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Sanctuary {#1 PvP Guild}

Started by Allie, September 17, 2012, 07:00:37 PM

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October 18, 2012, 07:12:37 PM #270 Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 07:13:37 PM by Allie
Whose up for some pvp lessons~
btw selene you have my permission to edit the first page if you want to.


October 18, 2012, 07:43:23 PM #271 Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 07:44:32 PM by Selene
I will come and have some PvP lessons.

Let me know.

The guild topic has also been updated.



Creator Of Mid-Air Block <--Corr told me to put this k.



Quote from: komochi on October 19, 2012, 08:25:46 AM
Yikes. What's WRONG with this picture?

You guys probably already guessed it, Sanctuary is losing it's members and fast and I think I know why this is happening.

You guys remember when we 1st started the guild and it was action-packed and live? Well that's starting to deteriorate vicously quickly. people say that the reason they quit Sanctuary was because the leaders that are supposed to be guiding it are barley even on most of the time. Like Allie or Optimism no offense at all to you guys but your names have been said from anonymous. (I won't say their names so nothing sparks up) There are only about 8 people who acutally are active including myself which is out of the 12 people that are left in Sanctuary and that's out of 20 which we aren't even up to due to all the players that have been lost starting from day one,(you do the math) I should say pathetic but I won't because I'M in this guild. And heh, Nanak was not lying when he said people in Sanctuary are very mean because that stuffs true and you guys know who you are. And that stuff that says, "Those who have been taught, teach the rest" I've been barley seeing anyone teach anything since day one of me being in Sanctuary. The only people I've actually saw teach more than at least 10 people was Materger but he's gone now due to the way the guild is and acts. Opti too sometimes but he's inactive but pops in once in a while. Idk about Allie not to be rude or anything but I haven't seen her on for quite a while except for today. And don't include me because I'm always training/sparring with someone incase they want to home in their skills. So not more than 1-2 people teach anything out of the almost used to be 20 people but now that has deteriorated so thus, it is 8 people that are active.(You do the math) This guild is dying and it's dying in a rapid rate, I have absolutley NO doubts that it can be fixed, (since I am a guy who never gives up on something) but if it is willing to be fixed, it needs to start soon. So here is my solution:

To fix the guild, we need to find new members or get the old members to join again. (Idk how you gonna persuade them to do that LOL.)
The regulars like Opti, and Allie need to be pvping more/teaching and being Active more in the guild's community in order to spark up a want for new or old players to join this guild again.

The quote, "Those who have been taught, teach the rest." This goes for everyone including myself, if people were to come back into Sanctaury with limitless potential, that potential is waiting for a key for it to be unlocked, so acutally do what the quote says and stop messing around and teach your fellow players some new tricks, skills, and jukes.(Etc)

And last but not least be nice, kindhearted, sweet, and respectful to one another inside and outside of the guild in order to maintain the guild's lustrous coat shine and not dirty it up by people making assumptions and giving people ideas to say that this guild is mean and disrespectful in anyway what so ever.

And hey, I'd like to be a Co-leader only for the guild and to see if I can watch over it so we can have 3 people watching over our guild, whereas me and Selene being active Co-leaders. Not counting out Opti he's just not on as much still a good gai though. :)
If I have left anything out, please inform me and or correct me of any mistakes I have made, feel free to comment about this and if you have anything to say about this guild please speak your heart out because if this guild is not saved before everything crashes, it's just going to be just like what it was before the guild wipe. Dead, and I forbid that to happen as long as I am in this guild. I care too much and love it for it to happen. These two pictures says it all. I needn't say anything else.

From this, :D to this:  :'(

~Ceejay    :-*

Wow, you take things way too seriously.

Dead Serious.
 I've had to delete four of your posts within this thread for passive harassment. If this continues, you're going to be muted permanently.
 You were warned and now you're muted for being a drama lama.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


I have plans to keep (or rather maintain) Sanctuary's elite status, and will likely be full-scale reviving it in the coming week, after a few new Guild updates. Until then, I'm letting it cruise, letting Selene handle it.

And no, imag, I have no plans to allow anyone who quit back in. I treasure loyalty to the guild over all, and those who came and left are disloyal. I do not plan to immediately find new members, as our original 20 were the top in the game, however I do plan to move the course of Sanctuary unto a fun, enjoyable guild. Previously I limited myself because I was an admin -- I see now that that was a horrible idea, and I will remove those limits as far as I can go without breaking rules [administrative favours]. I'm certain those who stayed loyal to Sanctuary will not regret it on our peak revival.


October 19, 2012, 12:40:04 PM #276 Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 02:24:26 PM by Selene
Sasuke- and OptimusX do you want to stay in Sanctuary or should I kick you out? We do not accept trouble-makers in Sanctuary and if you two are getting into trouble we do not want you.. So please tell me that you both are going to behave and not cause trouble anymore because like I said we do not accept trouble-makers.

This also goes for every Sanctuary member too.




October 19, 2012, 04:03:07 PM #279 Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 04:04:10 PM by Optimism
Corr, if I see you post in this thread again, I'm muting you for 3 weeks. Dead serious. This is your verbal warning. I may even skip straight to a ban :].

Imag, I enjoyed reading your post. I have no issue with you being promoted to a co-lead position to help get this guild on track again.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


October 19, 2012, 04:03:47 PM #280 Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 04:11:10 PM by Selene
Quote from: Optimism on October 19, 2012, 04:03:07 PM
Corr, if I see you post in this thread again, I'm muting you for 3 weeks. Dead serious.

Imag, I enjoyed reading your post. I have no issue with you being promoted to co-lead position to get this guild on track again.

I have an issue with him so I would have to disagree with you.


Quote from: Selene on October 19, 2012, 04:03:47 PM
Quote from: Optimism on October 19, 2012, 04:03:07 PM
Corr, if I see you post in this thread again, I'm muting you for 3 weeks. Dead serious.

Imag, I enjoyed reading your post. I have no issue with you being promoted to co-lead position to get this guild on track again.

I have an issue with him.

It's ultimately up to the other guild members -- I merely stated my opinion :P.

Allie disagrees, also.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -



- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


Quote from: Optimism on October 19, 2012, 04:03:07 PM
Corr, if I see you post in this thread again, I'm muting you for 3 weeks. Dead serious. This is your verbal warning. I may even skip straight to a ban :].

Imag, I enjoyed reading your post. I have no issue with you being promoted to a co-lead position to help get this guild on track again.

pro optimism:D

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