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pokemon gen 3 remakes confirmed

Started by Cooky, May 07, 2014, 01:02:07 PM

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**** you beat me to it.... The hype is soooo ****ing realllllllll omgggggggggg



I always loved gen 3 as a child  :'( best reign imo.  8)


Oh ha and i was just about to sell my 3ds.... well then.
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^ / FalseProphet

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


novembers my birthday
thx makers of pokemon


May 07, 2014, 09:14:14 PM #5 Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 09:17:02 PM by LightRequiem
i already have the gen 3 games, so what's the use in even getting the same game again? .-.

besides, remakes are usually worse anyways.

it's not that i'm disrespecting other people's want for the game, but i genuinely do not understand why i would want the same game. i kind of feel like this is just another desperate marking ploy by nintendo to keep their company afloat after the wii u didn't sell as well as nintendo hoped. meh, to each his own.


I'm surprised they can drag out the franchise this long, but I'll probably be getting this  ;D


who didnt see this coming tho tbh
it literally HAD to happen

nice to see it finally announced tho

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
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Quote from: LightRequiem on May 07, 2014, 09:14:14 PM
i already have the gen 3 games, so what's the use in even getting the same game again? .-.

besides, remakes are usually worse anyways.

it's not that i'm disrespecting other people's want for the game, but i genuinely do not understand why i would want the same game. i kind of feel like this is just another desperate marking ploy by nintendo to keep their company afloat after the wii u didn't sell as well as nintendo hoped. meh, to each his own.

I only felt that way for firered/leafgreen. And that's because I didn't know it was a remake when I bought it. I've been looking forward to this since diamond/pearl. I was disappointed when I heard white2/black2 was coming out because I was hoping it'd be the diamond/pearl remake.

I loved soulsilver. I loved white2. I loved firered/leafgreen after I got over that it was a remake. I plan to genuinely enjoy this one.

Quote from: KillerPig on May 07, 2014, 09:38:55 PM
who didnt see this coming tho tbh
it literally HAD to happen

nice to see it finally announced tho

I must admit I was semi-taken by surprise. I was unsure whether to deem white2/black2 the remake of gen5, or the third wheel game like yellow/crystal/emerald/platinum.


Quote from: Allie on May 07, 2014, 09:43:48 PM
I loved soulsilver.  I loved firered/leafgreen/ I plan to genuinely enjoy this one.


I've been waiting for this since D/P/Pt as well. It's just because Emerald was such a perfect game... I don't think they'll be remaking Emerald though... will they??

also i'm surprised this was announced before Pokemon Z and the hidden legendaries were released for X/Y... Now I realize why they were released for free though.


Quote from: Allie on May 07, 2014, 09:07:22 PM
novembers my birthday
thx makers of pokemon

me too! thanks pokemon makers also :P
Btw i will certainly buy it, i bought all games of pokemon mainstream(not 100% sure if this is a correct expression, i mean excluding mystery dungeon, ranger...) since emerald(exception of platinum and duplicated versions like black+white). And its pokemon, impossible to play less than 100 hours even if u are a moderate player like me.
What u guys think, Mega Groudon and Kyogre ingame? Maybe mega rayquaza?
I think yes.
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Quote from: Pokeh on May 07, 2014, 10:42:33 PM
I've been waiting for this since D/P/Pt as well. It's just because Emerald was such a perfect game... I don't think they'll be remaking Emerald though... will they??

emerald was the best game   :'(  I hope they do



Quote from: LightRequiem on May 07, 2014, 09:14:14 PM
i already have the gen 3 games, so what's the use in even getting the same game again? .-.

besides, remakes are usually worse anyways.

it's not that i'm disrespecting other people's want for the game, but i genuinely do not understand why i would want the same game. i kind of feel like this is just another desperate marking ploy by nintendo to keep their company afloat after the wii u didn't sell as well as nintendo hoped. meh, to each his own.
gen 4 remake was fresh and actually good
gen 3 remake was the trash one. i still play it from time to time but honestly its bad

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
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