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Combat & Sector Guide (WIP)

Started by NukeDX, November 20, 2013, 02:19:57 AM

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November 20, 2013, 02:19:57 AM Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 07:46:07 PM by NukeDX
The Yansel Log's
Hello those who read my posts, I am planning on adding some new Sector's today before thanksgiving party, sorry that I have not worked on it for a bit I have been on a fever for some time.


Hello, I remember back when I had first started BOTS!! before it had shut down completely I had no idea how to play this game or even what any of the Active or Passive skills did and struggled quite a bit as soon as the higher level sectors started to kick my booty, so in a attempt to try and teach any new players that my be struggling with the same thing I did, this guide was created.

Combat Basics

Before I start let it be clear that to comprehend how to correctly beat a sector or fight another player not to mention to be able to do any advanced tactics you must get the basics controls down first!(Note: These are the BASIC controls and are like this by default unless changed by the player)

These controls being:
The Arrow Keys - The arrow keys are what you press to make your BOT move in a certain direction.
V - This key is what is used to use a basic attack that can combo up to 4 at the max if pressed rapidly.
C - This key is used to make a simple jump, may it be to escape, get over or on a obstacle, or jump into battle like a madman, this key is quite usefull in most situations.
X - This key is used to block attacks from enemies in FRONT of you NOT behind you (DO NOT GET THESE MIXED UP) basically allowing you to hold your ground and take reduced damage, but it is also dangerous since a big mob can easily keep you locked down while blocking and will either lead to your death or them getting a full combination of hits off dealing critical amounts of damage.
Z - This is the key used to transform once your transformation gauge (The bar under your Health Points bar) giving you empowered basic attacks with possible different effects like a stronger knockback or an attack that can destroy all enemies around you. *cough* KOWBAT! *cough*

These controls can be combined to make a more advanced set of controls like:
Running - Running is executed by pressing one of the four directional keys twice in a fast motion, used to get in and out of sticky situations and serves as a basis for a running attack.
Running Attack - After successfully executing running you may then use the attack key (V) to do a quick hit that knocks down or knocks back a opponent (completely depends on what enemy it is)
Active Skill Usage - To use a Active Skill you MUST first purchase one at the store for a small amount of gigas which SHOULD be available to you even as a newbie unless you decided to waste all your gigas on something stupid like online love and must then be equipped. A Active Skill is activated by pressing X(Block)+C(Jump) and depending on what skill (Refer to Active & Passive Skill information section below) can be used to lock down a single or multiple amounts of enemies without being hurt in the process if used correctly.
Fire Gun - Once you have obtained a gun and have equipped it you may use this control X(Block)+V(Attack) to fire a single bullet and can be spammed to fire multiple bullets in the direction YOU ARE FACEING, yes that means you have to aim, and will always deal the amount of damage stated on that gun's information and knocks back the enemy hit a predetermined distance.
Air Attack - This is simply done by first jumping (C) and then attacking (V)
while suspended in the air causing a swift air attack that will knock down or knock back a opponent (again depends on the enemy)
Z - This key is for using the Passive skill Charging and may only be used when this skill is equipped (Refer to Active & Passive Skill information section)

Active & Passive Skills
Rush - This is a very QUICK high damage attack that sends you forward in the direction you are facing and knocks down or knocks back any of the enemies hit, but take caution, you are STOPPED by any obstacles like walls, damage, or a enemy blocking but the skill animation continues. So if a enemy in the middle of a massive mob is blocking, you MIGHT get caught in the middle of that mob and you will get killed in a short amount of time UNLESS you jump sideways and execute Rush again or a simple jump attack. THANKFULLY, if timed correctly enemies without combo breakers(Refer to enemies section) will be repeatedly knocked down without the ability to stand up in enough time to be able to react then allowing you to repeatedly do this to kill huge mobs. This may also be used in the air and to get out of big mobs if the chance arises.

I can honestly say that this is probably the most used Active Skill for a good reason due to High damage and High mobility. Recommended for all.

Uppercut - This is a almost instant attack which sends you up into the air while punching enemies in front of you, basically doing a awesome uppercut you normally see in boxing games, which deals a high amount of damage to everyone in front of you in a short range close to the range of a basic attack. This is especially good against those jump hungry sector viruses or them rabbit like players that wont stand still but might entice them to follow up by a jump attack. This can also be used in the air and is able to get you high enough to dodge dangerous attacks like that of bosses. NOTE THAT Patch has a faster uppercut than Surge and Ram but at the price of it being a shorter range.

This skill is extremely underused for no reason at all since if used correctly can be used easily to knock enemies off due to how fast it starts up. I recommend this for sectors in which you will just push mobs off the map.

Guard Crush - This skill is basically what the title dictates, its a attack that does a swift smack-like attack that PENETRATES enemy defenses and if spammed quickly enough it does not allow viruses without counter attacks (Refer to enemies section) to even react as long as you keep using the skill. This does a moderate amount of damage and can catch multiple amounts of enemies in the hitbox and keep ALL of them locked down.

This skill by far is my favorite Active Skill since it allows you to kill those annoying bosses that wont stop running or bashing you down in a very quick fashion. This skill combined with the Passive skill CounterAttack can be quite the wombo combo. I recommend this if you are trying to solo strong bosses/sectors or are tired of that one guy that just keeps blocking and laughing at your face.

Ion-Wave - This skill can be used to sort of replace a jump attack if timed correctly since it does a high amount of damage and knocks back or knocks down enemies just the same but can also be used on the ground for a quick knock down or knock back. This attack does damage ALL AROUND YOU so it can also be used to clear big mob's but the sequence can be canceled fairly easily by some viruses.

This skill is very underused the same as uppercut but if used effectively it can cause huge collateral damage to viruses and is pretty strong in PvP because it can catch unwary opponents off guard.

Stun-Attack - This skill when used does moderate damage to all enemies hit and then stuns them but due to its slow start up and pretty weak hitbox it is outdone by other Active Skills later in the game but is extremely usefull for beginners. The stun has no effect on certain enemies (Refer to enemies section)

This skill is underused since it is basically only good for beginners since it has a extremely slow start up, small hitbox, and later, most if not all bosses are not affected by this.

Counterattack - This skill is extremely usefull since it allows your bot to automatically launch a counterstrike to whichever mob(s) hit you and its hitbox is not that bad. This skill also carries invincibility frames which does not allow you to be hurt during a certain part of the animation and it also resets the mob(s) targetting. This also nullifies damage taken by that one enemy you counterstriked. PLEASE NOTE that if multiple enemies attack you will still take reduced damage as if you were blocking but you will still execute the counterstrike in MOST cases.

