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Arguement POLL (Superman PRIME vs GOKU with full power of the dragon balls

Started by Omega, February 21, 2013, 03:09:34 PM

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Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 10:43:53 AM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 02:58:54 AM
What i mean is,If you've watched the DBZ series,You would know that GOKu absorbed the dragon balls at the end,Imensely increasing his power.
lmao, goku didnt absorb them on purpose. shenron put the dragonballs into him  when they were flying off and goku was sleeping to keep them from being used anymore. they weren't used to turn him into ss4. when goku turned into the great ape and pan helped him remember his past and control the power of the great ape was when he turned into ss4. it showed no more fighting from goku after the dragonballs were put in his body.

learn ur db
I dont watch DB lol,Its Crappy and too long.I only said if you've watched DBgt series,I didnt say i had done it.
When did i also say absorbing the dragon balls turned him into SS4 o.o,All i said is that he gained some power.


when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times



Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!

[/quote]lmao, goku didnt absorb them on purpose. shenron put the dragonballs into him  when they were flying off and goku was sleeping to keep them from being used anymore. they weren't used to turn him into ss4. when goku turned into the great ape and pan helped him remember his past and control the power of the great ape was when he turned into ss4. it showed no more fighting from goku after the dragonballs were put in his body.

learn ur db
About this Post...I said Goku absorbed the dragon balls,I never said he took them on purpose.When a plant is recieving solar energy from the sun during photosynthesis,Isnt it absorbing it?Someone/something can give for something to be absorbed.

As it states here a lesson has to be taught before that student said could absorb it.I got that from a DICTIONARY.
Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO.
this really comes off really offensive,We should rather be argueing about the Topic matter,Not this....


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO
I don't know much about prime but here's your answer from somebody who knows:
Superman at his best vs Goku at his best ? Superman would absolutely mop the world with Goku dozens of times over.

The strongest version of Superman is Superman Prime One Million. He's omnipotent. In other words, he's a god. He has unlimited power, speed which is beyond the interpretation of abstract beings, he can be literally everywhere at the same time, he can create anything he wants out of completely nothing, he knows everything about the Universe and much more. Simply put, Superman Prime can do literally anything he wants. He is immortal, thus immune to Kryptonite and Magic. In fact, using any finite measurement to measure his attributes is completely irrelevant to Superman Prime because he's a god. He defeated Solaris, a giant being who eats dimensions for the lulz. In order to defeat him, you have to defeat Solaris in EVERY single timeline, both past, present AND future, at the same freaking time. That's literally impossible, but not for Prime. Superman Prime is too broken.

Goku at his best, on his best day, with every single god of luck smiling down upon him, would get completely, ridiculously, and absolutely destroyed, with every fibre of his being totally eradicated by Superman Prime. Super Saiyan 4 Goku doesn't even stand a chance. Literally. There is ZERO possibility of Goku winning. He just can't. You pit someone like him with Prime? Not happening. Goku WILL get tired one way or another, even if it means fighting for weeks, or even months. Prime would never stop. Ever. He has stamina and durability to keep him fighting for eternity, if he has to. Goku is only mortal. He is susceptible to exhaustion and hunger, as well as thirst. Prime doesn't run on anything. He's a god; he'll continue no matter what.

Simply put, you're asking a question that's like "Who would win in a fight? A really strong mortal or a god that can do anything he wants?". Goku's strong; I'll give you that. He's pretty OP if you put him in like Bleach or One Piece or Naruto or anything. But anything that's a mortal vs. an omnipotent, and the omnipotent is gonna win, every day of the month.


Quote from: AllEyesOnMe on February 22, 2013, 04:24:38 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO
I don't know much about prime but here's your answer from somebody who knows:
Superman at his best vs Goku at his best ? Superman would absolutely mop the world with Goku dozens of times over.

The strongest version of Superman is Superman Prime One Million. He's omnipotent. In other words, he's a god. He has unlimited power, speed which is beyond the interpretation of abstract beings, he can be literally everywhere at the same time, he can create anything he wants out of completely nothing, he knows everything about the Universe and much more. Simply put, Superman Prime can do literally anything he wants. He is immortal, thus immune to Kryptonite and Magic. In fact, using any finite measurement to measure his attributes is completely irrelevant to Superman Prime because he's a god. He defeated Solaris, a giant being who eats dimensions for the lulz. In order to defeat him, you have to defeat Solaris in EVERY single timeline, both past, present AND future, at the same freaking time. That's literally impossible, but not for Prime. Superman Prime is too broken.

