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Started by Xrow, September 21, 2010, 08:42:19 PM

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September 21, 2010, 08:42:19 PM Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 11:24:35 PM by Xrow
Creation + Evolution = Crevolution

In short, God created the Heavens and the earth and all biotic and abiotic things.  These creations, through natural selection by superiority, evolved, in a way, into more adept beings and continue to do so.
By the way, this isn't my belief. Just a concept.


1. Redeyes

(Cheuh whatsup Opti)



September 21, 2010, 08:44:03 PM #2 Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 08:46:12 PM by Optimism
Quote from: Xrow on September 21, 2010, 08:42:19 PM
Creation + Evolution = Crevolution

In short, God created the Heavens and the hearth and all biotic and abiotic things.  These creations, through natural selection by superiority, evolved, in a way, into more adept beings and continue to do so.


Is this your new rationalization for what we've been talking about in the evolution thread?


Simply because you cannot understand something, doesn't warrant an immediate attribution to a "god" like being. There is beauty in the unknown -- embrace it. This parallels my father's beliefs entirely. He cannot do-away with his religious upbringing; moreover, because he has come to understand the scientific rational, he merged the two into something he felt comfortable with. Not giving up his religious past and coming to terms with factual evidence enabled a peace of mind.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


Oh hush yo mout boi.
I understand it, I just don't agree with it.
[)4[Y]N that was annoying >_>

And no, it's just a thought lol.

Opti... doublesigh..


Quote from: Xrow on September 21, 2010, 08:46:01 PM
Oh hush yo mout boi.
I understand it, I just don't agree with it.
[)4[Y]N that was annoying >_>

And no, it's just a thought lol.

Opti... doublesigh..

Bluntly stated, why not devote your life to something meaningful instead of indulging yourself in children's fables? So much more can be achieved (human benefit) in absence of religion.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


o.O Because I don't agree with "evolution's" entire theory.

I mean,

1. There are two tribes.
    In the first, everyone is born strong and good-looking.
    In the second, everyone is born scrawny and homely.
2. The first tribe flourishes because of their natural gifts.
3. The second tribe slowly dies off over a period of time because they are not physically or mentally adequate.
4. When the second tribe is extinct, the first tribe flourishes more than ever.
5. Each new generation exercises more than the last, and becomes more fit and more desirable than the last.
6. They continue to flourish and grow.

^ To me, that is not evolution. That is mere logic and order.

But then,

1. A bunch of nothing in a black nothingness exploded and magically made the heavens and the earth and a a couple bacteria on the earth.
2. The bacteria somehow expands and develops.
3. eventually, natural selection causes them to become what we know today.

^ Although I left most of the specifics, that's just stupid..


September 21, 2010, 09:10:38 PM #6 Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 09:19:57 PM by Optimism
Quote from: Xrow on September 21, 2010, 08:55:48 PM
o.O Because I don't agree with "evolution's" entire theory.

I mean,

1. There are two tribes.
   In the first, everyone is born strong and good-looking.
   In the second, everyone is born scrawny and homely.
2. The first tribe flourishes because of their natural gifts.
3. The second tribe slowly dies off over a period of time because they are not physically or mentally adequate.
4. When the second tribe is extinct, the first tribe flourishes more than ever.
5. Each new generation exercises more than the last, and becomes more fit and more desirable than the last.
6. They continue to flourish and grow.

^ To me, that is not evolution. That is mere logic and order.

But then,

1. A bunch of nothing in a black nothingness exploded and magically made the heavens and the earth and a a couple bacteria on the earth.
2. The bacteria somehow expands and develops.
3. eventually, natural selection causes them to become what we know today.

^ Although I left most of the specifics, that's just stupid..

In a "dumbed-down" diction, this is evolution, despite if "you think" otherwise.

You're coming along nicely -- there is hope for you yet XD. The second thought can be explained with the following example (I don't have much time so Ill put this simply): Lets transport a Toyota Tundra (impossible, however relevant for your understanding) back to the time of the neanderthals. In their language, ask them to explain the mechanisms of the components -- a simple enough answer would follow: a dumbfound one. What I'm saying here is that human knowledge is ever expanding. Similar to the time of the neanderthals, there is subject matter that has yet to be understood; however, this does not mean that it won't be understood. Sure enough, in time, the predecessors to the human race became such, and created what we now call a truck. With time, all things are possible, including the understanding of what we now cannot understand. The second and third question within your second paragraph can be explained completely and have been validated experimentally (despite what you are telling yourself). The first question is posed in the form of a theory -- refer to the beginning of this paragraph regarding time and understanding.

THINK logically, my friend.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


September 21, 2010, 09:34:11 PM #7 Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 09:37:46 PM by Xrow
In a "dumbed-down" diction, this is evolution, despite if "you think" otherwise.
Well then TECHNICALLY "evolution" does exist IN A WAY.
But it isn't a universal reality.

