Was the tournament successful? Yes, even though it was not that many people and some did not show up.
Was it fun? Yes, it was fun being able to play on fair grounds with other people before it also.
Were the rewards fair? I think they were
Were the rules fair? The TD rule did help rams, but a little much. Merc was running spec trans in the games before the event and usually killed almost everyone.
Did I handle it well? Yes
Is there anything I could have done better? I think more people would have joined if it were promoted more ingame on boutcheetah.
Was doing it on BOTS the correct choice? Yes, the chains actually gave a threat of anyone winning a game if it happened
If we were to do another tournament, would you participate? Probably
If we were to do another tournament, would you prefer 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3? 3v3, a lot more action.
If we were to do another tournament, would you be willing to do it for fun (no reward besides glory)? Yes, this will take pressure off the games and make it more enjoyable