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~~Cyber's Ultimate Guide~~ [UPDATED v1.5] 16-08-2012

Started by bangaer2, December 17, 2010, 02:31:08 PM

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December 17, 2010, 02:31:08 PM Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 08:09:53 PM by Nucleaon
~~MTCyber's Ultimate BoutCheetah Guide~~

(Use Ctrl+F to get to the section you want)
[Creating a BOT]
[Game Basics]
[Lobby Miscellaneous Guide]
[Effects of Abilities]
[Equipment and Stats]
[Donation Shop]
[EXP Points]
[Membership Info.]
[Sector and Leveling Walkthrough]
[PvP Walkthrough]
[Survival Info.]
[BoutCheetah Forum Info.]


This guide has been created by BoutCheetah (ZylonGaming) user ''bangaer2'' and all contents in this guide have been made and written by me in co-operation with tanqq, hawk5005, Allie and KillerPig. Guide is as accurate as possible. Duplicate guide only by permission of me. This guide includes content of my own experience playing BoutCheetah and it is NOT absolute. This guide has been published by permission of GM Gramps. Staff of ZylonGaming has full right to delete this guide. It is NOT allowed to rewrite this Guide in any way. This Guide is official.


Hello there wanderers of Cyberspace! Have you ever been stuck in some way in this game? Can't choose the right BOT type? Don't know what items you need for the best results? Don't know what Sector to play for the fastest possible leveling? Don't worry, this guide has all you need to know to get you prepared for the challenges ahead!

[Creating a BOT]

So, are you ready to start your adventure in Cyberspace and fight against the evil Viruses terrorizing it? Then, my friend, you will have to create a BOT! But creating a BOT may not seem so easy to all. How do you select the correct BOT type for yourself? That's what this guide will help you with.
First of all, there are three different BOT types: Patch, Surge, and Ram. All of them have their own unique stats and tactics.
NOTE: This is just a recommendation for those who are struggling in choosing their main BOT type.  You should read the ups and downs of each BOT type and choose on your own; it's your choice.

The BOT type with the strongest strengths and defenses. Patch is the easiest and probably the most basic BOT type to use for most new players because of its stamina. Patch is physically the strongest BOT type; it is the basic fighter in this game.
Main stats: Critical(CRT), Trans Attack(TA) and Trans Defense(TD)
Recommended for: Those who meet their opponents without fear, relying solely on their own strength. Those who like strength and defense before speed. Those who prefer strength and remaining strong without time limit. Those who prefer close combat over ranged.

The BOT type which hovers. The fastest BOT type in Speed. Surge mainly focuses on speed and tactics to terminate their enemies. Without a players' skill, Surges would be very fragile. The speed of a Surge makes huge difference in PvP which allow them to 'rule' the map. Surges can be one of the hardest BOT types to play with and is recommended for more skilled players. Surges are also masters at evading attacks and having much more advantage with Guns doing more damage. Surges aren't cowards because they run; they use their head for their survival.
Main Stats: Evade(MIS), Ranged attack(GUN) and Speed(BST)
Recommended for: Those who wish to move as fast as the wind yet remain silent as a mouse. Those who prefer surprise attacks while moving and jumping instead of having furious close combats. Those who use their speed as their deadliest weapon. Those who like long range attacks.

Ram is the most unique BOT type and it's the only BOT type which isn't seen as a Virus. Ram may resemble a dancing monkey, but don't be fooled by its appearance! Rams are unmatched when Transed. They are transformation specialists. All the stats of a Ram are aimed towards transformation. Because of this, Rams have no main abilities outside of trans. This does not mean, however, that they are weak outside of their transformation!
Main Stats: Special Trans(SP), Trans Gauge(TG) and Trans Speed(TS)
Recommended for: Those who find strength only at their final form. Those who aim on reaching that final form as fast as possible, staying so as long as possible. Those who are moderately powerful at their normal state, yet invincible at their final state! At their final state they are almost always stronger than anyone.

[Game Basics]

So you have hopefully created a BOT! Now what?
First of you will show up in the Lobby. From here you can chat, trade and do all sorts of stuff.
''There are so many things here. Where do i start?''  
Don't worry here is a brief explanation of what all things do:

My Info: Displays your Character information, such as: experience, level, your stats and your BOT with your inventory below your BOT.  Bot-Stract is obtained when defeating someone in PvP and afterwards, looting the dropped content. To see more about Bots-Stract, see the [Bot-Stract] section.