This skill is amazing at all levels if there is that one monster that can just lock you in a combination of hits or if you plan to push monsters off the map the safe way or even as a way to counteract a enemy counterattack.
I recommend this skill for EVERYONE that has trouble with things like pushing mobs off, taking care of sector bosses, or even just taking care of simple minibosses/mobs.

Charging -  This skill allows you to start charging using (Z) and it quickly fills the transformation bar. CANNOT be used while transed so don't try it like a dummy.

This is most likely the most used passive skill in the entire game due to how usefull it is in allowing for a quicker transformation. I recommend for all.

Break-fall - This skill enables you to get right back up as soon as you got knocked down the same as if you were transed. This is extremely good for when a big mob was the one that threw you down giving you a much bigger time budget to get the heck out of the way or for PvP to give you a slight advantage when someone is spamming jump attacks, rush, etc.

This skill basically allows you to not be pinned on the ground by that fat sumo wrestler. I recommend for mainly PvP but can be quite usefull in sector if you are the type to get knocked down allot.

Shock-Absorb - This skill allows you to react quicker to other things attacking you. This is usefull when one of them bosses starts hitting you and you normally would not be able to get out but with this, you probably can! This is also usefull to cancel a enemy combo since you can start attacking in between their attacks if timed CORRECTLY.

This is a seriously overlooked skill which most people just think of it as trash but in sector this can and WILL save your behind more than one time. Recommended for Sector purposes.

Super-Brake - This skill allows you to stop faster after you started running. This skill is not the most usefull since a skilled player will be able to stop quite easily without it...

This skill is underused and its quite obvious why since there is no point in wanting to stop faster if you are skilled and know exactly where you are going. This is one of the only skills I would not recommend at all.

SmartDefense - This allows you to change direction while blocking. I do not see much use to this unless you use it with guard crush and even in that case its still not that usefull. This can be quite good in PvP if used right but breakfall is a tad better than this in more situations.

This skill can be used since it does have its uses but I do NOT recommend it.

Mobility Boost - This is basically when Super-brake, Shock-absorb, Break-fall, and SmartDefense do the fusion dance and make like the gogeta of BOTS!!

This skill is just amazing but looked down upon since it is pretty dam cheap. Recommended for allot of things if you want to be shunned.

Leech - This is as it says you leech the health you do in damage from enemies and take it for your own gain and add a small portion to your own health.

Battle Tactics and Strategies

In the game of BOTS!!, or in this case BoutCheetah, you are basically fighting your way to a sector boss and there are a variety of ways you may do this. Below I will list some of the many vast ways of completing a sector.

[Pushing 'em off]method: This is by far the most used tactic for really strong viruses I believe for a reason that is extremely obvious, the death barrier. The death barrier is basically this invisible line under the map that if you fall through it all your health is automatically depleted may it be a mob or you yourself. This means that even a level 1 BOT can just be like "Trolololol pushing mobs off the map getting cash." Now you are probably saying in your mind "How the heck do I do that?" Well I'm here to tell you its quite simple and only takes a small brain to do! A good way of knocking mobs off the map is to lure them to you, make them think you got candy in your van, while you are very close to a ledge and then simply knock them down using a jump attack and then knock 'em off the ledge as soon as they try to get up. Another good way is to combo them off(Refer to Battle Tactics and Strategies section under "Combinations") which is how most complete sector 172. Downside is that you will NOT get boxes for pushing enemies off and will obtain much less experience.

[Combinations]method: This is a extremely over powered method and is used by all the professionals so if you want to be cool kids listen up. A Combination is simply put you spamming the same attack over and over and over again until the enemy falls off or dies. This is executed by attacking a certain amount of times and then blocking to RESET the attack counter and allow you to start from the beginning instead of using the last hit that knocks down/back enemies. The question in your mind right now is probably "With what can I do this with?" ANYTHING can be used to combo but some things are just better than others at this, reminds me of life. FINAL NOTE is that even though this is quite the amazing thing not all good things last forever and this CANNOT be done a infinite amount of times to some enemies.(Refer to enemies section)

[Leverage]method: This is a method of fighting without getting hurt by simply getting on top of anything that puts you at a height higher than your enemies. At this point if it is not too high, which it should not be by the way, you are able to attack at a height while they are helpless to watch you farting on their faces. Guard Crush is extremely good for such method and so is the mixing of combo's into this. PLEASE NOTE that some enemies will still be able to hit you and if you are not close enough to the edge some enemies will jump and and smack you.

[Hit and RUN!]method: Just as the title states you will do a quick attack that knocks them back/down and then you shall run for the hills. Rinse and repeat this process until the enemy is dead or floating in the lava. This is best done with a jump attack as it has a good range when untransed and does moderate damage.

[Plowing Through]method: You transform yourself into a snowplow and repeatedly Rush through enemies. This, done correctly, will not let them react while you do massive amounts of damage to them. This is extremely effective against big mobs but be wary if one of them blocks you will take their shovel,hook,fist,etc. up the butt.

[Can't Touch This]method: This method is basically you keeping a boss or a massive mob away from you while still dealing tons of damage at safe distances which MOST boss viruses will be unable to hit while normal viruses will most likely unless they are a Wazzu and done correctly not even them should get a chance to attack. This method can be done with the Gun for a limited time since you do not have unlimited bullets, yes even you meto user's, but better done with certain long range transes. Such transes being Kowbat, Jura, Mandragore, and DigiDragon. Kowbat/Jura can easily keep massive mobs away by using the long range claw and long range explosion to deal massive damage and at the same time keep them in place since they will be aggro-ed to you and will try to run/walk after you and then you knock them back with the combo making them lose the same distance they gained hence making them stay in place.


This section will reveal information about each virus and how they act in a attempt to enlighten those who do not know what they do so that they do not get demolished by said viruses.

Let it be known that I shall also list a Danger Level below each virus to indicate how much caution you should take:
1 - Extremely easy, do not worry much about these.
2 - Easy but do not just ignore them either.
3 - Moderate, is capable of killing you. Take little caution.
4 - Hard, will kill you if you decide to ignore. Take caution.
5 - Legendary, Main priority at all times, ignorance will lead to your quick demise. TAKE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF CAUTION.

