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The community

Started by dereksnake, October 11, 2010, 05:38:30 PM

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Quote from: dereksnake on October 12, 2010, 12:33:03 AM
You are right about suggestions getting tossed in most situations and I am hoping that this community can change that a bit especially if Zylon is hoping to make it a true company.

Quit wearing girl panties and man up.

So deal with it.

|**** a bitch - Respect a women - Love a lady|


Zylon doesn't have a chance to become a company unless;

We get a home site (legit).
We get new forums.
Staff members get paid.

Stating the obvious.


Wiki's definition of "company":
•A company is a form of business organization

Definition of "business":
•Commercial activity or trade

People purchase membership.
Zylon creates commercial trade, receiving money for player memberships.
Zylon creates business.

Wiki's definition of organization:
•An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals and controls its own performance.

Another definition of organization that sums it up:
•A group of people who work together

Group of people:
Allie, Kenny, etc.

By definition, Zylon is a true company.


October 12, 2010, 12:20:34 PM #49 Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 12:22:25 PM by randomftw123
Quote from: Faith on October 11, 2010, 11:41:06 PM
you need some pills, darling?  :-*

^tricky win <3


October 12, 2010, 12:29:36 PM #50 Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 12:32:09 PM by lnwZa
Quote from: dereksnake on October 11, 2010, 05:38:30 PM
I have noticed after playing for the last few days that there are a lot of people who aren't very respectful towards others. If we want this community to get larger, and I know we all do, people need to stop talking bad about others behind their backs and not be rude. New players as well as older players. Note if your mean to the newer players the community won't grow because they are the ones that will be able to introduce more people to the game if they are treated well and enjoy themselves while on the game. Thanks for reading what I hae to say about it and please if your going to be rude or immature in your responses don't respond.


We don't talk trash behind each others' backs, we screw them up front when we have the chance. And we can't be nice, if half the players are retarded newfegs who keep looking for trouble, can we?

No excuse for failure. Just admit it, and improve.


October 12, 2010, 05:45:51 PM #51 Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 05:48:13 PM by mo9
Quote from: FireyDevel on October 11, 2010, 08:14:50 PM
Lol your right, Divineraged back in BOTS!!

And @ The two above me, your very welcome guys!! Great start though, to have this much of a responce and not get flamed all that much on language or stupidity. Keep it up!

^^ thanks so much firy, ppl like u keap new players from leaving ,  but i didnt get flamed cause i am awsome (H)   jk lol    i dont like getting flamed so i dont get ppl mad , that simple ( exept if they are really annoying or i am in a really bad mood )
ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box


Quote from: lnwZa on October 12, 2010, 12:29:36 PM
We don't talk trash behind each others' backs, we screw them up front when we have the chance. And we can't be nice, if half the players are retarded newfegs who keep looking for trouble, can we?

i kinda already said that


No offense bounty but hes right...... and btw lol haha bots was not a nice community eh? lol how far did they get.... it stuff like that that tore bots apart...


Quote from: Struct on October 12, 2010, 09:49:55 PM
No offense bounty but hes right...... and btw lol haha bots was not a nice community eh? lol how far did they get.... it stuff like that that tore bots apart...

HACKS and NO UPDATES and a CORRUPT PUBLISHING COMPANY tore the game apart. You're just trying to look like you know shit, but you obviously don't.
DISCORD killyzkill


Welp. ur partly right.... (acting smart :3)


How is the other bit wrong? Acclaim was obviously corrupt, we had no updates, and there were like infinite bajillion hacks that weren't patched.
DISCORD killyzkill


Bots was stupid.... at the end


in the end all games are stupid as you gain nothing in life that matters from them sure you waste time and have some fun talk to poeple ect... but how many of you have gotten a job or a new start on life because someone in this community or in game or any game helped you? so in here do whatever you want the consequences are whatever the mods want them to be if they have no problem it it then w/e


Quote from: Painkiller on October 12, 2010, 10:13:39 PM
in the end all games are stupid as you gain nothing in life that matters from them sure you waste time and have some fun talk to poeple ect... but how many of you have gotten a job or a new start on life because someone in this community or in game or any game helped you? so in here do whatever you want the consequences are whatever the mods want them to be if they have no problem it it then w/e

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