Shop: The shop from where you purchase items, sell items, equip/remove items and access your Stash (a form of bank account). Your in-game currency is Gigas and Coins. Coins are more of a special money and is gathered harder thus making it more rare than gigas. There are special items that can be bought with Coins such as Wings, certain Mini-Bots and certain Heads.

Trade: If you wish to trade/sell something for a higher price than the Shop does, you can use the trade system to sell/trade with another player. To trade you can click Trade and then type in a player's name or click on a player's name in the little box at the right and then click Trade. PS: To show an item you want to trade, you have to first Insert it and then click Complete. To confirm a Trade, click Accept when both players have clicked Complete.

Mail: Send an e-mail to a player. Simply type the name of the recipient of whom you wish to contact, write your message, and press send.

Gift: Send a Gift to a player. Basically an e-mail with an attachment.

Sector Mode (PvM): Here you can play different Sector levels and battle against Viruses(mobs and bosses).
Sector is your main source of EXP. Here you can also gain Item drops. Red boxes = Parts  Blue Boxes = Shield(if red on top) or Arm parts(if white on top)  Brown boxes = Guns, E.Fs and Mini-bots.

PvP: Fight against other players in various maps in Team or Individual.

Base: Like PvP, you fight against other players but here with Mercenaries (Mercs) to help you. Both teams have their own bases (which is a massive turret that fires penetrating lasers). When the opposing team's base is destroyed, you win.

Basic Controls:

Arrow Keys: Move

Advanced Controls:

Double Click Arrow key: Run
X+C=Active Skill
X+V=Fire Gun
Z=Charge Trans Gauge (only when equipped with Passive Skill 'Charge'
C then V= Air Strike
Run then V=Running Strike


[Lobby Miscellaneous Guide]

You see those small little buttons at the bottom-center of your BoutCheetah window? Yeah, that's what this section is dedicated to.

The first button you should see it a little cogwheel. A subwindow should popup. You should tabs that say Sound, Graphics, Macros, Controls, and Block. I'll take you through what each of these tabs contain.

The Sound tab simply contains the sound options. The Music dropdown is basically asking you if you want music to be playing as you play BoutCheetah. The Sound FX dropdown is asking you if you want explosions, gunshots, etc. to be heard.

The next tab is the Graphics tab. Here, you can change the quality of the game. Come to this section if your game is running slowly. You might be able to improve your speed by simply changing the quality!

The third tab is the Macros tab. It's basically like a cell phone's speed dial. You assign a message to four keys: F5, F6, F7, and F8. By pressing these keys, the message you assign to it will appear in the chat boxes. This does not apply to the lobby chat to avoid spam.

The next tab is the Controls tab. Long story short: you can change your controls here. If you hate the controls the game has set as the default, change them up! Don't press the restore button unless you want to revert the controls back to the default.

The last, and probably most useful, tab is the Block tab. Here, you can type the name of any player you find abusive, annoying, etc. Keep in mind you CANNOT block staff members. Sadly, this function only applies to lobby chat and whisper chat. Game room chats are Peer-to-Peer, meaning you will see the block player's chat even thought he/she has been blocked.

Alright, now head back to the lobby and press the next little button: a white question mark (?). This menu can also be accessed by pressing the F1 key. This useful little window contains every basic control and command you need to know to fully enjoy BoutCheetah. Things not mentioned in this guide can be found out here, so read up! Press the Escape key (Esc) to return back to the lobby.

Back at the lobby, press the button with a white letter E on it. This button opens a browser in the BoutCheetah window. It takes you to the Events page. If an event is active, you can check your progress here. Keep in mind you must be logged in on the BoutCheetah Forum to see your event progress! Press the red Close button to return to the lobby.

The final button you should see has a small ribbon with the letter R on it. Pressing this takes you to the official BoutCheetah rankings page, where you can see which players have shown their dedication to this game. Admire them for a bit and press the Close button.