Normal Viruses


This little bugger is as the story goes a normal BOT that was infected by viruses, which is exactly why it is a replica of a Surge BOT. The Klez appears in many variants throughout the game and has been known to only be able to do a running attack, a jump attack, and a four hit combo. The four hit combo is EXTREMELY slow and can be canceled quite easily. Its hobbies are HIDING IN BARRELS and floating.
Speed - Moderate
Damage - Low
Danger Level - 1
Counter - No


A replica of the Patch BOT and also has many different variants through out the game. They feature the ability to do a running attack, a jump attack, and a four hit combo. Same as the Klez the four hit combo is really slow, and can be canceled with some simple timing. Their jump attack is slightly better in my opinion. They also follow the hobby of HIDING IN BARRELS but they are squares so they dont float.
Speed - Moderate
Damage - Low
Danger Level - 1
Counter - No


These guys seem to be pirate boxers. Pirate. Boxers. Anyways they are pretty fast in both movement and attacks and are very annoying since they have a tendency to running strike you. They are able to do a running strike, a jump attack, and a fast four hit combo. Do NOT  allow to be caught in a mob of these because they will hurt a lot.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


These are like upgraded Nimba's, meaning he is a Pirate Boxer too but this guy seems to have lost both his hands in some gruesome accident and replaced both of them with hooks. These guys like to play mind games with you because most of the time they will just walk towards you and never run and then when you think its all good they do a swift attack that will knock you back. It is capable of doing a walking strike that knocks you back, a jump attack, a running strike, and a four hit combo that is just as quick as a nimba's but a bit stronger. Beware though, in rare occasions it will run after you and chase you down like a crazy maniac.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 3
Counter - No


These little blue guys are extremely annoying in my opinion for the plain reason that every single time I am on a map with these things they ALWAYS cancel my trans at least once. They are capable of doing a running strike that has a farther range than meets the eye and is quite quick, a jump attack, and a four hit combo that is exceptionally fast. You will most likely not be able to get out of its four hit combo since its quite quick once caught, so DO NOT get caught. Mobbing unsuspecting and innocent BOTS in alleyways is its favorite thing to do, so do not be the BOT in that situation because a lot of them hurt.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 3
Counter - No


Have you ever been on a killstreak on any of your first person shooters and that one sneaky bullet from the grassy knoll gets you as you least expect it? Well this is the sucker that always gets you, Mr.Buzzkill. He is capable of one thing and that is shooting his gun at you from a distance. Since its only one shot its damage is pretty high and it will always try to find ways to shoot you even if you get on top of something. It is however pretty slow due to it only walking and not running.
Speed - Slow
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


You know that one person in the army that is like the best sniper in the world and never misses a shot? This guy is the opposite. These like Wazzu's only are capable of shooting but they do some rapid fire shooting in a big range with each shot doing quite a high amount of damage. These guys will most likely miss you 85% of the time and if you place yourself on certain spots no shots will hit you at all. Very easily dealt with by useing combo's or Guard Crush. Beware that while in transformation mode you will not be knocked down and this guy can cause fatal damage.
Speed - Slow
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


These guys will run at you every single chance they get and smack you with their shovel. Very similar to the Boza in terms of how they react but they are much slower at doing their four hit combo. Like the Boza they are capable of running attack, jump attack, and a four hit combo that can be very EASILY interrupted due to the last attack being some sort of special karate shovel spin that gives you time to strike back while they show off.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


These guys are a variant of the normal Rorix and carry around a pickax instead of a shovel. These are much slower than their Rorix brother and when they run do a sort of limp. They are capable of doing a running attack, a jump attack, and a four hit combo with a sort of twirl it does at the third hit that allows you to counter strike at that moment. It seems that standing at a certain angle in front of it allows you to not take damage from it.
Speed - Slow
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No

Elite Miner

These guys are extremely buggy sometimes they hit you sometimes they don't but what I do know is that they do very high amounts of damage compared to their underlings. They are capable of doing a jump attack, a sort of instant running strike that can be used either when its walking or running similar to the Slammers, and a four hit combo similar to the Rorix(Variant) combo. They are easy to deal with using jump attacks or Active/Passive skills.
Speed - Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


This guy looks like all the miner people but carries around a chainsaw. He is very powerful and extremely fast and if not careful will destroy you very fast. It is capable of doing a running strike, jump attack, and a extremely fast four hit combo that WILL kill you if not careful. It also enjoys randomly running from you.
Speed - Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 4
Counter - Yes


This guy seems to be one of them knight's in armor except they float and do not ride horses. These guys are REALLY fast and are quite the annoyance in my opinion. It also gets pushed back whenever you attack it a far distance and it begins to block making it quite hard to kill if you do not Guard Crush or have a attack that has a long hitbox. It is capable of a running attack, a jump attack, and a four hit combo that is quite quick.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Danger Level - 3
Counter - Yes


This guy is basically a normal Blackmal with a two handed cyber sword that is quite large. These basically do the same thing as the normal Blackmal, are very quick and dangerous like the Blackmal but they do not get pushed back that far so these are much easier than the normal Blackmal but do more damage. They are capable of doing a running attack, a jump attack, a four hit combo, and it occasionally bashes the ground doing what seems to be Ion-Wave.
Speed - Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 3
Counter - Yes

Grade Z

This guy looks just like the Blackmal(Variant) but it is like a mix of the Wazzu and the Blackmal(Variant) since it is able to shoot sword energy at your from a great distance. It's damage is not something to laugh about either since it is very strong but on the bright side it is extremely slow. It is capable of doing a jump attack, a four hit combo, and shooting blade energy at you from a distance.
Speed - Slow
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No

Boss/Mini-Boss Viruses


This guy will make many appearances throughout the game and is quite annoying too since it does the hit and run method. This Boss/Mini-Boss (appears as both) is capable of doing a running attack, a jump attack, and on occasion throw a grenade which is a ranged attack so if standing in front of him you will not get hit at all. He does feature a Counter which can be easily calculated and blocked, and for those who do not know how many hits it would take it is six before he decides to counter.
Speed - Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - Yes


First off let me start by saying he is ANNOYING but easy to deal with once you learn how exactly. PLEASE NOTE that there are two different forms of him. The most used way would be comboing him until he dies but the problem with this is that if you do not do it quickly enough he will be able to break through and knock you down. Another way is to Guard Crush and then CounterAttack him over and over again in which you will be able to get a maximum of five Guard Crushes before he attempts to counter himself in which you can easily just block and let your CounterAttack do its job, be aware that your times of opportunity are after he uses any heavy skill animations and by this I mean anything that is not his four hit combo. You may also repeatedly rush through him if you have good timing and are confident that you will hit him again and again. He is capable of doing a spinning slash running attack that gives some invincibility frames, a heavy big ranged jump attack, a quick smashing of the ground with his ax that gives him some invincibility frames, a stomp on the ground that gives him invincibility frames and does HEAVY amounts of damage (Do not get caught by this it is a obvious move easily noticed by when he raises his foot), and a four hit combo that can be interrupted after the second hit and on his Variant form he is capable of doing a sort of body slam that also does high damage. He is easily destroyed using the Leverage method combined with the Combinations method and is what I recommend is done to kill him. Please note that if standing at a certain angle, CodeRed will NOT be able to damage you.  
Speed - Fast
Damage - Very High
Danger Level - 4
Counter - Yes


