I've proposed this idea in-game to Fira and attempted to whisper Kenny (he was afk) concerning the matter; however, they didn't seem to take the following into consideration, so I'll propose this concept to the community.
As many of you well know, the BOUT shop was released during the last year of BOTS!!, which had many (if not all) the season 2 items that were released on BOUT. Currently, BOUTCHEETAH has few of these season two items. Given the aforementioned, I want to propose a timed release of one new coin item every three weeks (or two or three coin items each month -- w/e time table the community feels is best) in the form of an update. The homepage would have a countdown timer to each new update, releasing the new part. I believe that this would be a great new incentive to play and after talking to Fira in-game, it would only take her about 45 seconds per item implemented within the database/coding. I believe that this would most closely parallel the original BOTS!! timed updates before they stopped occurring.