I would strongly recommend sending a PM to either of these Admins as they can help resolve your problem at the moment. As stated above several times I would go on your paypal account and attempt to cancel it.
If you really don't want to read the guide then I'll just post the steps here.
Step 1: Log into PayPal
Step 2: Click on the tab "My Account"
Step 3: Click on the subtab "Profile"
Step 4: In that section there should be 4 options. "Bank Accounts", "Debit and Credit Cards", "Paypal Balance", and "My Preapproved Payments". You should then click on
update in the "My Preapproved Payments" section.
Step 5: Click on any recurring payments under the name "Kenneth Paul Bullock" and you should click that name.
Step 6: Under where it says "
Active" in green (approximately like 3 cm down) you should see the option to see "Cancel".
Step 7: Press "Cancel" and you should be good to go.
If this doesn't help then as I said before, I strongly recommend PMing the Admins below.
Admin Allie:
http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=1Admin Santa: