That's right, my RPG Maker XP project is back. But I'm gonna need help to get it all done. The more helpers the better.
I'm okay with none of you helping me. Really, I am. But for the game to basically ever finish (at least within the next year) I'll need helpers, preferrably the following:
2-3 map creators. I will assign you a map to create and you'll do so on your own side and will give me the map over MSN file transfer (or sendspace, ie if it's big) and I'll script it.
At least one spriter. Seriously, I will seriously pay you for sprites. I need these badly, but I need good, professional ones. If I found a good spriter I would never let you go.
At least one or two helpers to create a storyline with me. I have the original FiraXion I for you guys to play to understand the storyline so far, or I can give you a large summary, and you can help me from there. I can make the storyline myself, but having others to bounce ideas off of is always great.
Testers. You'll be required to play the game over and over whenever a new major patch is released. Because of the stability I code it with, almost all the variables are updated when a few new ones are created.
For those that help a lot, I seriously would give you some real life pay (not for little shit or casual help of course). Especially sprites -- if you can deliver to me professional original sprites I will love you forever.
All helpers will go into credits, and I plan to make this an online game someday. It is extremely stable and I am scripting it in such a way as to allow for multiplayer someday.