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OMG you wont believe this happened!

Started by asmit10, January 26, 2012, 09:05:30 AM

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I saved my gf from her abusive dad and it was the most proudest thing of my life that I did for someone that I really cared about. Btw im 14 and black light-skinned I take kung fu and train my heart out almost everyday, No lie. My weapon is a Bo Staff/Chamma and my height is 5-10,175-178cm most people would think how can a 14 year old do THIS? Well, I'll tell ya :P

Believe it or not this is a true story and I will do my best to say it in the truth. Well here I go.

My girlfriend said that she says her dad that is so abusive put a knife up her neck the other day. And boy was I pissed off. I couldn't do anything in class because I kept thinkin about what her dad was doing to her and DOES DO TO HER.  and stuff. I did tell her and myself and a couple of other people that If I ever EVER saw her dad. Heh, that dude is gonna be a deadman walkin. She was so sweet about it it made me melt. She said ok. I'm like omg like does she expect me to do anything?! Hmph. We'll see I said. So to fast foward it she told me that she couldn't come to school the other day since her old man's arrival, and she needed someplace to hide. And to inform you the dude already has a restraining order of 5miles. He broke it, which means he broke the law and which means I have the better advantage to do w.e the hell I please. I grinned. I said don't worry he wont touch you, I promise. Then she was like how? I told her not to worry that nothing will happen to you. I kissed her tenderly and went on the bus. Went home. And then took all the things I needed in case of what he has in stored for her. I camped out in her house and said that I will be the one to protect her and after I am through with him I will call the police to get him arrested and she wont have to worry about his ol' crusty ass anymore. 2 hours later he came and before he did he told my girfriend that he was gonna beat the shit out of her and rape her after that on the phone. CAN YOU ****ING BELIEVE THIS SHIT? IF YOU DONT I DONT BLAME YOU OMFG! YOU RAPE MY MARISSIA?! **** NO OVER MY DEAD BODY. Was what I said and was yelling nd screamin. The thing about her dad was the he wasn't stupid and he knew nobody was gonna be home that night. So he came. But who had somethin in stored for him? I did, and boy was I pissed. You think you can just waltz in here and do whateva the **** you please? Once again over my dead body. We'll see just how good you really are. He was like on crack, drunk his eyes were red and his teeth was black. He had a bat and a knife with him. and my girlfriend was crying my own marissa was crying. How do you think I feel right now like seriously? What kind of emotions is going through my body right now? A whole lot.   Heres the Action.

I told Marissa "Go hide ok?! Go upstairs! I promise you I will have this handled!" She gave me a long hug and ran upstairs but still was crying. Ding dong!

Me: (Ceejay) Weapon: Bo Staff/Chamma Skill: Kung fu/ some of my own techniques that I've developed through training.
Dad: Weapon: Metal Bat, and Kitchen knife.
I was holding my weapon when he busted down the door and it all started.
I was steaming with anger like never before when I hit him across the head with my Chamma and then kicked him in the chest.
He wasn't even fazed and at that point I was scared because Im like does this man have some kind of armor on his head?!
He's as tall as me if not shorted and said "Hey you are you Marissa's protecter? Aww how sweet once im done with you im going after my toy."
He swung the bat at me and I blocked it with my Chamma but then the force was too heavy so the shockwave stunned me ever so slightly for him to hit me again on the chest. it felt like my bones broke but i shook off the pain and grabbed his bat and flung it out the lawn so he couldnt get it, if he tried to run I would have him in an instant. "He said hey now lets fight without our weapons and just fight standup?"
I agreed to the offer because "I mean its better to make u suffer then just to knock you it in a matter of 4 hits no?"
"Shut up stupid ass *****!" was what HE said.
"Whatever floats your boat bitch, bring it.
He posted up, I posted up and we fought.
he swung first and I block 100x better than I dodge so I chose the blocking on my defense part.
I thought he was gonna swing 1 time but he actually rushed me?  He got me 4 times out of 6.
He tripped me and I fell and by the time I knew it he was on top of me punching me at least 15-20 times before I kicked him in the face and got him off me and then I got up really quick. I had blood on my lip dripping down and I was breathing hard and the old man wasn't even tired.
I was losing I could see that. He told me he wasn't gonna give me any chance and he was gonna rape me too and probably stab me to death when he was done with me. -petifile, I thought in my mind-
He wasn't even stunned by my yelling on top of my voice and told me that I watch too much anime. He was right.
I rushed him and told him while I was hitting him with my fists that I will knock him out and you will wake up in a police car. If I am wrong God so help me out. Was what I told him. He did not reply.