This mega fatty has one of the most annoying normal attacks in the game in my opinion. DO not get close to him because he will execute his normal attack that just devastates your health bar and is quite impossible to get out of once caught in it then sending you back quite a distance. You can easily combo him and if done fast enough he will not be able to execute him counter attack. You may also combine the Leverage method and the Combinations method to defeat him without breaking a sweat. He also has a tendency of running randomly from you while making disturbing sounds. He is capable of doing a running attack, a four hit combo that is EXTREMELY FAST and does high damage, a ranged attack that also gives him some invincibility frames but is easily avoided if your in front of him or on top of something, and when he gets mad he brings down six crates in front of him doing HEAVY damage but is easily blocked and avoided by simply standing at a certain angle in front of him, but please note that it does give him some invincibility frames while he is casting this. Guard Crush and CounterAttack is great against him if the trick above does not click for you.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Very High
Danger Level - 3
Counter - Yes


This guy is basically a copy of the WazzuCaptain just bigger and stronger in damage, refer to WazzuCaptain in Viruses section to see what this guy does.
Speed - Slow
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - No


These guys are pretty simple to deal with as monkeys are simple to deal with because that is what they look like, weapon wielding monkeys. Like most other melee mobs they are capable of a running attack but with a large range, a jump attack, and a four hit combo that is really fast but is sorta like a windup since the first hit is pretty slow. Easily dealt with Rush, Guard Crush, combo's+leverage.
Speed - Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - Yes


These look exactly like Scalpers except they can breathe fire, so imagine Fire breathing monkeys of death with big swords. They randomly start shooting fire at you if you get close and have the same four hit combo as the scalpers so they can also be dealt with in the same way. They are capable of a running attack, a jump attack, a four hit combo, a fire breath attack that goes straight or a fire breath attack that goes all in front of him as if he were saying no while burping fire and he has invincibility frames while he is shooting his fires. Use the same things used on the Scalper to kill him.
Speed - High
Damage - Very High
Danger Level - 3
Counter - Yes


This girl(yes it is a girl) is pretty boss looking(literally) and does quite a high amount of damage with quick attacks and a good amount of invincibility frames. She is capable of doing a four hit attack, a jump attack, a five hit attack that has massive attack range, damage, and has invincibility frames through out all the five hits, a sort of super slash charge that sends green shock waves through the floor and does massive damage and a running attack. It is not too hard to deal with Melissa comboing her does wonders even though SHE DOES have a counter but it is very sluggish so just keep up the combo and you will be fine.
Speed - Moderate
Damage - Very High
Danger Level - 4
Counter - Yes


Let me start by saying this guy looks soooooooooo amazing hes like Death Megatron with machine guns 9000. He is a extremely buggy virus though and most of the time will just stay still looking the opposite way like a dum dum. Beware that if you get too close he will use his four hit combo that is REALLY heavy on damage thankfully after the first two hits you can cancel it quite easily. He is capable of doing a four hit combo and a attack in which he braces himself back and starts shooting with its machine guns in a big range sort of how the mandragore shoots its fire but he is completely invincible while he is doing this and if you get hit by it you WILL fly like a bird that just got shot because it hurts too. Extremely easily dealt with useing Guard Crush or combo's. He also features a Counter but like SeargantSector it is very sluggish and will not hit most of the time.
Speed - Extremely slow
Damage - Very High
Danger Level - 2
Counter - Yes


Mr.Kowhax is probably that one guy that will always be able to take a poo on you no matter how strong or professional. He is pretty glitchy with his counters and you should ALWAYS take caution fighting him. If he is on the map this is your primary target and should always be unless you happen to be doing the treasure raid in which the bombs are your target BUT THATS THE ONLY EXCEPTION. He is capable of doing a jump attack, a running attack that also serves as ONE of his counters and gives him invincibility frames while doing heavy damage and pushing him forward very fast, a four hit combo that is pretty slow and its third hit will still start up even if you canceled it giving him invincibility frames while doing it, and his trademark explosion of armageddon that gives him total invincibility while doing it and deals dangerous amounts of damage that should not be over looked but since it is quite obvious when he is going to do it by the sound he makes and how he starts moveing it makes it a easy thing to avoid. Doing the combo+leverage is your best bet against Kowhax.
Speed - Fast
Damage - Legendary
Danger Level - 5
Counter - Yes


BubbleBoy resembles a transed Ganda and is probably the fastest sucker in the game. He is extremely fast and so is his combo and jump attacks. He is capable of doing a jump attack, a running attack, and a very quick four hit attack that does large amounts of damage while knocking you back a respectable distance. He occasionally also glitches with his idle animation and becomes invincibile and right afterwards may start useing any of his available attacks(Fun Fact: This use to be his counterstrike but it seems to be bugged). Guard Crushing and comboing do wonders against him.
Speed - Super Fast
Damage - High
Danger Level - 3
Counter - No

Sector Guides
In this Section I will cover the best ways to deal with certain level's and how much I actually recommend you doing this level or not since some sectors will just destroy you when you could just as easily do one that will give similar exp and drops.

Sector Level 1: Training
I do not believe there is a need for me to cover this because its so easy but for the sake of this guide I will cover it anyways. First off two Klez will spawn as soon as you begin the level, as soon as they are defeated two Ganda will spawn on the top and bottom right corners. Afterwards brace yourselves for a massive wave of five Klez from the north and east sides followed by four Ganda and three Klez after you killed the last wave, and then after you defeat them three Klez, two Ganda, and SeargentSector appear. First take care of the Klez and Ganda then proceed to kill SeargentSector which should not be too difficult. Congratulations you have successfully completed level one!!!

Sector Level 6: Camp Invasion
On the first wave there will be four Ganda and two Klez, which can be easily beat by lureing two at a time and killing them. Then a wave of four Klez and two Ganda will spawn and you may lure them too if you please to defeat them. Then a wave of five Klez and five Ganda will spawn and this one you should lure them out since a mob of ten can easily overwhelm a low health BOT. Then finally the last wave will be four Klez and four Ganda surrounding a SeargentSector which I advise you either lure out SeargantSector away from his underlings or take care of them first to complete level 6. Note that if you are having problems killing them with your BOT's fists/paddles/hooks you may lure them to the bridge you crossed at the beginning and push them off there.