[Effects of Abilities]

Critical: Can only be rendered by the 4th Hit (Un-Transed) and Counter (Passive Skill). When successfully rendered, damage becomes slightly higher and blowback (how much mob/player gets pushed back) becomes greater. The more Critical you have; the more chance there is to successfully rendering a Critical blow. NOTE: Some mobs(usually bosses) cannot be pushed!!
Evade: Any hit that damages you misses and causes 0 damage. The more Evade you have; the more chance you have to Evade attacks. NOTE: You can only Evade an attack when you are not guarding! When you have Evaded an attack you will be left there paralyzed for approximately a second.
Special Transformation: Transform into a randomly selected trans from the list below:
 CodeRed(white version)
 CodeRed(green version)

The more SP you have; the more chance there is to successfully Specially Transform. NOTE: You cannot Specially Transform if you have a Trans pack equipped!!
Trans Attack: Additional Damage you can do to Bosses(striped Health bar only) or Transed players.
Trans Defense: Additional Defense you have against Bosses(striped Health bar only) or Transed players.
Speed: Movement Speed.
Ranged Attack: Gun damage.
Transformation Gauge: The amount of time you can stay Transed. The more TG you have; the slower the gauge gets lower.
Trans Speed: How fast you Trans(speed of the yellow Gauge)

[Equipment and Stats]

You obviously want to know what stuff you wanna wear to look cool! Did you know though, that items are different from each other? For example that Bi-Pad +1 gives Critical and that Bi-Pad +2 gives TG but higher '+' on parts just changes the amount(more + = more stats) on the stats and level requirement (lower + = lower requirement).
So now I am here to teach you about the items you want! PS: Gun pluses only changes damage and level
requirement, so try to get a +3 unless you want an in earlier Lv. with slightly less damage.
First of.. What is the maximum '+' on items?

Parts: +1 - +7(+4 and +5 are Rare; +6 and +7 are extremely rare) Gear: +1 - +4
Mini-bots and E.F: +1 = Crt  +2 = TG   +3 = SP   +4 = + Crt + TG + SP
Shields and Arm Parts:   +1 = TG   +2 = RA   +3 = TD   +4 = TG + RA + TD (NOTE: In some shields/arm parts the +3 and +1 changes places meaning Dark Protector +3 gives TG and +1 gives TD unlike Omni Keeper +1 and +3)

SP is usually completely unnecessary (unless you are poor or you just like Special Transing!) because you can buy Trans pack.

List of Trans packs:
 Gold Champ - Speed: Normal - Range: Short - Weak Points: If arrowing (holding an arrow when Attacking) at last hit, you will move slightly to that direction risking to fall of map(if near edge). - Strong Points: Last attack has a 360 degree radius.
 Mandragore - Speed: Slow - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: First Attacks have short reach and the speed doesn't make up for it. It can be useful for chaining mobs in sector, but that's it really - Strong Points: 2 last attacks are Long ranged. NOT RECOMMENDED
 CodeRed - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Low Movement Speed. - Strong Points: Air Strike is very effective.
 Xabaras - Speed: Slow - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: Attacks are slow which allows enemy to escape combo. Attack Range is one sided and isn't so well at taking area around. - Strong Points: Jumping when running makes a different attack which is Long ranged. NOT RECOMMENDED
 KowBat - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: Last hit comes a bit slow. - Strong Points: Can execute great chains. Fantastic range can take out surrounding enemies.