I hit him (rushed) about 10x and punched him in the stomach really fast about 3 times before I did an upper cut and the following with my right hook. He was acutally stunned for the 1st time and then I came down with a YAH! and did a straight foward kick to his chest. He coughed up blood as I did not give him a chance to recopuerate and did a 360 reverse kick and then it landed on his temple.
he moaned a cry in pain as I leg sweeped him and he fell on the floor and hit his head on the concrete. To my surprise nobody was outside when this happened. he got up and was breathing very hard and in pain as I ran behind him holded his knees with one of my legs so he couldnt stay on his balance and did a hand chop on the back of his lower nerval cord of his neck and knocked him out.
I told him once again as he looked up at me to go to hell and never show your disgusting face over here.
2 Hours later I told the police everything about what happened the threats the restraining order and etc.
He was inside the cop car bleeding and bruised and a bit surprised.
I said, I told you so didn't I? You can mess with me but when you mess with other people that I care about, Mr. You crossed the line. Don't ever show your disgusting face around here because the whole word is gonna know how a 14 year old just kicked your ass. Have a nice life in jail and have fun getting raped by big black guys old man. Try not to die in jail because they gonna know what happened and they gonna beat the shit out of you. Trust me, I've seen beyond scared straight. Have a nice life. Disorented ****er.
The cops said I was brave. And how I did a good job and gave me 100$ and a doughnut, they said it could make the news but dont count on it I was like eh w.e :P
And my girlfriend was amazed and jumped on me and we both fell down on each other and saying oh my god oh my god oh my god you saved me oh my god its like we are in a movie omg she started kissing me and hugging me as i did the same and after 10 minutes of this i told her that it was late and i'll cya tomorrow at school and she said I love you!! <3 As I said so back and I rode on my bike back home satisfyed. That's just to make a long story short. LOL XD
I didn't realize how tired and hurt I was from the beating I took and from fighting so long that I passed out in within 20 seconds of reaching my bed and flopped down on the floor. My family congratzed me and was all over me but I told them to leave me alone and congratz me in the morning.

Comment please and if you ever read all of this then tell me what you think of it and just speak your mind <3 :D :3 =)
Quote from: cybercjt on May 27, 2012, 02:27:31 PM
i'm 6 according to Dillh
The internet is a great place to grow up. Just make sure you keep growing.



Is this even u or one of those weird chain mail things

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


You really watched too much anime lol

Too bat this stuff didn't happen to me so I could get my girl back -.-



@idiot retards tan & pig: hes mocking komochi's post which was a serious post =_+_+_+_=
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on January 26, 2012, 10:08:15 AM

@idiot retards tan & pig: hes mocking komochi's post which was a serious post =_+_+_+_=
I red this topic before komochi's one, don't blame me D:


IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


DISCORD killyzkill


IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: komochi on January 26, 2012, 10:42:25 AM
Ha! Im laughin you trying to make fun of my serious post that happened last night. which FAILED Real cute dude. -10 respect for you.

actually it worked since you replied in a negative tone
DISCORD killyzkill


Don't think, feel


sure but you said he failed, but he didnt fail if he got you mad lol
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: komochi on January 26, 2012, 10:56:07 AM
What do ya mean I replied in a negative tone? He deserved it for making fun of my story.
You juts got asmit'ed


you can't hide how mad you are imag, sorry :/ we all know
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: asmit10 on January 26, 2012, 09:05:30 AM

I saved my gf from her abusive dad and it was the most proudest thing of my life that I did for someone that I really cared about. Btw im 14 and black light-skinned I take kung fu and train my heart out almost everyday, No lie. My weapon is a Bo Staff/Chamma and my height is 5-10,175-178cm most people would think how can a 14 year old do THIS? Well, I'll tell ya :P

Believe it or not this is a true story and I will do my best to say it in the truth. Well here I go.

My girlfriend said that she says her dad that is so abusive put a knife up her neck the other day. And boy was I pissed off. I couldn't do anything in class because I kept thinkin about what her dad was doing to her and DOES DO TO HER.  and stuff. I did tell her and myself and a couple of other people that If I ever EVER saw her dad. Heh, that dude is gonna be a deadman walkin. She was so sweet about it it made me melt. She said ok. I'm like omg like does she expect me to do anything?! Hmph. We'll see I said. So to fast foward it she told me that she couldn't come to school the other day since her old man's arrival, and she needed someplace to hide. And to inform you the dude already has a restraining order of 5miles. He broke it, which means he broke the law and which means I have the better advantage to do w.e the hell I please. I grinned. I said don't worry he wont touch you, I promise. Then she was like how? I told her not to worry that nothing will happen to you. I kissed her tenderly and went on the bus. Went home. And then took all the things I needed in case of what he has in stored for her. I camped out in her house and said that I will be the one to protect her and after I am through with him I will call the police to get him arrested and she wont have to worry about his ol' crusty ass anymore. 2 hours later he came and before he did he told my girfriend that he was gonna beat the shit out of her and rape her after that on the phone. CAN YOU ****ING BELIEVE THIS SHIT? IF YOU DONT I DONT BLAME YOU OMFG! YOU RAPE MY MARISSIA?! **** NO OVER MY DEAD BODY. Was what I said and was yelling nd screamin. The thing about her dad was the he wasn't stupid and he knew nobody was gonna be home that night. So he came. But who had somethin in stored for him? I did, and boy was I pissed. You think you can just waltz in here and do whateva the **** you please? Once again over my dead body. We'll see just how good you really are. He was like on crack, drunk his eyes were red and his teeth was black. He had a bat and a knife with him. and my girlfriend was crying my own marissa was crying. How do you think I feel right now like seriously? What kind of emotions is going through my body right now? A whole lot.   Heres the Action.

