I see what you are going for here -- the second law of thermal dynamics.
However, keep in mind, this bods true only for a closed system (and even this doesn't occur constantly -- the Gibb's paradox). This universe is an open system; therefore, the tendency towards entropy (disorder, or what you like to call chaos) isn't always a rule of thumb.
Keep in mind, anabolic processes occur constantly, giving rise to more complex structures enabling more complex functions. You are only looking at the broad scope of a human life-time. Sure, humans die, but during their lifespan, innumerable occurrences can be accounted for as the exact opposite of chaos. For you to grow from a child to an adult speaks for itself. For that window to even become a window, a child must become a man and the man must enable the rise of the construct itself. Without order, disorder would never have the possibility of being so (in this situation).