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what makes you atheist

Started by Bombz, December 04, 2013, 11:41:19 AM

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I was reading this: very interesting indeed (i am christian ;p)

and I have a question

what is it that makes you people (you know who you are lol) atheists? y u no believe in god? you MUST see it to believe it? just asking I am very curious to what you people think  :o

btw that sound recording is fake for all who didn't knew.. lol

(not shoving my beliefs down ppl's throat just wanna know)


Quote from: Dannii on December 04, 2013, 11:47:13 AM
You remind me of the people who knocked on my door yesterday asking what I think about god and all that **** ::)
Don't believe, never will, no reason to.

ok thats cool I just wanna know


I never really got into religions and stuff


All things can be explained through science, there is no need to create a superior being to explain events. God was created by people to explain things they could not explain in that time, however the more we scientifically advance, the less becomes the need to justify events through a superior being.
It was created to give the hope of an after-life, and a way to live your life. "If there is a God then you will be judged based on your doings", in the past that meant a lot to everyone.
At least that's my opinion.


There are terrible things in this world, would a god let that happen? Also as grim said stuff can be proven through science.
Quote from: Materger
I am now an Oreos fan!
Quote from: Allie
Oreos was a failed project.


....what makes you religious?
what makes you believe in something that you have never seen, never been directly affected by, and refuses to acknowledge your/his existence?
what makes you believe the imaginary? is a book word from god simply because it was written before the dawn of technology?
what is your explanation of purpose, if there is a god that created us, then left us to die in agony, would he therefore be evil? if so, is he worthy of your worship?


Quote from: Allie on December 04, 2013, 11:58:45 AM
....what makes you religious?
what makes you believe in something that you have never seen, never been directly affected by, and refuses to acknowledge your/his existence?
what makes you believe the imaginary? is a book word from god simply because it was written before the dawn of technology?
what is your explanation of purpose, if there is a god that created us, then left us to die in agony, would he therefore be evil? if so, is he worthy of your worship?


but the whole 'left us to die, would he be evil?' part doesn't really make sense cus I think most religious people believe this life is a test to get into heaven so that explains that


There is no proof that this god acually is real. Also almost everything can be explained trough science. Science is more logical In my eyes. Only believed it when i was a kid. If there was a god, where was he when i needed him? Nowhere. God makes no sense for me.

IGN: Rapidash/Experiences/Expeh.
=-Lvl 270-=


Quote from: Cooky on December 04, 2013, 12:03:47 PM
but the whole 'left us to die, would he be evil?' part doesn't really make sense cus I think most religious people believe this life is a test to get into heaven

I have never heard this before. Interesting story.

would it therefore be fair for a god, omniscient in everyway, to bring us here, put us through agonizing trials, then sentencing us to hell for not believing a thousand year old fairytale, without making us aware we're in a trial at all?


Quote from: Allie on December 04, 2013, 12:05:57 PM
would it therefore be fair for a god, omniscient in everyway, to bring us here, put us through agonizing trials, then sentencing us to hell for not believing a thousand year old fairytale, without making us aware we're in a trial at all?

no that seems unfair


The only reason people believe in religion so much is because their parents forced them to attend church/etc their whole lives, so they became accustomed to it.  However, I believe religion is dying off with the new generations of people.  Nobody has cash to give around in those little church bowls anymore.


Quote from: Allie on December 04, 2013, 12:05:57 PM
Quote from: Cooky on December 04, 2013, 12:03:47 PM
but the whole 'left us to die, would he be evil?' part doesn't really make sense cus I think most religious people believe this life is a test to get into heaven

I have never heard this before. Interesting story.

would it therefore be fair for a god, omniscient in everyway, to bring us here, put us through agonizing trials, then sentencing us to hell for not believing a thousand year old fairytale, without making us aware we're in a trial at all?

I asked this once and I was told people are just supposed to carry out their lives with enough faith to believe it'll amount to something should one follow by their respective rules / commandments.

anyway, I'm agnostic. I believe there's something out there (not to be worshiped or anything though) and that life & luck are what you personally make of it. I refuse to waste my time asking some sort of god for a hand out when in reality people are just going to say "he works through you or other people" and I could have just made it happen regardless.



very interesting opinions

Quote from: Allie on December 04, 2013, 11:58:45 AM
....what makes you religious?
what makes you believe in something that you have never seen, never been directly affected by, and refuses to acknowledge your/his existence?
what makes you believe the imaginary? is a book word from god simply because it was written before the dawn of technology?
what is your explanation of purpose, if there is a god that created us, then left us to die in agony, would he therefore be evil? if so, is he worthy of your worship?

Allie, there is no reason to answer/explain this, as i will get shot down by science!!


There is no reasonable way to answer/explain it.
They are rhetorical, unanswerable questions that all faith-believers sidestep and think faith explains for them.

There are two religions, as far as I'm concerned. The religion that believes kindergarten logic, and the religion that believes doctor seuss.

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