I told Marissa "Go hide ok?! Go upstairs! I promise you I will have this handled!" She gave me a long hug and ran upstairs but still was crying. Ding dong!

Me: (Ceejay) Weapon: Bo Staff/Chamma Skill: Kung fu/ some of my own techniques that I've developed through training.
Dad: Weapon: Metal Bat, and Kitchen knife.
I was holding my weapon when he busted down the door and it all started.
I was steaming with anger like never before when I hit him across the head with my Chamma and then kicked him in the chest.
He wasn't even fazed and at that point I was scared because Im like does this man have some kind of armor on his head?!
He's as tall as me if not shorted and said "Hey you are you Marissa's protecter? Aww how sweet once im done with you im going after my toy."
He swung the bat at me and I blocked it with my Chamma but then the force was too heavy so the shockwave stunned me ever so slightly for him to hit me again on the chest. it felt like my bones broke but i shook off the pain and grabbed his bat and flung it out the lawn so he couldnt get it, if he tried to run I would have him in an instant. "He said hey now lets fight without our weapons and just fight standup?"
I agreed to the offer because "I mean its better to make u suffer then just to knock you it in a matter of 4 hits no?"
"Shut up stupid ass *****!" was what HE said.
"Whatever floats your boat bitch, bring it.
He posted up, I posted up and we fought.
he swung first and I block 100x better than I dodge so I chose the blocking on my defense part.
I thought he was gonna swing 1 time but he actually rushed me?  He got me 4 times out of 6.
He tripped me and I fell and by the time I knew it he was on top of me punching me at least 15-20 times before I kicked him in the face and got him off me and then I got up really quick. I had blood on my lip dripping down and I was breathing hard and the old man wasn't even tired.
I was losing I could see that. He told me he wasn't gonna give me any chance and he was gonna rape me too and probably stab me to death when he was done with me. -petifile, I thought in my mind-
He wasn't even stunned by my yelling on top of my voice and told me that I watch too much anime. He was right.
I rushed him and told him while I was hitting him with my fists that I will knock him out and you will wake up in a police car. If I am wrong God so help me out. Was what I told him. He did not reply.

I hit him (rushed) about 10x and punched him in the stomach really fast about 3 times before I did an upper cut and the following with my right hook. He was acutally stunned for the 1st time and then I came down with a YAH! and did a straight foward kick to his chest. He coughed up blood as I did not give him a chance to recopuerate and did a 360 reverse kick and then it landed on his temple.
he moaned a cry in pain as I leg sweeped him and he fell on the floor and hit his head on the concrete. To my surprise nobody was outside when this happened. he got up and was breathing very hard and in pain as I ran behind him holded his knees with one of my legs so he couldnt stay on his balance and did a hand chop on the back of his lower nerval cord of his neck and knocked him out.
I told him once again as he looked up at me to go to hell and never show your disgusting face over here.
2 Hours later I told the police everything about what happened the threats the restraining order and etc.
He was inside the cop car bleeding and bruised and a bit surprised.
I said, I told you so didn't I? You can mess with me but when you mess with other people that I care about, Mr. You crossed the line. Don't ever show your disgusting face around here because the whole word is gonna know how a 14 year old just kicked your ass. Have a nice life in jail and have fun getting raped by big black guys old man. Try not to die in jail because they gonna know what happened and they gonna beat the shit out of you. Trust me, I've seen beyond scared straight. Have a nice life. Disorented ****er.
The cops said I was brave. And how I did a good job and gave me 100$ and a doughnut, they said it could make the news but dont count on it I was like eh w.e :P Lolz no proof.
And my girlfriend was amazed and jumped on me and we both fell down on each other and saying oh my god oh my god oh my god you saved me oh my god its like we are in a movie omg she started kissing me and hugging me as i did the same and after 10 minutes of this i told her that it was late and i'll cya tomorrow at school and she said I love you!! <3 As I said so back and I rode on my bike back home satisfyed. That's just to make a long story short. LOL XD
I didn't realize how tired and hurt I was from the beating I took and from fighting so long that I passed out in within 20 seconds of reaching my bed and flopped down on the floor. My family congratzed me and was all over me but I told them to leave me alone and congratz me in the morning. But then I woke up.

BC: Nuc | Kyura
GC: SaphireFlare

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