 Musz - Speed: Slow - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Slight animation freeze leaves you vulnerable to attacks. Slow attacks. - Strong Points: N/A. NOT RECOMMENDED
Steel Golem - Speed: Slow - Range: Short - Weak Points: Movement and attack speed are terrible. Slow attacks. - Strong Points: N/A. NOT RECOMMENDED
 Bee-Byte - Speed: Slow - Range: Normal - Weak Points: 3rd Rushes a long distance if an arrow key is held. Slow attacks. - Strong Points: 3rd hit rushes and can be of use sometime. Air Strike is decent. NOT RECOMMENDED
 Sergeant Sector - Speed: Slow - Range: Short - Weak Points: Slow attacks. -Strong Points: Air Strike has good Range. NOT RECOMMENDED
 Lion Mecha - Speed: Normal - Range: Short/Long - Weak Points: First attacks are pretty slow and short ranged. - Strong Points: 2 last attacks are Long Ranged and Running Strike as well.
 Double Blade - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Air Strike is useless. - Strong Points: Last hit hits 360 degree.
 White Ninja - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Attack Range is one sided and isn't so good at taking area around. - Strong Points: N/A
 Chernobyl - Speed: Slow - Range: Short - Weak Points: This trans is totally trash everything is bad about it. - Strong Points: N/A. NOT RECOMMENDED
 Lantern-Man - Speed: Fast - Range: Short - Weak Points: Attack Range is one sided and isn't so good at taking area around. - Strong Points: Effective Air Strike. Last hit strikes slightly upwards. Fast movement speed.
 Red-Team - Speed: Fast - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: Running Strike has no effect. - Strong Points: Fast movement speed.
 Overruner - Speed: Normal - Range: Short - Weak Points: N/A - Strong Points: Fast movement speed. Last hit hits slightly upwards.    
 DeathHunterr - Speed: Normal - Range: Short - Weak Points: Attack Range is very one sided - Strong Points: Incredible attack speed.
 Frosty - Speed: Slow - Range: Short - Weak Points: Slow attack speed and movement speed - Strong Points: N/A. NOT RECOMMENDED
 General Scourge - Speed: Slow - Range: Short - Weak Points: Slow attack speed - Strong Points: N/A. NOT RECOMMENDED
 SuperKhanZ - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Air Strike requires certain timing - Strong Points: Godly hitbox, nice attack speed.
 Ice-Kong - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal-Long - Weak Points: Air Strike needs to be timed well - Strong Points: Air Strike is quite fun to use. Arm length gives it above average range.
 Mega-BOT - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Painfully slow attack speed - Strong Points: Air Strike is decent, but no thriller. NOT RECOMMENDED
 DigiDragon - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: N/A - Strong Points: Ranged jump attack is spammable, last combo hit has a nice hitbox.
 Dark-Knight - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: N/A - Strong Points: Fast block and attack speed; a popular sector trans.
 Lady-Valor - Speed: Fast - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Combo is very one sided. Air Strike slows it down tremendously. - Strong Points: Speed is comparable to Red-Team's.
 White-Knight - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal - Weak Points: Air Strike requires certain timing - Strong Points: Fast attack speed comparable to Dark-Knight's.
 Halloween Trans - Speed: Normal - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: Running Strike has no effect. - Strong Points: Gives +85 Speed Boost if equipped.
 Jura -  Speed: Normal - Range: Normal/Long - Weak Points: Last hit comes a bit slow. - Strong Points: Can execute great chains. Fantastic range can take out surrounding enemies.

List of Active Skills:
 Rush - Damage: High - Speed: Fast - Range: N/A - Ability: When Activated, user Rushes at the chosen direction. Can be activated in air. Ability to jump while activated. - Recommended for: All BOT types
 Upper-Cut - Damage: High - Speed: Fast(Patch fastest) - Range: Short - Ability: Strong Attack upwards. Can be Activated in air. - Recommended for: Patch and Surge
 Ion-Wave - Damage: High - Speed: Normal - Range: Short/Long(from ground/from air) - Ability: AoE damage. - Recommended for: Patch and Surge
 Guard Crush - Damage: Normal - Speed: Fast - Range: Short - Ability: Able to pierce Guard. Can be spammed on certain mobs. - Recommended for: Surge and Ram
 Stun-Attack - Damage: Normal - Speed: Slow - Range - Short - Ability: Spamable on any mob/boss. Stuns when hit. - Recommended for: Beginners for sector use

Note that II skills such as Rush, Upper-Cut, and Ion-Wave are twice as effective as their normal counterparts.

Passive Skill Guide[Made by tanqq and updated by KillerPig so all credit goes to them] :

Damage: Normal
Speed : Normal
Range : Short
Ability/Effects : Counter attack the foes that attempts to attack you!
Recommended Bot type : All Bot types
Recommended gameplay mode : Sector

Damage :  N/A
Speed :  Fast
Range :  Self
Ability/Effects :  Jump right back up once you get knocked down!
Recommended Bot type : All Bot types,
Recommended gameplay mode : PvP

Damage :  N/A
Speed :  Normal
Range :  Self
Ability/Effects :  Press Z in untrans mode to make your trans gauge charge up faster!
Recommended Bot type : All Bot type
Recommended gameplay mode : Sector,PvP and BvB

Damage :  N/A
Speed :  Normal
Range :  Self
Ability/Effects : Increases your Bot's reaction while being chained, giving you the opportunity to counter or run!
Recommended Bot type : None
Recommended gameplay mode :  None

Damage :  N/A
Speed :  Normal
Range :  Self
Ability/Effects :  Able to brake faster while running.
Recommended Bot type : None
Recommended gameplay mode : None

Damage:  N/A
Speed:  Normal
Range:  Self
Ability/Effects : Able to change direction while blocking
Recommended Bot type : None
Recommended gameplay mode :  PvP, but Break-fall is the top priority choice for most PvP'ers.

Mobility Boost
Damage:  N/A
Speed: N/a
Range:  Self
Ability/Effects : Includes Break-fall, Shock Absorb, SmartDefense, and SuperBreak all in one
Recommended Bot type : All
Recommended gameplay mode :  All, but looked down upon in PvP and BvB

Note that II skills such as CounterAttack and Charging are twice as effective as their normal counterparts.