You're coming along nicely -- there is hope for you yet XD.
Nope there ain't :]

The second thought can be explained with the following example (I don't have much time so Ill put this simply): Lets transport a Toyota Tundra (impossible, however relevant for your understanding) back to the time of the neanderthals. In their language, ask them to explain the mechanisms of the components -- a simple enough answer would follow: a dumbfound one. What I'm saying here is that human knowledge is ever expanding. Similar to the time of the neanderthals, there is subject matter that has yet to be understood; however, this does not mean that it won't be understood. Sure enough, in time, the predecessors to the human race became such, and created what we now call a truck. With time, all things are possible, including the understanding of what we now cannot understand. The second and third question within your second paragraph can be explained completely and have been validated experimentally (despite what you are telling yourself). The first question is posed in the form of a theory -- refer to the beginning of this paragraph regarding time and understanding.
Well THAT sucks cuz apparently the universe will just decrease in size until it is no longer in existence, then another big bang will poop out another universe and everything'll restart.
Even if "evolution" were reality, it sounds like a shatty one :]

THINK logically, my friend.
*Blank drool stare* :D.


Gahhhhhhh, what iz joo arguing abouttttttttttttttt.
What about evolution got you all in a discussion mood.


Haha, Opti has been losing arguments on this topic to me for years bro :)


Quote from: Xrow on September 21, 2010, 09:48:59 PM
Haha, Opti has been losing arguments on this topic to me for years bro :)
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >:(


Why not debate it?
The least that can happen is an expanded understanding.


Quote from: Xrow on September 21, 2010, 09:48:59 PM
Haha, Opti has been losing arguments on this topic to me for years bro :)


Each and every one of your statements have been vague with little factually based subject matter accepted by the academic community of the world. If you want to discuss who is winning this debate, one only needs to look as far as empirically based evidence. If this occurs, then the "win" falls into my hands...

King, in all honesty, if you present your argument in a debate forum of any kind, you will be laughed at to the door and then rudely asked to leave.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


September 21, 2010, 11:17:06 PM #13 Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 11:23:05 PM by Xrow
Quote from: Optimism on September 21, 2010, 11:04:06 PM

Each and every one of your statements have been vague with little factually based subject matter accepted by the academic community of the world. If you want to discuss who is winning this debate, one only needs to look as far as empirically based evidence. If this occurs, then the "win" falls into my hands...

King, in all honesty, if you present your argument in a debate forum of any kind, you will be laughed at to the door and then rudely asked to leave.

That's because you went to a NON-CHRISTIAN university. I mean seriously, Opti? No sh!t they'd deny my beliefs.


This is more f*ckin awesome than factual. But then, it's also true:
Winning creationist argument (Print the bible on them):

Humans are by far the dominant species on the modern planet.
And we are rapidly depopulating the earth of the rest of it's species.
A species becomes extinct every 20 minutes.
In 300 years, half of all species will be extinct.
So, in about 475 years, all species, besides humans, will be extinct.
And apparently nothing happens to them when they die, huh?
What happens when humans kill each other and no life is left except a couple of bushes?
Then what? -.-
Then another big bang occurs and bacteria magically comes to existence and uses something it doesn't have to make more and more complicated bacteria that can't possibly be made with the nothingness it has at hand?
Then they turn into...?
A fish?
Then a monkey?
Then a person?
Then they die and become a tree?
Then the tree gets cut down and is printed as a Bible?
Then people are brought to Christ as a result.

There used to be less species..

During dinosaur times, there were LESS species that there are now, and DIFFERENT species than there are now.
Unless that one-in-a-few-thousand-billion chance of a beneficial mutation occured MULTIPLE times, AND SOMEHOW STUCK TO A SPECIE'S GENOME, none of what now exists could be in existence.

Reasoning... (By the way, I made Allie contradict herself. Then I recall her defending her contradiction. /Sigh.):
Make them contradict themselves:

-Them:  "Evolution:  The process by which a species gains what is needs to survive."
-Me:  "Then why do we have planes?  Where are our wings?"
-Them:  "Planes are a luxury for travel, not a necessity."
-Me:  "Well, if "evolution" is 'gaining what is needed to survive,' Then why DO we have planes?  We don't NEED them, therefore the ability and knowledge to make them shouldn't have been "evolved."


There are no half-"evolved" species, and there are 0 beneficial mutations. If there were beneficial mutations, there is virtually no chance that that mutation would get passed on to the mutated being's offspring, resulting in the loss of that single beneficial mutation..

Facts AND reasoning based on studies and logic:
The Giraffe and Bombadeer Beetle account:

"The currently existing animals shown in this video had to have all parts of their body at the same time to have the ability to exist without dying."
Therefore, if "evolution" were correct, the giraffe would not exist. Why? Because evolution occurs over time and parts would have been added over time. This means that they would not have had all the necessary parts at the same time, resulting in the animals almost immediate death and then it's extinction.


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