Cause if it wasn't, the proverbial cup of evil would be filled to overflowing by your detrimental sin of commission, and therefore an influx of evil would occur. Upon the rupturing of this bloodstained evil, the patient, horned snake behind the beautiful lily would undeniably exacerbate. In the same instant, the God of Heaven would hail forth from the paradise in the clouds and counter the darkness of the black-eyed serpent with a ray of impossible light. When the heat from Heavenly rays met the lack of heat that discharged from raging ethereal hellgates, an immortal, impossible storm front would rapt the planet. As this storm front of seething conflict grew more intense, it would create a tornado of untold proportions, and all the trees (former atheists) would shudder, splinter and be crushed into eternal oblivion. And because tornadoes are bound by gravity, it would gravitate towards the resting place of Beelzebub. Armageddon would ensue, and another prophecy of the Bible would become reality. God would banish the serpent to the abyss and return to Heaven with the predestined. All the trees would die.