NOTE: Don't worry about getting a +6 or +7 set until you reach Lv.150. Play certain Sector levels to get the items you need to combine OR buy from a player who sells these hard-to-obtain sets. If at all possible, try to get a Halloween set. If equipped with a Halloween Shield, Shoulder, and Trans, your stats sky-rocket to lvl 190 stats! You can buy this prized set from other players.

OBSERVE: You can check the BoutCheetah Forum and Marketplace to see if there are any available Shops selling the items you desire.

NOTE #2: It is just recommended to start buying Coin items when reached Level 90. Then you should buy: 2x Flags, Coin Mini-bot, Wings, Coin Head and a Lucky Aura (only if you want to get more drops faster). Try to save your Coins!! They aren't as easily gained as Gigas! Sector Mercs can be very helpful but are not necessary of use.

NOTE #3: Try to find the Passive skill that suits you. The most effective and easiest used is Counter (recommended for beginners.

Patch: Patches should stick with they're main stats because they are all for good uses and more of something is better. So you will need to try to get: Critical Mini-bots(+1/4) Critical E.Fs (+1/4) TD Shields(+1/3/4) TD Arm Parts (+1/3/4)
Patches are strong in Trans too but, TD, TA and Critical only applies when Un-transed. So make uses of TA and TD on bosses (striped HP bar) instead of being Transed against them. If you are Patch you should stick to Gold Champ Trans pack. Do NOT buy a Coin Trans pack unless you really want to. Best used Active skills in Sector are Rush and Ion Wave. Best used Active skills in PvP is Upper-Cut (there is nothing more worth using in PvP if you are Patch). Recommended use of Flags and Mini-Bots are in Trans Defense (TD) until you Level to 150. When reached 150 and gotten at least: +3 Plasmodium set or higher, Discus +3/4 and Omni keeper +3/4 then you should switch to Trans Attack(TA). Counter is a good Passive skill in Sector and Break fall in PvP.

Surge: A Surge's Speed is incredible. Evade can be very effective but still very dangerous in PvP(PvP Walkthrough). You will want: Critical Mini-Bots (+1/4) (best choice between TG and SP)  Critical E.Fs (+1/4)  TD Shields(+1/3/4) (Ranged Attack isn't better of use than TD but Ranged can be Alternative choice)   TD Arm-Parts(+1/3/4). Surge is a BOT type which make use of Speed, so try to pick a fast Trans pack or stick with default. None of the Gigas Trans pack are Recommended for Surge except Kowbat and Gold Champ. So try to get a Coin Trans (not very important until you've reached Lv.90). I recommend; LanternMan, Overruner, Digi-Dragon and Dark-Knight. Surges are very good with TD. Its Speed it will allow you to remain alive pretty long but TA can be more effective for more Skilled players who use the Speed and Evade at a pro level. Flags and Mini Bots I recommend are: full Trans Def or Full Trans Attack(for more skilled players) and obviously Evade head and Wings. Wings are important because they give an extra boost to your Speed! Of Passive skills, I recommend Counter or Break fall (skilled players). Break fall proves useful to quickly stand up and strike back.

Ram: Ram can be complicated. I highly recommend though to stick with TG and TS because Trans is very important to Rams. You will want: TG Mini-bots(+2/4)  TG E.Fs(+2/4)  TG Shields(+1/3/4)  TG Arm-Parts(+1-7). Alternative can be Critical and TD if you don't really prefer Trans. But I highly recommend TG build!! Do NOT get extra Special Trans, It will be much better with Trans packs!! Flags and Mini-Bots should be Trans Speed(Alternative Trans Def)  Head and Wings should be on Evade(if you get hit when Transing). Special Trans only enables you to S.T when you have no Trans Pack equipped!! So SP is very unnecessary unless you are poor!! Always try to get a Trans pack! I do not recommend buying Coin transes unless you want to. When you are just starting, you should get a Gold Champ as soon as possible!! It's cheap and it is very good! Next, you can buy CodeRed(optional) but don't buy Mandragore. CodeRed or Gold Champ should serve you up to 140 where you should switch to Kowbat (fatty). Xabaras is NOT RECOMMENDED. Rams are great with Rush and Guard Crush (recommended for skilled players). I highly recommend using Charge in Sector AND PvP because you should get Transed as fast as you can(unless you are a Non-Trans type). Counter can be useful, but I don't think you will have better usage from it unless you are a beginner.


