Out of boredom, I noticed that accounts were being made every few minutes or so, and I was wondering why.
I clicked the last user, and IP checked them.
Turns out it was a korean......
Members from IP (range)
IP address Display name lgh999, madhunter1, wjdtn158, whs4827, rhtmdrb12, black_pok, april654, jaerok123, jaerok456, jaerok159, madhunter12, wjdtn1231, wjdanscjf, lyj0591, leejy7, nee8447, wls9290, dnr9290, eotjd3369, wldus3426, aaa3520, dhwns153, rhwnsgur66, sx7712, pkw3746, zksmspdj, sfjee, shwa2480, asd565689, ssub001, zamk0917z, ehdals4969, cksrb4420
His IP is banned(most korean IPs are), so he keeps making accounts hoping the newly made account will work.