1. i once won a 4v5 ranked, never surrender bro maybe they d/c and u can abuse that to come back
2. there is no such thing as "ksing", this is not counter strike, its a team game, ofc its better for a support to let the adc have the kills, but noone should complain if he takes some, i mean betetr a kill for a support than no kill at all.
3. no need to rage cause of 1 fkin loss, i've lost so many promotions already, i just forgot about it and continiued playing and eventually climbed back up.
4. ofc you will loose games, you cant win every game, dont take those losses too serious there are trolls everywhere. just keep playing, if you cant menage to climb maybe you're just not good enough at the moment and have to improve, play normals and train new champs new builds and work on your mistakes.
Wise neo has spoken