Sector Level 11:X Break-in
As soon as you begin and go a bit to the right you will encounter a Scalper mini boss which must be killed to pass on. Then there will be six Nimba nicely arranged in a sort of arrowhead shape which can easily kill you but thankfully I got a useful secret about this level which is that the Nimba here are sort of blind and if you get them to follow you to the point where they start running at you, they will NOT stop running at you even if they are in your face and will not react until attacked giving you the chance to either start a non stop Guard Crush or Combo(THIS SECRET IS TRUE FOR ALL NIMBA IN THIS SECTOR LEVEL)Please Note that Slammers do not follow this secret and will rip your face off.  At this point take the top path since in my opinion is much easier and has a chance for more drops. The top path consists of a BubbleBoy and eight Nimba in total in which you should lure BubbleBoy and deal with him and then defeat the Nimba which should be extremely easy with the secret. Then at the place where both the roads meet there will be a Scalper and a BubbleBoy waiting for you which can be really hard to deal with at the same time so lure one at a time. Then you will have to hop across to the right side in which you will be faced by four Nimba, two Slammers, and one Scalper but if you kill the Scalper the rest of them die automatically so you can easily just lure the scalper back to the edge and push him off killing the rest of the mobs automatically. There will be three paths to follow now, the top one leading to a BubbleBoy, the right one leading to a EliteScalper, and the bottom one leading to a mass of mobs and eventually the boss. If you are searching for boxes then I recommend going after BubbleBoy and the EliteScalper as they have chances of dropping boxes. Downwards there will be eleven spread out Nimba, one Slammer, and a Scalper, lure them out little by little or else you will get overwhelmed. Afterwards you must face a BubbleBoy and after you are done with him ANOTHER BubbleBoy and Scalper accompanied by two Nimba will spawn and you must defeat them to go onto the final wave with the boss. Finally at the final wave there will be one of every virus fought on this map so a Bubbleboy, Scalper, Slammer, Nimba, and the unique one CodeRed which you should lure out the BubbleBoy out and deal with him first then go on to lure out CodeRed and kill him.

Sector Level 17:Virus Entrance
Right from the start you are greeted by a Scalper and then in a similar arrowhead formation four Nimba and a Slammer. NOTE that Nimba on this map ALSO FOLLOW THE SECRET OF LEVEL 11:BREAK-IN AND WILL JUST MINDLESSLY RUN AT YOU. So simply lure them out first and finish off the slammer afterwards. This time around the bottom lane will be empty so that saves you much trouble, just go down there and keep going, then you will see a Slammer, five Nimba, a Scalper, and a Mandragore in which if you kill the Scalper and Mandragore all the other mobs die so it is advised to lure these two out since they have a higher detection radius than the normal viruses and are much faster. There will then be three Nimba, a Slammer, and a Scalper in which killing the Scalper kills the rest so what you could do to make it easier on yourself is to lure them to the edge and jump back to the other side and then jump attack the Scalper off while jumping back onto the platform. There is a EliteScalper to the right and the way to the boss bottom which has two Nimba, five Slammer, and a Scalper, just rush the Scalper quickly and only two or less mobs will follow with him and killing him kills all the others. Then a single Mandragore will spawn which should not be so difficult, followed by a Slammer, Mandragore, and a Scalper, you must defeat them all to advance so do it one at a time to make life easier. Then four Slammer, a Nimba, a Scalper, a Mandragore, and CodeRed will spawn, two of the Slammer and the Nimba are waaay back in the path to make sure you try not to escape so quickly take care of them first then go kill CodeRed.

Sector Level 26:Lake Virus Entrance
As soon as you start there will be six Nimba but be aware they do not follow the previous secret and will destroy you if you are not careful. Killing the first three Nimba automatically kills the rest of them so just lure the first three back and jump on top of the barrels behind you and just use leverage method to kill them, note that they can still hit you its just easier to group them up this way. Afterwards you must jump the gap and there will be a Nimba, Slammer, and Scalper in which killing the Scalper automatically kills the Nimba and Slammer so if you are feeling lazy or still cannot take on all three just lure the Scalper to the edge of the gap and punch him off. There will be a Nimba, Slammer, and Mandragore and I highly recommend using the leverage method here since you have to kill all of them. Here is where you should do it:
(click to show/hide)
There will then be a BubbleBoy and two Nimba, and two Slammer, killing the BubbleBoy kills all the other mobs so to do this the easiest way is by going along the big orange road and getting on top of the sort of cart thing at the end before the gap of water and using leverage to kill the BubbleBoy, if done right the Nimba, and Slammer will just run against the orange path or behind BubbleBoy while you wreck his face. This is to maybe clear up a bit what I mean:
(click to show/hide)
Then there will be a Scalper and two Nimba which can all be easily taken care of by staying on top of the big orange road shown above and letting them try to jump up while you smack them in the face. Afterwards there will be a Scalper, a Nimba, and a Slammer in which you can easily trap the Scalper between the two barrels that spawn and kill him there. Then there will be two BubbleBoy and two Nimba and a easy way to deal with them being you luring them to the edge of the barrels that lead to the EliteScalper and then jumping back and hitting them off. I recommend going across the barrels and killing the EliteScalper since it has a high chance of dropping boxes and afterwards going to the right path and facing the four Nimba, two Slammer, and a Scalper, YOU MUST KILL ALL OF THEM, then two Nimba will spawn easy peasy. Then CodeRed, BubbleBoy, and a Mandragore will spawn and these all can easily be taken down using the leverage method without getting hit at all if done correctly. Here is where you must stand:
(click to show/hide)

Sector Level 31:Lake Virus
As soon as you being you will encounter five Slammer in which killing the first four the last fifth one at the back shall die too so its quite convenient. Then two Slammer and a Scalper in, one Slammer first, a Scalper in the middle and a Slammer at the end that if it is killed the Scalper and the first Slammer will die. This will spawn a Nimba, Slammer, and Mandragore and you should take the same precautions as in Sector Level 26 and stand on the place shown on the first picture of that section and use the Leverage method to kill them. Then two Nimba, two Slammer, and a Scalper will spawn and killing the Scalper will destroy the rest of them and I advise you follow the same path as in the second picture from Sector Level 26 but much faster since the Scalper is not a idiot and will jump after you, but done quickly will make him stay down. Then a Scalper and two Slammer will spawn and you must kill them all so to do this easily stay atop of the path used previously and keep attacking into the air since the mobs will jump at you and literally run into your fists or paddle's of fury. Then two Scalper will spawn so kill them one by one or both at the same time if you are confident. Then three Nimba, and one Slammer will spawn so kill them one by one or at the same time head on since Leverage method does not work too well on them and then the EliteScalper will spawn and two Nimba, four Slammer, and a Mandragore will spawn to the right, you must kill all of them so be careful since it is a very big mob. Then two Nimba will spawn and killing them will spawn the boss CodeRed accompanied by a Scalper, Mandragore, and a Slammer and standing in the same place as the third picture in Sector Level 26 will effectively allow you to kill them without dying.