Goku at his best, on his best day, with every single god of luck smiling down upon him, would get completely, ridiculously, and absolutely destroyed, with every fibre of his being totally eradicated by Superman Prime. Super Saiyan 4 Goku doesn't even stand a chance. Literally. There is ZERO possibility of Goku winning. He just can't. You pit someone like him with Prime? Not happening. Goku WILL get tired one way or another, even if it means fighting for weeks, or even months. Prime would never stop. Ever. He has stamina and durability to keep him fighting for eternity, if he has to. Goku is only mortal. He is susceptible to exhaustion and hunger, as well as thirst. Prime doesn't run on anything. He's a god; he'll continue no matter what.

Simply put, you're asking a question that's like "Who would win in a fight? A really strong mortal or a god that can do anything he wants?". Goku's strong; I'll give you that. He's pretty OP if you put him in like Bleach or One Piece or Naruto or anything. But anything that's a mortal vs. an omnipotent, and the omnipotent is gonna win, every day of the month.
Lol your right,I knew who would win.I just wanted to see who the Dragon ball fanboys were xD.They stick with goku no matter what.
Loooooooooooooooooool that  video,I dont think the kamehame HA! would hurt supe's that much that he would bleed -_-


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO

"you would know if you watched" implies that the one who's talking (or the subject)  knows something the other doesnt; if it's followed by facts about the matter being discussed the meaning of the phare is even more emphasized.

Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 02:03:10 PM
I dont watch DB lol,Its Crappy and too long.I only said if you've watched DBgt series,I didnt say i had done it.
When did i also say absorbing the dragon balls turned him into SS4 o.o,All i said is that he gained some power.

in this post you said you didnt watch the db series, but in that other post
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!

you said you still learned about the anime.. so you either dont watch and know stuff about db, and cant use "if you watched you'd know" thingy, or you actually know something about the anime and contradicted yourself.

also you've said "What i mean is,If you've watched the DBZ series,You would know that GOKu absorbed the dragon balls at the end,Imensely increasing his power."
but also said "All i said is that he gained some power."
immense power =/= some power

tl;dr you contradict yourself

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


Quote from: Iridion on February 22, 2013, 04:35:47 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO

"you would know if you watched" implies that the one who's talking (or the subject)  knows something the other doesnt; if it's followed by facts about the matter being discussed the meaning of the phare is even more emphasized.

Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 02:03:10 PM
I dont watch DB lol,Its Crappy and too long.I only said if you've watched DBgt series,I didnt say i had done it.
When did i also say absorbing the dragon balls turned him into SS4 o.o,All i said is that he gained some power.

in this post you said you didnt watch the db series, but in that other post
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!

you said you still learned about the anime.. so you either dont watch and know stuff about db, and cant use "if you watched you'd know" thingy, or you actually know something about the anime and contradicted yourself.

also you've said "What i mean is,If you've watched the DBZ series,You would know that GOKu absorbed the dragon balls at the end,Imensely increasing his power."
but also said "All i said is that he gained some power."
immense power =/= some power

tl;dr you contradict yourself
...."some" could specify big or small...How does that even...I go to a guy and go like "Hey, I want some candy".Does that mean he is gona give me alittle or.....God Just nevermind bro.I'm british,I understand english.
I dont know why your supporting him.Here are the facts

You guys are just off point.


bro u trying to hard. you don't understand the way you put your own things into context
either you just don't know much our u a hippocrite



Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:50:11 PM
Quote from: Iridion on February 22, 2013, 04:35:47 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO

"you would know if you watched" implies that the one who's talking (or the subject)  knows something the other doesnt; if it's followed by facts about the matter being discussed the meaning of the phare is even more emphasized.

Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 02:03:10 PM
I dont watch DB lol,Its Crappy and too long.I only said if you've watched DBgt series,I didnt say i had done it.
When did i also say absorbing the dragon balls turned him into SS4 o.o,All i said is that he gained some power.

in this post you said you didnt watch the db series, but in that other post
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!

you said you still learned about the anime.. so you either dont watch and know stuff about db, and cant use "if you watched you'd know" thingy, or you actually know something about the anime and contradicted yourself.

also you've said "What i mean is,If you've watched the DBZ series,You would know that GOKu absorbed the dragon balls at the end,Imensely increasing his power."
but also said "All i said is that he gained some power."
immense power =/= some power

tl;dr you contradict yourself
...."some" could specify big or small...How does that even...I go to a guy and go like "Hey, I want some candy".Does that mean he is gona give me alittle or.....God Just nevermind bro.I'm british,I understand english.
I dont know why your supporting him.Here are the facts

You guys are just off point.
yes but you are surely going to agree that immense is a well specified amount

just some debate, nothing bad

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:31:30 PM
Quote from: AllEyesOnMe on February 22, 2013, 04:24:38 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Quote from: zomniethe4 on February 22, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
when I said db, I meant all of the series in general, and you put a picture of him in ss4 form next to your post . you also said if I watched dbz I would know and you don't watch it your self. you've contradicted your own statements so many times
You assumed that becuase I posted a picture of SS4,it suddenly means I said he gained it from accepting dragon balls,Bruv thats just your opinion.Dont make up your own assumptions and Say i am contradicting what i never even told you.I posted a link of ssj4 becuase i wanted him in his strongest state,Like superman prime.
"If you watch the DBseries,You would know that.....".I am just saying you will know what happened if you watch it.So that automatically means i must have watched it too? -_-  There are many other ways you can learn about an anime besides watching it bruv!.

Your taking words right from my mouth,Without me even saying them.Then saying i contradict myself o.O LMAO
I don't know much about prime but here's your answer from somebody who knows:
Superman at his best vs Goku at his best ? Superman would absolutely mop the world with Goku dozens of times over.

The strongest version of Superman is Superman Prime One Million. He's omnipotent. In other words, he's a god. He has unlimited power, speed which is beyond the interpretation of abstract beings, he can be literally everywhere at the same time, he can create anything he wants out of completely nothing, he knows everything about the Universe and much more. Simply put, Superman Prime can do literally anything he wants. He is immortal, thus immune to Kryptonite and Magic. In fact, using any finite measurement to measure his attributes is completely irrelevant to Superman Prime because he's a god. He defeated Solaris, a giant being who eats dimensions for the lulz. In order to defeat him, you have to defeat Solaris in EVERY single timeline, both past, present AND future, at the same freaking time. That's literally impossible, but not for Prime. Superman Prime is too broken.

Goku at his best, on his best day, with every single god of luck smiling down upon him, would get completely, ridiculously, and absolutely destroyed, with every fibre of his being totally eradicated by Superman Prime. Super Saiyan 4 Goku doesn't even stand a chance. Literally. There is ZERO possibility of Goku winning. He just can't. You pit someone like him with Prime? Not happening. Goku WILL get tired one way or another, even if it means fighting for weeks, or even months. Prime would never stop. Ever. He has stamina and durability to keep him fighting for eternity, if he has to. Goku is only mortal. He is susceptible to exhaustion and hunger, as well as thirst. Prime doesn't run on anything. He's a god; he'll continue no matter what.

Simply put, you're asking a question that's like "Who would win in a fight? A really strong mortal or a god that can do anything he wants?". Goku's strong; I'll give you that. He's pretty OP if you put him in like Bleach or One Piece or Naruto or anything. But anything that's a mortal vs. an omnipotent, and the omnipotent is gonna win, every day of the month.
Lol your right,I knew who would win.I just wanted to see who the Dragon ball fanboys were xD.They stick with goku no matter what.
Loooooooooooooooooool that  video,I dont think the kamehame HA! would hurt supe's that much that he would bleed -_-

I'm not a Superman fanboy, in fact I prefer Dragon Ball because it's more entertaining, but according to their stats Prime would win.


This whole argument is stupid.

You will never know who is stronger. The only way you would know who's better is if they fought in real life, but that can't happen because they're fake.


Quote from: Selene on February 22, 2013, 05:14:12 PM
This whole argument is stupid.

You will never know who is stronger. The only way you would know who's better is if they fought in real life, but that can't happen because they're fake.
But...WHAT IF they were real.You gota think like that lol.


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2013, 05:18:15 PM
Quote from: Selene on February 22, 2013, 05:14:12 PM
This whole argument is stupid.

You will never know who is stronger. The only way you would know who's better is if they fought in real life, but that can't happen because they're fake.
But...WHAT IF they were real.

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