I can verify for everyone that you're a liar. Bear with me here.
First off, you said CB. BoutCheetah has only had one CB, it was the summer of last year. All players were manually added into the game, and their characters still exist. Therefore, if you really were in CB, you wouldn't have had to make a new account.
Now, I can verify that there is no "butcher" in CB. I added all accounts myself. I can also verify that I don't believe there is one still.
The only way you could've been in a beta and get past this, no matter how short, would be is if you were in Open Beta of the original, three years ago. That, too, is impossible, for this was an open beta. I'm sure you'd be able to recognize the difference.
To continue, you don't have a valid hostname (I can't prove you're using a proxy or a VPS yet, but I've looked into it). Your hostname belongs to someone else. You also have no other accounts on your IP. This makes me believe you're trying to avoid an IP ban. Or maybe a VPS ban?