Orr you can..(this tutorial is for those who don't know how to use paint, or don't want to use paint, for laptop users, and for those who only want the Boutcheetah window instead of their whole desktop. The tut. above is how you can get your whole desktop. I can add screenshots for those who need it).
1. Press PrntScrn on your keyboard (if it's below a "F#" key such as 'F11,' then you have to press the 'Fn' key on your laptop. If this is the case, the 'Fn' key and the 'PrntScrn' key should both be the same colour.
2. After you've taken a legitimate screenshot, the screenies are saved to your Boutcheetah folder under "screenshot." You can access your screenies by clicking on that folder.
3. After you've found what picture you would like to upload, go to imageshack.com as eco mentioned above, and click the Browse button.
4. After you've clicked the Browse button, locate your screenshot folder for Boutcheetah if it's not already there and select what picture you want to upload.
5. After you've pressed "OK," you'll see it's listed in the upload area, and all you have to do is click "UPLOAD NOW."
6. After it's finished uploading, it'll take you a thumbnail view of your image. If it shows up as "No thumbnail available" don't worry - it isn't stuck/broken.
7. When you can see a thumbnail view of your image, simply click on it once to get a zoomed view (you can click once more for a larger image). From here, you can just right click on the image, and navigate your mouse to the option "View Image Info." When you click it, a window will pop up.
8. In this window, what should be currently highlighted is something looking like "
http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/4171/amym.jpg." This is the link to your image. If you want to upload a picture to forums, you copy this link. After you copy it, you then create a topic/reply or post, and click on "Insert Image." It's next to the "Flash" button and underneath the italics button. Clicking this will make a "

" pop up, and your blinking line automatically gets put inbetween

. That's where you paste the link you copied from imageshack, or whatever other site you got it from. After that, you can successfully post. If it doesn't work, go back and make sure your link is right between

. So it'd be like

This is a very detailed description =3 Anyways I'm actually leaving on Friday so...yeah.