why do you need to make a +7 set for low lovels. I haven't seen people wearing +5 set that is 136 or below 136.
151 +5 parts are cheap in Market. Once a player hits lv 151, he/she will probably go to market and buy a +5 set.
Think about it, +5 parts are rare, you need 9 +5 parts to make a +7 part, so you need 27 +5 parts to make a +7 set.
Who will grind it? If you are stupid and you grind the same level for 2000 times, are you staying within the range of that level afterwards? you probably would have lvled to 172, and a +4 set of 166gives out more states (TG, speed etc) than a+7 set of 106.
You think it's easy, everything comes out from your mouth is easy, if you try to do it, it will be much harder than how you thought. The highest luck for low levels is 200. I grinded 17 for lv 1 +5 parts with 690 luck for 800 times, I got around 15 +5 parts. For low lovels? Do you think you have the patience to grind 3000 games?
Possibly, you will buy parts from other players. Other players probably will rather grind to the next level to equip new set which gives out more state for HP, Attack and trans att, which make them easier to pass through levels.
Survival Tier 3 armors give out higher state than +7 parts around that level. For example, T3 Klez parts give out more state than spiker/ hammer head/ Mohawk
Dont say anything about "make the chance of getting +5 parts easier", +5 parts will be overflow in this game.
You like the blue shinning color? That's your problem, if you really want a blue shinning set, get a 153 one. If you want a shinning set for a specific level, reach 172 and go back to that level to grind some +5 parts.
You are complaining that you don't want people staying in 172 chatting and leech from high level. Do others level affect yours? What can you do to stop people from leeching? If you dont want to leech, dont go to luckies room. Noone forces you to go there. Grind it by yourself, you will feel more achieving.
I am not offending your idea, but it seems pointless.