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Ross' Raid team

Started by Rossbach, October 09, 2013, 06:07:08 PM

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Allie promised a db for the group who did 221 first, and the box drop was broken.

She never did.  ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.


This Is going to be interesting! Can't wait.

IGN: Rapidash/Experiences/Expeh.
=-Lvl 270-=


Just as a reminder raid is sat 18 4pm PST. (18hours minus 18min from this post)

Ross expects everyone to be there.  ::)


In fact aim to be a bit early.  ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.


We're trying to start early or atleast on time today so come to room labelled "Ross' Raid Room" Let's do this! :D


Really good job last night guys.
I didn't believe we'd ever stand a chance until I nerfed it, but I've been proven wrong.
Our goal next week (if Ross is available) is to finish the map. And this time I believe we can do it.
I'm expecting the same players: Ross, Allie, Med, RK, Experiences, Cooky, and hopefully Laxus.


Quote from: Allie on January 19, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Really good job last night guys.
I didn't believe we'd ever stand a chance until I nerfed it, but I've been proven wrong.
Our goal next week (if Ross is available) is to finish the map. And this time I believe we can do it.
I'm expecting the same players: Ross, Allie, Med, RK, Experiences, Cooky, and hopefully Laxus.
I can play allie. I just need someone to explain the tactics you guys use on the map.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Next raid will be Sat 25th 4pm PST. Be there on time, not 1.5 hours late. ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.


Quote from: Allie on January 19, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Really good job last night guys.
I didn't believe we'd ever stand a chance until I nerfed it, but I've been proven wrong.
Our goal next week (if Ross is available) is to finish the map. And this time I believe we can do it.
I'm expecting the same players: Ross, Allie, Med, RK, Experiences, Cooky, and hopefully Laxus.


Quote from: nanak tatum on January 20, 2014, 04:23:31 PM
Quote from: Allie on January 19, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Really good job last night guys.
I didn't believe we'd ever stand a chance until I nerfed it, but I've been proven wrong.
Our goal next week (if Ross is available) is to finish the map. And this time I believe we can do it.
I'm expecting the same players: Ross, Allie, Med, RK, Experiences, Cooky, and hopefully Laxus.

ye i can be there.

Sure thing, I'll be there!

IGN: Rapidash/Experiences/Expeh.
=-Lvl 270-=


Omnomnom eating toast.


IS the team set or can i join in on it?

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Set, if there is someone missing you may be  able to join.


Quote from: medchiller on January 23, 2014, 09:42:07 PM
Set, if there is someone missing you may be  able to join.
Oh, okay thanks for telling me.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Quote from: Allie on January 19, 2014, 04:48:45 PM
Really good job last night guys.
I didn't believe we'd ever stand a chance until I nerfed it, but I've been proven wrong.
Our goal next week (if Ross is available) is to finish the map. And this time I believe we can do it.
I'm expecting the same players: Ross, Allie, Med, RK, Experiences, Cooky, and hopefully Laxus.

Allie harsh .. :P But i guess i deserve it i did leave early :/ If you guys want me there, ill be there tomorrow?~




I wouldn't clarify my skills to be good enough too be on this team. But i am an average just above average sector player so i do know what i'm doing and can listen to players, take orders. (i know the team is full but this is just here incase someone doesn't make it one night, then i'm always up for it. If you drop me a whisper i'm game.)

IGN: DevilzDemise
Level: 270
Why do you want to join: Too be able to kick a**, and accomplish defeating rt2 and feeling the achievement of actually having beat  a challenge.
How available are you (job? school?) (can you stand playing for an hour+): Entirely available, can work my sleeping pattern around the timezone of which the time for raid is set and i can grind for hours.
Time zone: GMT
Do you randomly leave to do things such as walk your dog in the middle of a raid: Nope.

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