First of all, even if thematic did abuse the voting system he paid for it (from what I've understood) so it is not wrong at all.
If Allie did insult and humiliate you in public she should apologize since you were given the permission to do what you did.
I don't really know if Allie insulted you or not, or if she gave you the permission to vote over and over again (but that is what you said and I believe you), but you did nothing wrong, and I don't think that you should quit after all that you've done because we all got used to playing with you and having fun with you so you shouldn't be depressed or sad at all. I personally think also that they raged over you and people start to hate on you because you are in Silence.... What is the deal with that ? Why does everyone hate us ? I have never done anything wrong nor harmed any other guild or an individual member, so why do they harm and harass us ? For example yesterday in a PvP match, someone named Devo (Dewo) said he hates Silence and will always have hate towards us although i have never met him before nor have even talked to him, he still hates me and hates Silence in general. This hate and differentiation must not exist between our guilds and in between our community.
I truly hope that you re-consider quitting, and I also hope that you ignore everyone and come back playing normally, and take back what you deserve and what you have paid for (the BS you had earned).
Think again about it, because it's a foolish act to do so, but if you do decide to not come back again I understand you and wish you the best luck.
You friend and all of Silence hopes to have you back ignoring what happened, Affinity.