Quote from: 1neverdie1 on September 23, 2010, 05:04:14 PM
Don't you know what does fun means?! And btw this is an ADVERTISEMENT, if it was a trailer there shoulded be a gameplay.
I'd say "what is this i don't even..."
but i feel like I've overused this phrase due to the tremendous lack of grammar and sentence structure on this forum.
First of all
"Don't you know what does fun means?!"
It's gotta take some IQ to decipher this statement.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably meant "Don't you know what fun means?!"
And if this is the case, yes. I do know what fun means.
But i don't know what "have a fun" means. You can't have a fun. A fun is not an item, or entity.
Therefore you can not own/have one.
Advertisements have gameplay.. You can't advertise something without showing what it is.
All you did was show the names of the maps, and told us that you can PvP and BvB
A viewer watching your horribly half ass made video will have no knowledge of what is going on in this game.
It could be a FPS for all they know.
Which is why there definitely "shoulded" be gameplay.
kthxbai x00b