I can play LoL, had 2 level 30 accs, my main with 70 champs! I only recently started playing ranked more often, i got around 1400 elo then I started playing with one of my best mates who is... well... bad. he dragged me down to 1200 elo. don't worry I can play, I get positive every game, my losses are due to either my friend or afk/trolls. i'm up for duo queue whenever you are. add "BonzoDawg" if you're up for it. my skype is "ryanbonzo" if you wanna talk about it.
p.s. my fave/main champions are: Lee sin, Mordekaiser, Darius, Annie, Urgot & Kayle. yeah I like to solo top, mid & jungle. basically anything that will let me carry my team, no matter how god awful they are. + I can play Urgot as AD carry, he's a beast.