[Donation Shop]

Many rare items in BoutCheetah can be bought for real-life money. For example:

The best item in the game, Dark Meto, is sold for 20 USD ($). If you missed the 2011 4th of July event, this is your only chance to get the item! Known for its starting bullet count of 45 and its incredible damage, you'd be a fool NOT to buy it.

A rare set by the name of Metorium, is sold for a whopping 70 USD ($). This set is a deep red and has fantastic default transes.

You can basically buy anything from the Admins if you're willing to donate some cash. +7 Sets, perm Jack-Heads, Event items, Coins/Gigas, etc are just some of the available options.


Bot-Stract (BS): a once trivial collection item with no use, now an extremely valuable, stat-boosting item. You can earn these rare goodies in PvP after defeating a player. Don't let anyone take your kill's BS! Furthermore, Bot-Stract has been placed in the shop at a pricey 5 million gigas per 10k Bot-Stract.

So you have some BS. What does it do?

{The following three paragraphs have quotations from this topic:,21431.0.html/. Go here for more information.)

Bot-Stract is now used as "fuel".  Simply put, Bot-Stract boosts your starts, but will diminish by 0.7% after every game, but only if you choose to. There is a command in-game that enables/disables bot stract's bonuses, and if disabled will not remove any stract after your game. It is enabled by default, but a warning message will display for those who have it enabled upon login, along with the command to enable/disable it.

An HP bonus has also been implemented, however it is capped at 4500, making 2,250,000 the max amount of bot stract needed for the highest bonus. The 0.7% fuel implementation only affects a maximum of 2,250,000 stract, meaning the most bot stract you can lose in a game is 15,750 (0.7% of 2,250,000 stract, because the highest bonus available is at such number, there's no need to use any more fuel).

Each BOT type responds differently to the amazing power of Bot-Stract.
For Patches, you gain TA.
For Surges, you gain RA.
For Rams, you gain TG.

The value of a single Bot-Stract depends on its color.
For more information on this, visit,21437.0.html

[EXP Points]

These are topics that concern EXP. Read these if you want to know how much EXP you need to reach a certain level and how much EXP you gain per sector game.,17151.0.html,15473.0.html

Keep in mind you can gain EXP in many other ways. PVP and BVB offer EXP as well, but follow a complex formula.

[Membership Info.]

Being a member of BoutCheetah comes with many benefits:
1. You can level up to level 221
2. You can wear all items up to level 221
3. You can have more Bot- Stract in one account
4. 40K coins every Monday
5. Members are entitled to equipping exclusive items (such as certain flags and Elite (E) armor) that non-members cannot use.
6. 5 Stashes instead of 3
7. 3% (300) more luck
8. Double experience
9.  You have the ability to change your in-game name(IGN) with the name changer.

-If you are above level 172and cancel your membership, your level will go back to level 172.
-If you become a member your level will change to the level you should be at with your current experience (considering your EXP is over the required amount for level 172).

For more information on Membership:,10309.0.html


[Sector and Leveling Walkthrough]

So you are ready to go and get stronger, huh? You obviously want to level as fast as possible! But first of some words of advice: Do NOT hack or leech with a hacker (being in a hacker's room and playing for at least 2 games). Hacking and Leeching with a hacker is against the rules! If you do not follow the rules you will most likely be PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED from BoutCheetah. I hope I was clear. Now let us start!

NOTE: Leeching with a non-hacker is ALLOWED and is probably the fastest way to level. So use this chance if you can. This guide will be a solo leveling guide (means that you level by yourself). Remember that Fridays and Saturdays gives 2x EXP and Sundays gives 3x EXP. Always buy the next Parts and Gears when you can use them (unless you have + versions of them, then use them when you can). This Guide follows how I leveled and may not be suited for you. You should experiment and see for yourself which one you think suits you!

This Guide will go through Lv.1 - Lv.172 so scroll down to the Lv. you are in:

[Lv.1 - Lv.30]
When you have just entered the game, go to Shop and click Packs above your BOT and Remove your 2 Bozas which you gain for free and Sell them in the shop. You will not need them when you Sector(even though they might give extra Health). Hopefully you now have enough money to buy yourself a Lv.1 Spiker/Hammer Head/Mohawk set. If you have money over I recommend to buy a Lv.1  E.F, Mini bot and Gun(optional). Guns always deal the same damage to any mob at any level. Now you are ready to fight. Make a room and select [Lv.1 Training]. You should play this one until you reach Lv.4. Pick up all boxes you find. Boxes are the drops and you can sell them or use them (hold the mouse over an Item to see its Stats, Requirements to use etc.). When you have reached Lv.4, start Sectoring at [Lv.6] until around Lv.8.  Continue on Leveling at [Lv.11] Until Lv. 15. At Lv.15 you can start at [Lv.17] but if it will be to hard, stick with [Lv.11]. Play [Lv.17] Until Lv.25 and then you can start trying [Lv.26]. Lv.26 can be very annoying and hard. Play it until Lv.30.

