Quote from: Allie on April 01, 2014, 06:22:23 AM
There is more evidence supporting evolution than creationism. Whether it is how things came about or not, it is more scientifically accurate.
I don't understand how piltdown man hoax has anything to do with disregarding "substantial evidence". Science is the search for the truth, understanding how the world works. Religion is branding the answer as an all-powerful being somewhere out there. Science does not filter evidence. Anything that can disprove evolutionism is welcome in the science community - go send a letter.
The data that we have now can be interpreted to mean anything, Allie. It's not like we have video footage of how life was 4.7 Billion years ago, let alone even know for a fact that there was a planet by the name of Earth around back then.
The Piltdown man was an example of how evidence can easily be lab-generated to look like something that is millions of years old, and for
years the scientific community believed it without doing a single test because it fit their theory so well they thought "why the hell would we test it?"
I'm trying to show you the bias in the Scientific Community. True science is segregated from one particular myth/theory, and is pure fact. We probably have a more "scientific approach" coming from Creationist Scientists. Why?
Their answer to everything is God. And until they haven't figured out the answer to a specific object, it will remain God.
Scientific Community? Find an answer to everything. A theory behind why things are the way they are. Try to fit everything into a nice, organized puzzle while discarding everything that doesn't fit their theory. (Creationists do this too, but since the Evolutionist Scientists are the majority, it obviously happens a lot more from them)
I get that many religious people don't think for themselves, were probably raised into a particular religion and thus stuck with it all their lives, or whatever. But that doesn't mean every religious person is a narrow-minded idiot that believes every word in a Holy Book. Some realize how skewed "science" is, and someone like me who isn't entirely religious has just made up his mind into thinking that we just don't know at this point, and probably won't ever know what happened thousands, or even billions of years ago.