 03:20:01 PM by Santa
Quote from: Zack66775 on September 29, 2011, 03:06:56 PM
I like the suicide and the @kick update but I really don't see why there wasn't warning for the BS update. I mean people payed so much for just 1K. 1K=2million gigas last time I checked and now the 20 million some wasted just to buy..... Maybe 40 stat bonus now only get 10? Seriously glad I didn't waste any on buying before this happened.

We knew this would happen, but I honestly didnt think it was this big of a deal.  This update will end up getting reversed probably, but people will have to understand that something needs to be done to lessen the affects of it.  Adding stats to botstract was a huge mistake to begin with. :\  It's like hacking when you have that much bot stract.

Edit: and even if we did give notice to things like this happening, it would basically start a war to not do it. :\  So I have no idea how to just tell someone that this is going to happen when I know people aren't going to like it.


Noted. So make it 1000 per +1 and just make it easier to get. Maybe reduce the stat bonus to 2000+ max and make an infinite cap? Just saying, cause at this moment it is so hard to get and the only people that will have is people that did have. Something along those lines. Most of community isn't happy with update just for that fact that with the tags and pushing you can't find BS so it's worthless. Trust me though, because I have seen how fast 215 goes when a player has major amounts.

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Couldn't there be a no bs tag?
Or a limited bs tag.
Such as: {nb} that would reduce the maximum trans gauge of a ram to the max tg a +7 elektra ram with no bs can have. Same thing with trans attack and gun damage.


September 29, 2011, 03:32:13 PM #38 Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 03:32:37 PM by Zack66775
Quote from: hawk5005 on September 29, 2011, 03:26:22 PM
Couldn't there be a no bs tag?
Or a limited bs tag.
Such as: {nb} that would reduce the maximum trans gauge of a ram to the max tg a +7 elektra ram with no bs can have. Same thing with trans attack and gun damage.

Would be good but you have to factor in how OP it is when you sector with major BS.

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Quote from: Zack66775 on September 29, 2011, 03:32:13 PM
Quote from: hawk5005 on September 29, 2011, 03:26:22 PM
Couldn't there be a no bs tag?
Or a limited bs tag.
Such as: {nb} that would reduce the maximum trans gauge of a ram to the max tg a +7 elektra ram with no bs can have. Same thing with trans attack and gun damage.

Would be good but you have to factor in how OP it is when you sector with major BS.
Quote from: Santa on September 29, 2011, 02:51:06 PM
Quote from: Taintedblood on September 29, 2011, 02:48:23 PM
Red, don't u think its a bit nerfed too much?

I don't know to be honest.  We might reverse this soon if I can figure a way to remove it from pvp/base only.


Quote from: Zack66775 on September 29, 2011, 03:21:31 PM
Noted. So make it 1000 per +1 and just make it easier to get. Maybe reduce the stat bonus to 2000+ max and make an infinite cap? Just saying, cause at this moment it is so hard to get and the only people that will have is people that did have. Something along those lines. Most of community isn't happy with update just for that fact that with the tags and pushing you can't find BS so it's worthless. Trust me though, because I have seen how fast 215 goes when a player has major amounts.
Zack, 1.25m bs is the max that adds in for stats before the update, and usually even with only one player with 1.25m bs on 215, would take about 2 minutes, unless u got a surge in there also, with bs.
IGN: Tainted | TaintedScars
Lvl :  232      | 160



Even though I don't play, I find this update to be awesome.

Quote from: Pokeh'this is called the blockimus-glieicha, also known as the block glitch'


September 29, 2011, 10:00:43 PM #42 Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 10:03:22 PM by Rossbach
Quote from: Taintedblood on September 29, 2011, 04:14:23 PM
Quote from: Zack66775 on September 29, 2011, 03:21:31 PM
Noted. So make it 1000 per +1 and just make it easier to get. Maybe reduce the stat bonus to 2000+ max and make an infinite cap? Just saying, cause at this moment it is so hard to get and the only people that will have is people that did have. Something along those lines. Most of community isn't happy with update just for that fact that with the tags and pushing you can't find BS so it's worthless. Trust me though, because I have seen how fast 215 goes when a player has major amounts.
Zack, 1.25m bs is the max that adds in for stats before the update, and usually even with only one player with 1.25m bs on 215, would take about 2 minutes, unless u got a surge in there also, with bs.

.-. Ross with BS before update can solo around 50 seconds - min. Nubs with BS take 1:15 to 2 mins at most. Ross without BS and playing with some nub who has BS can get a time of 50 - 1:10 seconds. 4 Ross' with BS can get you 15 - 30 seconds.

Omnomnom eating toast.


gawd i knew something like dis was going to happen but my nice self gave away bs -___- im not fond of the update but i wont complain about it


Quote from: DamDatNerd on September 29, 2011, 10:34:59 PM
gawd i knew something like dis was going to happen but my nice self gave away bs -___- im not fond of the update but i wont complain about it

^ And he's one of the ram trans abusers, if he isn't complaining why are you? :P

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