Thanks to these players for the helpful tips: Purple, Cooky, Reviax, Rossbach
If I have made any mistakes so far please do tell me.


November 20, 2013, 02:20:20 AM #1 Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 12:00:24 AM by NukeDX
Sector Level 44: Warehouse Infiltration
As soon as you start off you will see three Rorix, two on the floor and one on top of the box, which you can simply lure the one on top of the box down and then go on top of the box, this will allow you to hit them but they will be unable to hit you. Here is a example of where you should be:
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Afterwards six Rorix, two Boza, one Wazzu, and a Mandragore will spawn but you do not have to waste your time on all of them, you just have to kill the Mandragore, so to do this just go on top of the boxes and quickly kill the Wazzu and any Boza that decided to jump on top of the boxes too, and then slay the Mandragore which will not be able to hit you on top of here and this will automatically kill the rest. Here is where you should be standing:
(click to show/hide)
Afterwards two WazzuCaptain, four Rorix, two Boza, and a Wazzu, I'm not too sure what the requirements are but it seems that killing a certain amount of these mobs kills the rest of them so lure them out one by one or just trans and kill them all if you are confident about it. Then six Boza, one Wazzu, five Rorix, and a Klubba will spawn, take it easy and lure them back and forth little by little. You can use the leverage method in a number of places here but Boza, Wazzu, and Klubba will jump so it is kinda faulty in this case. Then on the last wave there will be six Rorix, three Boza, two Wazzu, a Mandragore, and a EliteWazzuCaptain in which the Boza and Wazzu re-spawn after you kill them so its better to just go after the EliteWazzuCaptain which is the boss of this place. Since it lacks a counter you can easily combo it to death and with the combination of  the leverage method it has no chance whatsoever to attack if you screw up.

Sector Level 48:Virus Warehouse Entrance
Let me start by saying this level will probably kill you many many times so enjoy! As soon as you start off the level you will be surrounded by six Rorix, a Klubba, and a EliteWazzu in which as soon as the countdown to begin the game starts RUN BACK into the right hand corner, if done quickly enough the EliteWazzu nor the rest of the mobs will attack you giving you a chance to charge and trans and to lure them one by one. After that a Klubba will spawn down the big corridor, should not be too hard to deal with. Then four EliteBoza and two EliteWazzu will spawn, a good way of dealing with them here is to quickly run to the end of the corridor but do NOT jump on to where the two EliteBoza are but just stay under and keep jump attacking and repeat this as to not let them even stand up and once they are dead jump on top of the platform they were on and deal with the rest of the EliteBoza and EliteWazzu too. A CodeRed will then spawn which can be annoying to deal with in such a narrow place so to make it easier lure him all the way back to the same platforms you killed the EliteBoza on and lure him under them this time and use the leverage method to kill him(NOTE, that it might seem that you cannot attack him but at certain parts of his four hit attack he gets high enough to be attacked).This is where you should be standing:
(click to show/hide)
This next part is the thing that kills almost every single person that plays this Sector. Four EliteBoza and four EliteWazzu will spawn but the thing that makes this a killer is that the EliteWazzu are all the way in the back in a really narrow corridor that makes it so you cannot dodge all of the shots so first lure the EliteBoza away and take care of them and then come back and jump attack the EliteWazzu to death. Then four EliteBoza, a EliteWazzu, and a Klubba will spawn and I recommend using the space where the box was to lure them in and kill them one by one. Then a Klubba will spawn, should not be too hard to deal with. Then two EliteBoza, two Rorix, and two EliteWazzu will spawn and using the same little indented space where the box was is probably the best idea here too. Then three EliteBoza, two WazzuCaptain, and a CodeRed, which you should lure with the three EliteBoza down and use the leverage method on them on the similar platforms to the first place. Then on the last wave three EliteBoza, a Rorix, and a Melissa  will spawn and as soon as this happens jump to the right hand corner and have a one on one fight with Melissa. Congratulations you have beaten a extremely annoying Sector Level!

Sector Level 51:Virus Warehouse
This Sector Level will kill you even more than the previous one, yay! As soon as you start you will be faced with two EliteBoza, one EliteWazzu, four Rorix and it seems that the EliteBoza hate you with a passion and WILL CHARGE AT YOU AS SOON AS YOU START this gives you basically no down time to charge up you have to fight as soon as you start. After that you need to kill one EliteWazzu which should not be too hard. Then four EliteBoza and two EliteWazzu which you should do the same thing as Sector Level 48 and just jump attack them little by little. Then you will be faced with a CodeRed and you are able to lure it and place it in the same place as the picture in the Sector Level 48. Then you will fight five EliteWazzu and one EliteBoza and like the last level this is the killer of this level, the game creators were probably saying "HAHAHAHA! LETS SEE THEM DODGE THIS MANY SHOTS, THAT WILL SHOW THEM SPAMCKERS!" Anyways, after that you will fight two EliteBoza and two EliteWazzu and if you stand right in the middle of the line as shown in this picture:
(click to show/hide)
Then two EliteWazzu and a Rorix will spawn and killing the Rorix will kill the other two. Then two Rorix will spawn pretty easy right? Then three EliteBoza, two EliteWazzu, and a CodeRed, so simply just lure the CodeRed and the EliteBoza down and kill them, then take care of the two EliteWazzu. Then four EliteBoza will spawn and so will Melissa, just jump to the right hand side and have a one on one with that Melissa. Congratulations you have successfully not died!