[Lv.30 - Lv.60]
At Lv.30 you have lots of choices in Sector. Skip [Lv.31] and start playing [Lv.37] or [Lv.44](recommended] until you reach Lv.40. Now start playing [Lv.48] or [Lv.51](recommended) until Lv.48. From Lv.48 I recommend having TA or TD if you are Patch or Surge. Now play [Lv.57] or [Lv.61](recommended) until around [Lv.56] and then start with [Lv.66].

[Lv.60 - Lv.91]
Continue playing [Lv.66]. This level gives out a lot of drops. Stick to it until Lv.63. Now you can either start playing [Lv.72] or [Lv.81](recommended) until you reach around Lv.76. Here, you should start leveling at [Lv.94] until Lv.91.

[Lv.91 - Lv.130]
Start playing [Lv.104]. This map drops the most drops of any other. There was a time when i got 10 boxes here. My Inventory got full in no time. Play this until around Lv.102-Lv.106. Stop at Lv.102 if you want to play for more EXP. Continue if you like to have more drops. From there you should start playing [Lv.126] and [Lv.133]. Skip [Lv.111 and 115] because they take to long time. You shouldn't play those unless you want the drops. When you have reached Lv.120 you can continue playing [Lv.126] and [Lv.133] but I recommend to start on [Lv.142], [Lv.153] or [Lv.161](recommended). Push the boss of the map on these levels. You will win then, but you wont receive any drops if you pushed.

[Lv.130 - Lv.150]
Continue playing on [Lv.161] until you reach Lv.143. From Lv.143 start playing [Lv.172] until you reach Lv.150!

If you buy membership and want to reach level 221, read on.

[Lv.150 - Lv.185]
Grind on [Lv.172]. It's a fast and relatively easy level to beat. Most players get lazy at this point and leech off other high level players to get to 200.

[Lv.185 - Lv.215]
Play [Lv.206] (solo) or [Lv.212] if you have a fairly large team of level 180+ friends.

[Lv.215 - Lv.221]
Play [Lv.228]. This is the final stretch! Grind hard and reach the prized level 200!

Well, you've reached level 221. now what? You could always help other "less fortunate" players level up. People appreciate the help. If you're extremely bored, gather up some level 200 friends and take on the feared [Lv.239]. Bring a lot of Surges with Dark Metos to this map, as gun spam tears through these mobs like no other.

This walkthrough is approximate!! I have forgotten by what levels I played other ones. But, these Sector maps are the best ones, play them at earlier levels if you notice that they aren't hard anymore.

[PvP Walkthrough]

Sometimes almost everyone want to challenge someone to test their skills and strength. So, how will you be most effective in PvP?
This walkthrough will give you all tips and tricks you need to get you prepared for battle!

First of, what is PvP? PvP stands for Player Vs Player. BoutCheetah has 2 modes in PvP: Team and Individual.
In Team, players are divided in Red and Blue (you can Switch Team by clicking the button next to Ready). When all players of the opposing Team are defeated, then your Team wins.
In Individual you play for yourself. All Vs All. Last one standing wins.

In PvP you will find some maps better than others. It is important to take advantage of the maps' effects. For example; Holodeck's surface is covered with breakable glass, use this to defeat your opponent. Flop has varied levels, upper and lower, which makes UpperCut and Air Strikes very effective.
Remember to use the right Active and Passive skills for your playing style. If you are a TG Tanked Ram use Charge and quickly Trans. On Holodeck, Break fall (Passive Skill) is very important because it allows you to stand up right away when you fell and so, allows you to escape a breaking glass.
Air Strikes are very effective in PvP because of its ability to Attack when in Air which makes it harder for the enemy to hit you. Always try to move to make it harder for your opponent to Attack you. When you have fallen down and stand up again, you have recovery time which means that nobody can damage you for a moment. After you have stood up, track your opponent and hit him before your Recovery time runs out.

