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BoutCheetah » Forum » Other BoutCheetah Stuff » Feedback/Rants » Unuseful staff.(**************************Vish|hur90 topic*****************************)

Unuseful staff.(**************************Vish|hur90 topic*****************************)

Started by Godz, December 13, 2014, 02:32:00 AM

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lol is on the subject,    
you guys need less serious staff kid
Oh god
this is ridiculous

On subject:Kenneth probably got some healthy issues so stay cool pls.

(Topic in question:;topicseen#new

Old topic rest in peace:


lol @ the topic, and then also lol @ gods warning. Omg, brought tears to my eyes in laughter!!
Not being funny but that reason, could be said about most things like the topic in general for example. Clearly there is still no event as it hasn't been announced and it's been mentioned many times.. but yeah he doesn't get a warning?

Oh how we do love staff. If only they put as much effort in-game as they did on forums, lol enough of that though knowing full well this will be edited i will copy this to re-paste under rants if edited.

Yay christmas is coming, free snowballs! Keep that in mind ;). Who needs halloween!
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^ / FalseProphet

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


Splited both replies into its own topic, and moved to:
BoutCheetah » Other BoutCheetah Stuff » Feedback/Rants


December 13, 2014, 02:59:14 AM #3 Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 03:35:30 AM by FalseProphet
Quote from: FalseProphet on December 13, 2014, 02:53:03 AM
lol @ the topic, and then also lol @ gods warning. Omg, brought tears to my eyes in laughter!!
Not being funny but that reason, could be said about most things like the topic in general for example. Clearly there is still no event as it hasn't been announced and it's been mentioned many times.. but yeah he doesn't get a warning?

Oh how we do love staff. If only they put as much effort in-game as they did on forums, lol enough of that though knowing full well this will be edited i will copy this to re-paste under rants if edited.

Yay christmas is coming, free snowballs! Keep that in mind ;). Who needs halloween!

Oh great now i'm off-topic! <- Oh well your fault not mine so can't get a warning for it ;) This ladies & gents is why people don't post, and or stop posting. Gj on killing the topic!
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^ / FalseProphet

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


I got moderated because I mixed up my comments with threads ( I have dyslexia so naturally words get mixed up with me).

It seems because they feel so invisible because of small forum activity that they feel the need to warn/moderate people just to make themselves feel relevant and have a purpose. Some GMs/mods realize this and just say screw it because they know breaking any forum rules means nothing nowadays. The ones that have been recently promoted/instated need to use their power for some reason cause it gives them a happy feelings making them feel like they're better than everyone else and want to show it by telling someone they are not allowed to do something.

FYI, you can find in most intro threads/offtopics/ and even guild section that these GMs/mods break the rules as well, but can anyone hand them warnings? No. Why? Because, Fira doesn't care. If someone was so dedicated to their position they would look at themselves in the mirror and think about actually helping the community by setting an example for them and not doing the very things that can get other people warned/moderated.

lul long post, don't even get me started on in-game.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


you guys are really making a big deal out of nothing

'lol' is obviously a spam post

if it was up to me i would have just removed the post, but the warning was deserved


Quote from: Corr on December 13, 2014, 03:53:05 AM
I got moderated because I mixed up my comments with threads ( I have dyslexia so naturally words get mixed up with me).

It seems because they feel so invisible because of small forum activity that they feel the need to warn/moderate people just to make themselves feel relevant and have a purpose. Some GMs/mods realize this and just say screw it because they know breaking any forum rules means nothing nowadays. The ones that have been recently promoted/instated need to use their power for some reason cause it gives them a happy feelings making them feel like they're better than everyone else and want to show it by telling someone they are not allowed to do something.

FYI, you can find in most intro threads/offtopics/ and even guild section that these GMs/mods break the rules as well, but can anyone hand them warnings? No. Why? Because, Fira doesn't care. If someone was so dedicated to their position they would look at themselves in the mirror and think about actually helping the community by setting an example for them and not doing the very things that can get other people warned/moderated.

lul long post, don't even get me started on in-game.

Oooh please do go on about in-game you have me intrigued, and amused!
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^ / FalseProphet

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


Quote from: Cooky on December 13, 2014, 03:57:44 AM
you guys are really making a big deal out of nothing

'lol' is obviously a spam post

It's more of a let's say what's been on our minds for a long time sort of topic, rather than picking at one thing. This is in general over the whole duration of past couple months maybe longer.
"Time Heals Almost Everything, Give The Time, Some Time"
IGN: LordBubba / Bubbabear ^^ / FalseProphet

Quote"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


I'm pretty sure we could talk about this all night(skype me sometimes Corr)

I'll lock the topic since Corr said everything that's hur90|vish wanted him to say.

cook read what Corr said and don't tell us it was deserved pls

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