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Sector Level 57:X Side Core
This level is truthfully not worth doing at all but if you decided you like death be my guest and continue reading! The objective of this level is pretty simple since all you gotta do is break the walls and get to the core at the end while massive amounts of mobs give you a little surprise. When you get in the game there will be a door that you must break, there is no mobs present so this is either a charging period for you or if you think you can go ham enough just smash it and go. As soon as you break it a bunch of fire traps will spawn on the floor and four EliteBoza will also spawn which are pretty easily to deal with if they were not in the middle of all the fire traps and as soon as you are finished just continue on to the next door and take care of it. After that another door will spawn and two Blackmal will spawn all the way at the back which will come after you as soon as you hit the door so take care of them and the door. Then the next door spawns and two more Blackmal will spawn at the back but with a twist that one of them re-spawns after you kill it and a EliteBoza with four spinning blade traps so quickly rush the door stay at the corner so the spinning blade wont hurt you and then take care of it and any Blackmal that fly at you. The next door will spawn and two more Blackmal will spawn behind you which one re-spawns and there will be trip wire traps and fire traps ahead with a GradeZ so quickly jump over the wire traps and kill the GradeZ and the door plus any Blackmal that fly towards you. The next door will spawn with trip wire traps and in between each one a spinning blade trap and at the end a re-spawning EliteWazzu and three Blackmal that do not re-spawn all the way at the back so quickly kill the Blackmal first and then take care of the door and all the EliteWazzu that decide to re-spawn. Then on the FINAL DOOR five Blackmal will spawn and two EliteBoza will spawn which one EliteBoza will re-spawn. Then there will be five Blackmal, a Chernobyl, and a Side Core in which you only have to kill the Side Core to win but it is advised that you kill the Chernobyl as it is extremely easy to deal with and has a chance to drop boxes. Congratulations you have completed Sector Level 57!

Sector Level 61:X Main Core
This sector is a little bit more simple than Sector Level 57 but it is harder since it is a Elite level. As soon as you start you will be faced with a door, nothing else. Then you will be confronted by yet ANOTHER door and no monsters just a bunch of fire traps. Then after that guess what you are confronted by next... A DOOR but with two Blackmal in the back so guard your booty and break down that door but beware one of them re-spawns. Now the next door can be annoying to some since there are a huge spider, two Blackmal(one re-spawns), and spinning blade traps (six in total three blocking the door) blocking the door, so quickly kill one with your gun or your trans and break the door safely. After that door you will be faced by three trip wires, some fire traps, a huge spider, and two Blackmal and yes you guessed it, one re-spawns and a door which you must break so quickly jump over the trip wires and break the door. After that door another door spawns guarded by three trip wires, spinning blade traps(one for each tripwire), and three Blackmal(these thankfully do not re-spawn) so simply avoid the blade traps by pressing against one of the walls and break the door. Afterwards you will be faced by six Blackmal(one re-spawns), a huge spider, a trip wire trap and a GradeZ plus the door which happens to be the final one. Then SEVEN Blackmal will spawn with FIVE of them being able to re-spawn, a GradeZ, a huge spider, and a Chernobyl will all spawn along with the Core which you must destroy while five re-spawning Blackmal wreck you, so I recommend that you kill Chernobyl first then start killing the core and any Blackmal that spawn. Congratulations on completing this Sector Level!

Sector Level 66: Treasure Raid
Ah! This level brings back sooooo many memories of how I use to try and be all cool in front of a full room of newbies like "Put Sector Level 66, I got dis". Anyways memories aside I have set up a little map of the bomb locations, here it is:
(click to show/hide)
Do not pay attention to my ugly character model pay attention to the red numbers and the red arrow. These are the GENERAL areas where they will spawn and should be there every single time you do this level. The magic about this level is that even though massive amounts of mobs spawn you can just ignore them and break the bombs instead! As soon as you start there will be a Boza, a Wazzu, and a GradeZ as well a bomb will spawn at #7 which you must kill the bomb before the time limit ends. Then there will be six Boza, a CaptainWazzu, and a GradeZ with bombs spawning at #8 and #11 so quickly maneuver yourself to #8 and break it but beware of the Boza on top of the place where #9 should be since it will try and smack you then jump over to #11 and break it to kill all the mobs. Seven Boza, two CaptainWazzu, and a BoxVendor will spawn and as you will notice there are no bombs in this wave so you must kill the BoxVendor to advance which is pretty easily done by going on top of the place where bomb #3 should spawn and use leverage on him there so that the CaptainWazzu fire misses and the BoxVendor is unable to kill you. Then two Blackmal will spawn, two Boza, and a spider with bombs #2, #3, #5, #6, #8, #9, #10, and #11 which should not be too hard to get rid off as long as you do average damage. Then five Blackmal, two Blackmal(Variant), four Boza, and a CaptainWazzu will spawn along with bombs #4, #6, and #7. Then four of the Blackmal, two of the Blackmal(Variant), and one of the Boza will not de-spawn but bombs #1, #3, and #10 will spawn along with KOWBAT THE HAXOR OF BOUT. Anyways first clear out those three bombs and then a Wazzu will spawn but only three of the previous mobs will die from this the rest will stay, then go proceed to the same place you used leverage on the BoxVendor and use it on Kowbat, but beware this is only to avoid the other mobs killing you since Kowbat can still hit you because he can. Then a Box will spawn simply destroy it to complete the level. Congratulations you have completed the Treasure Raid!