OBSERVE: Be carefully if you go past a player who is lying because, he has Recovery time to and cannot be hit right away. Evade is good because it can dodge Attacks, but dangerous too. If you Evade you are left there paralyzed for a moment which allows your opponent to continue Attacking you until you fall. This is called; Evade lock. Critical is good but can only be done by Counter and final hit of a combo(Un-transed). But successfully done, can easily push a player of the map. You can also change direction of your Attack combo by holding a different arrow(recommended at last hit to choose other direction to push to). This is what I call 'Angling'.

Extra information:
If you're just an average PvPer looking for some fun, test out the PvP room tags. For more information, see,16382.0.html .

No guide can teach you how to be best and how you win, but it can give you the basics in PvP and some Tips. Now what you have to do is practice, practice and practice!! This is the only way of getting any better. You will eventually learn how to be good in PvP if you practice.

[Survival Info.]

The newest game mode released. Survival is exactly what you think it is: testing your ability to survive wave after wave of mobs. As you progress, the mobs get harder as your health dwindles and your true ability as a player is tested.

In order to create a survival room, you MUST put the survival tag, [s} , in your room name.

Although there is no real strategy, I found that using counter is an excellent way to maximize your health. Here are some tips that may help you:
1. Save your ammo for the hard mobs. Don't waste your bullets on a simple kletz mob. Use it to maul a kowbat from long range.
2. If your a patch with TA, spam your skill (upper, or rush preferably) on the boss mobs. When paired with counter, this makes a deadly combo.
3. If your a ram with TG, charge up and take on enemies using your trans.

Playing survival also gives you the opportunity to get cool looking items. For more info regarding survival and these items, visit:,25995.0.html

[BoutCheetah Forum Info.]

Here are links to various parts of the site that might help you. This section is mainly here as there are some things that are constantly updated, meaning the guide would have to be changed multiple times.

This is the link to BoutCheetah Terms of Use. By signing up and joining us, you are agreeing to these terms.,19456.0.html

Here at BoutCheetah, we try to make this forum organized and clean. Before doing ANYTHING on this forum, take 30 seconds out of your time to read these rules.,6255.0.html

This is the announcements board. Check this frequently for the latest changes.,2.0.html

This is the Report a Bug board. Anything that you notice to be wrong with the game should be reported here. We need your help to make this game better!,16.0.html

Keep in mind there are many other forum sections. Check the Tips and Guides section for guides like this one. If you like artwork and GFX, check out our GFX board. If you're a newbie looking for some friends, head out to the Introductions section.



Thank you all for checking out my guide. I hope it helped and made use for Bout Cheetah players.
I want to thank tanqq for helping me in making this guide and I want to thank hawk5005 for giving me further ideas for developing this guide. I want to thank ZylonGaming for recreating this amazing game and made it even better. I want to thank GM Gramps for permission to publishing this guide here. I want to thank all BoutCheetah members for playing and making this game better (except for the hackers). And I want thank all members who have helped me in BoutCheetah.
And a lot of thanks to Admin Allie who has edited this guide to its perfection. Finally, I thank KillerPig for updating and editing this guide, as well as reviving it. All new content was written by KillerPig.

Thanks for checking :)
Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


December 17, 2010, 05:33:04 PM #1 Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 05:39:21 PM by hawk5005
Way to go Cyber,really well done guide ;D.


Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


^^meaty, muncay, zom & kenny <3



Cyber i know i said i was gonna help with this but i havent been able to find the time
IGN: ManaBlitz, iHateCreepuhz, -Pandah-(my wife's account}

16yr old me :)


Whoaaa, pretty extensive. Musta been time consuming :P.
- Opti -
- Sanctuary Founder | PvP King -
- Retired -


Yeah ^^' hope it's worth :)

@Allie  I was just so tired after i finished, but I shall update this guide :)
Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


I updated about half of it.
I stopped and took a break after Kevin talked to me.


December 18, 2010, 07:15:39 AM #9 Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 07:30:22 AM by bangaer2
Quote from: Allie on December 18, 2010, 07:14:24 AM
I updated about half of it.
I stopped and took a break after Kevin talked to me.
Wth ''and Allie ^^' ''  make your own >:(

EDIT: Sorry, thanks for editing :)
I added you to credits :) You must be happy :D
Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


December 18, 2010, 08:02:11 AM #10 Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 10:06:39 AM by tanqq
Is it possible to make the section text as larger and colorful? I feel kinda boring reading a whole blob of text right there.
But nice guide nonetheless ;)


I made it colorful just for you :D

Larger? It's pretty lon but sure can do
Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


You've ruined it.
I'm not fixing your mistake now; I'm unstickying this and making my own guide.



Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...

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