Sector Level 72:X Core Escape
As soon as you start this rather unique level you will be getting shot by a GradeZ and if you move a bit down you will be getting hit by five Boza, the GradeZ should not be able to hit you(depending on your spawn point) so I recommend that you charge up at that time or go into the fight and jump attack them to death. Next a door will spawn, yes a door, three Boza, two Blackmal, and two Wazzu will spawn and breaking the door instantly kills them all, but if you find all those mobs overwhelming there is a place you can lure the Boza to shown here:
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Afterwards you will be led into a corridor where there will be a door on the north, a spider, and a BoxVender, killing the door automatically kills the BoxVender so just lure him to the same spot as you did for the Boza and run back to the door and break it down! Then behind that door there will be two GradeZ, two Blackmal, a Blackmal(variant), two Boza, and a BoxVendor quick and easy way to deal with them is using the boxes for leverage since they will be unable to hit you. Then two Blackmal will spawn and a door will also spawn to the right corridor, you can break one of the barrels in the room at the north and they will come to attack you and you can use leverage on them too then go break the door easy. Then when you enter the room from which you just broke the door of, there is nothing inside but a single barrel in the center..... Very sketchy barrel in the center..... When you break this barrel you will be surrounded by two Blackmal, two Boza, two GradeZ(aside from these two GradeZ another will spawn at the north, this one respawns), a Blackmal(Variant), and a Kowbat but I have found a quite slow to fast(depending on your timing) way to kill him without having any chance at all to get hit, and for this you need Ion-Wave, basically you lure Kowbat back to the place where the second BoxVendor was at and go on top of the two boxes stacked on top of each other and jump then use Ion-Wave and it will hit Kowbat at certain parts of his combo since he tends to get a little higher at a certain part allowing your Ion-Wave to hit and kill him. Here is where you should be:
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Sector Level 76:Warehouse Escape
This level is one of those that also includes the door breaking but with a little twist, you have a re-spawning Chernobyl chasing you down constantly. You COULD just keep killing it every time it catches up to you OR you could just simply trap it like a smartie and defeat the level nice and easy. Here is where and how you should trap it:
(click to show/hide)
Remember, stay close to the left and it wont escape. After you have trapped it just break the door but do not stray to much to the right side. Then two EliteBoza, a EliteWazzu, and three Blackmal as well a door, killing the door kills the rest of them but it is better to clear them out one by one since they can hurt if ignored. Then one EliteBoza, GradeZ, Blackmal(Variant), a spider, and a door of course, deal with the three viruses one by one and then just go break the door. Then two EliteBoza, two Blackmal, two trip wire traps, and a bunch of fire traps will spawn with the door, this part can be pretty tricky but after killing the mobs go for the door. Then four wire traps will spawn in a sorta grid looking way leaving the door open for you since no mobs spawn. Afterwards a EliteWazzu, a EliteBoza, a Blackmal(Variant), two Blackmal, and two spinning blade traps guarding the door, this is actually one of the hardest doors on this level. Then the next door will spawn by itself pretty simple right? Then the hardest door will spawn which includes a EliteWazzu, a EliteBoza, a Blackmal(Variant), two Blackmal, and a GradeZ this is also the last door so deal with them quickly and move ahead to the next room. The last room is the boss room which has three Blackmal, three Blackmal(Variant), a Chernobyl, and a ExitWall, killing the ExitWall automatically kills the rest of them, attacking the door at a certain angle attacks all other mobs around you but I do recommend killing the Chernobyl first.

Sector Level 81:Virus Warehouse Exit
This sector is almost identical to Sector Level 76 but filled with much stronger viruses, and it does include a re-spawning Chernobyl following you around which can be trapped in the same place as you trapped the Chernobyl in Sector Level 76, so please refer to the photo located at the previous Sector to see how to trap it if you do not yet know how. As soon as you spawn you will encounter a door and a Chernobyl, ah door levels don't you love them? Go ahead and trap Chernobyl and then break down the door. Afterwards five EliteBoza, a GradeZ, and a huge spinning blade trap will spawn with a door, DO NOT GET HIT BY THE BLADE, it hurts a lot just use your gun to shoot it from a distance and then kill the rest of the mobs and break the door. Then the next door will spawn with only two EliteBoza, and a Blackmal(Variant) guarding it accompanied by a spider, take care of them nice and easy and then break the door. After that, two trip wire traps, two Blackmal, and two GradeZ will spawn with the door and I advise killing the Blackmal first since dealing with all four and the trip wire traps can be quite annoying. Then like the last Sector there will be four trip wire traps in a grid like format and a door, just jump over the grid and break the door. Then a pretty difficult amount of mobs will spawn, three EliteBoza, one Blackmal(Variant), GradeZ, two spinning blade traps and a door, thankfully you do not have to deal with both the spinning blades and can just get in the middle of both of them. Then a single door without protection will spawn, should not be too hard to break down. Then the last door will spawn with three EliteBoza, one Blackmal, one Blackmal(Variant), a GradeZ, and a trip wire trap(does not de-spawn when you break the door) so kill them and then just break the door to lead yourself to the boss room which has three Blackmal(Variant), two Blackmal, and a Chernobyl with the ExitDoor, you can easily just rush the ExitDoor but I recommend killing the Chernobyl first.


IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


Quote from: qolderman on November 20, 2013, 03:23:03 PM
Don't triple post pls. gj

I triple posted just in case since I do not want to keep deleting this topic every single time I need more space. Sorry if it has upset you but I do need the space JUST IN CASE.


Guide still looking really nice. =P
Keep it going.


Quote from: qolderman on November 20, 2013, 03:23:03 PM
Don't triple post pls. gj
Why do you even attempt to make people follow rules.

Virus guides were fun to read ;d;d;d


Not sure if you did this on purpose but you didn't add "Counter - Yes" or "Counter - No" for the first few viruses.


Quote from: Reviax on November 20, 2013, 05:29:50 PM
Not sure if you did this on purpose but you didn't add "Counter - Yes" or "Counter - No" for the first few viruses.

Ah it was on purpose but now my OCD is getting to me and I will probably change it on next update.


Quote from: NukeDX on November 20, 2013, 02:19:57 AMif you get them to follow you to the point where they start running at you, they will NOT stop running at you even if they are in your face and will not react until attacked giving you the chance to either start a non stop Guard Crush or Combo(THIS SECRET IS TRUE FOR ALL NIMBA IN THIS SECTOR LEVEL)Please Note that Slammers do not follow this secret and will rip your face off.

oh, how ironic such a bug will be fixed because i decided to read a 600 page guide.


Quote from: Allie on November 28, 2013, 06:37:57 AM
Quote from: NukeDX on November 20, 2013, 02:19:57 AMif you get them to follow you to the point where they start running at you, they will NOT stop running at you even if they are in your face and will not react until attacked giving you the chance to either start a non stop Guard Crush or Combo(THIS SECRET IS TRUE FOR ALL NIMBA IN THIS SECTOR LEVEL)Please Note that Slammers do not follow this secret and will rip your face off.

oh, how ironic such a bug will be fixed because i decided to read a 600 page guide.


@topic Tell me if you need help with guides for the higher level maps :)

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


Quote from: Thornz on November 28, 2013, 02:11:03 PM
Quote from: Allie on November 28, 2013, 06:37:57 AM
Quote from: NukeDX on November 20, 2013, 02:19:57 AMif you get them to follow you to the point where they start running at you, they will NOT stop running at you even if they are in your face and will not react until attacked giving you the chance to either start a non stop Guard Crush or Combo(THIS SECRET IS TRUE FOR ALL NIMBA IN THIS SECTOR LEVEL)Please Note that Slammers do not follow this secret and will rip your face off.

oh, how ironic such a bug will be fixed because i decided to read a 600 page guide.


@topic Tell me if you need help with guides for the higher level maps :)

@Admin Allie
This was also true for actual BOTS game, if you want to fix it be my guest.

That actually would be tons of help, I will not hesitate to ask.


You must have a lot of time to do this.

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